"Cada um é um lugar para os outros": o encontro de Daniel Faria com Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen
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Esta pesquisa visa analisar como a poesia de Daniel Faria é ancorada por certas referências que ecoam a poesia de Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen. Primeiramente, elucidamos a forma epifânica com que os poetas concebem a palavra poética, a partir de um modo de escuta atrelado a um rigoroso trabalho de escrita. Em seguida, analisamos os principais fundamentos da arte poética de Sophia, bem como os principais aspectos da arte poética de Daniel Faria, costurando com o que abordamos em Sophia no tópico anterior. Apresentamos, ainda, reflexões teóricas sobre a tradição mística e a sua relação com a concepção poética de Daniel Faria e o modo como ambos os poetas destacam a questão do tempo dividido em suas obras e traçam palavras de augúrios e lamentos pois visam a unidade desse tempo, a aliança. Por fim, apresentamos as principais conclusões que este estudo alcançou. A comparação entre as poéticas de Daniel Faria e de Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen contribui para potencializar os estudos comparados entre as literaturas modernas de Portugal e Brasil.
This research aims to analyze how Daniel Faria’s poetry is anchored by certain references that echo Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen’s poetry. Firstly, we elucidate the epiphanic way in which both poets conceive the poetic word, from a way of listening linked to a rigorous work of writing. Then, we analyze the main foundations of Sophia’s poetic art, as well as the main aspects of Daniel Faria’s poetic art, linking them to what we discussed about Sophia in the previous topic. We also present theoretical reflections on the mystical tradition and its relationship with Daniel Faria’s poetic conception, and the way in which both poets highlight the issue of divided time in their works and outline words of omens and lamentations as they aim at the unity of that time, the alliance. Finally, we present the main conclusions reached by this study. The comparison between the poetics of Daniel Faria and Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen contributes to enhance the comparative studies between the modern literatures of Portugal and Brazil.
This research aims to analyze how Daniel Faria’s poetry is anchored by certain references that echo Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen’s poetry. Firstly, we elucidate the epiphanic way in which both poets conceive the poetic word, from a way of listening linked to a rigorous work of writing. Then, we analyze the main foundations of Sophia’s poetic art, as well as the main aspects of Daniel Faria’s poetic art, linking them to what we discussed about Sophia in the previous topic. We also present theoretical reflections on the mystical tradition and its relationship with Daniel Faria’s poetic conception, and the way in which both poets highlight the issue of divided time in their works and outline words of omens and lamentations as they aim at the unity of that time, the alliance. Finally, we present the main conclusions reached by this study. The comparison between the poetics of Daniel Faria and Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen contributes to enhance the comparative studies between the modern literatures of Portugal and Brazil.
Martino, Isabella. “Cada um é um lugar para os outros”: encontro de Daniel Faria com Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen / Isabella Martino. – Guarulhos, 2023. 139 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras) – Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, 2023.