Tecnologias digitais no ensino de química: potencialidades e dificuldades em contexto pandêmico (Covid-19)
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Em 2020, as aulas presenciais foram suspensas e os professores e as instituições escolares tiveram que se adaptar às aulas remotas emergenciais devido a pandemia de SARS-CoV2 (COVID-19), por meio das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TICs). Esta pesquisa se propôs a analisar e compreender como foi a apropriação de TICs, principalmente em relação às tecnologias digitais, por professores de química do Ensino Médio, como ferramenta pedagógica a partir de uma abordagem comparativa do ensino antes da pandemia, durante o ensino remoto emergencial e após o retorno das aulas presenciais no processo educativo. Esse método comparativo também nos ajudou a compreender de forma mais aprofundada os problemas enfrentados pelos docentes, em escolas públicas e particulares, nos âmbitos sociais, estruturais e até emocionais e quais foram as estratégias adotadas pelos professores para minimizar os impactos na educação. Para isso, este estudo contou com duas etapas. Na primeira etapa, foi aplicado um questionário por meio do Google Forms para 47 professores de química do ensino médio de vários estados brasileiros, sendo que 3 professores aceitaram participar da segunda etapa da pesquisa. A segunda etapa, por sua vez, consistiu na realização de uma entrevista semi-estruturada para coleta de depoimentos conforme os objetivos da pesquisa. A partir dessas etapas, temos que: em geral, os docentes já haviam utilizado as TICs no processo educativo antes da pandemia, porém, devido à falta de estrutura em algumas escolas ou pela dificuldade que o docente enfrentava em utilizar algum tipo de TIC, o uso de tecnologias ocorria com menos frequência do que o desejado. No entanto, os resultados nos mostram que mesmo já tendo determinada experiência com uso de TICs, ter que se adaptar ao universo de aulas remotas emergenciais foi um desafio para esses professores. Mesmo assim, os docentes se mostraram empenhados em buscar por novas TICs desenvolvidas para o ensino de química e de ciências, além disso, fizeram novas descobertas que mudaram sua prática pós pandemia levando-os a aumentar a frequência de uso das TICs em sala de aula, bem como a variedade de ferramentas. O uso de TICs, no ensino de química, foi usado pelos professores, principalmente, para ajudar no entendimento de conceitos abstratos ou na demonstração de experimentos.
In 2020, in-person classes were suspended and teachers and school institutions had to adapt to emergency remote classes due to the SARS-CoV2 (COVID-19) pandemic, through Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). This research aimed to analyze and understand how ICTs were appropriated, mainly in relation to digital technologies, by high school chemistry teachers, as a pedagogical tool based on a comparative approach to teaching before the pandemic, during emergency remote teaching. and after the return of face-to-face classes in the educational process. This comparative method also helped us to understand in more depth the problems faced by teachers, in public and private schools, in the social, structural and even emotional spheres and what strategies were adopted by teachers to minimize impacts on education. To achieve this, this study had two stages. In the first stage, a questionnaire was administered via Google Forms to 47 high school chemistry teachers from several Brazilian states, with 3 teachers agreeing to participate in the second stage of the research. The second stage, in turn, consisted of carrying out a semi-structured interview to collect statements in accordance with the research objectives. From these steps, we have: in general, teachers had already used ICTs in the educational process before the pandemic, however, due to the lack of structure in some schools or the difficulty that teachers faced in using some type of ICT, the use of technologies occurred less frequently than desired. However, the results show us that even though they already had some experience using ICTs, having to adapt to the world of emergency remote classes was a challenge for these teachers. Even so, teachers were committed to searching for new ICTs developed for teaching chemistry and science, in addition, they made new discoveries that changed their post-pandemic practice, leading them to increase the frequency of use of ICTs in the classroom. , as well as the variety of tools. The use of ICTs in chemistry teaching was used by teachers mainly to help understand abstract concepts or demonstrate experiments.
In 2020, in-person classes were suspended and teachers and school institutions had to adapt to emergency remote classes due to the SARS-CoV2 (COVID-19) pandemic, through Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). This research aimed to analyze and understand how ICTs were appropriated, mainly in relation to digital technologies, by high school chemistry teachers, as a pedagogical tool based on a comparative approach to teaching before the pandemic, during emergency remote teaching. and after the return of face-to-face classes in the educational process. This comparative method also helped us to understand in more depth the problems faced by teachers, in public and private schools, in the social, structural and even emotional spheres and what strategies were adopted by teachers to minimize impacts on education. To achieve this, this study had two stages. In the first stage, a questionnaire was administered via Google Forms to 47 high school chemistry teachers from several Brazilian states, with 3 teachers agreeing to participate in the second stage of the research. The second stage, in turn, consisted of carrying out a semi-structured interview to collect statements in accordance with the research objectives. From these steps, we have: in general, teachers had already used ICTs in the educational process before the pandemic, however, due to the lack of structure in some schools or the difficulty that teachers faced in using some type of ICT, the use of technologies occurred less frequently than desired. However, the results show us that even though they already had some experience using ICTs, having to adapt to the world of emergency remote classes was a challenge for these teachers. Even so, teachers were committed to searching for new ICTs developed for teaching chemistry and science, in addition, they made new discoveries that changed their post-pandemic practice, leading them to increase the frequency of use of ICTs in the classroom. , as well as the variety of tools. The use of ICTs in chemistry teaching was used by teachers mainly to help understand abstract concepts or demonstrate experiments.
SILVA, Erica Regina. Tecnologias digitais no ensino de química: potencialidades e dificuldades em contexto pandêmico (Covid-19). 2024. 130 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática) - Instituto de Ciências Ambientais, Químicas e Farmacêuticas, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Diadema, 2024.