Dimensões do autocuidado na experiência de mulheres artistas da Baixada Santista
Dissertação de mestrado
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Este estudo investigou, por meio de relatos de mulheres artistas, como elas se relacionam com o autocuidado, e, como as dinâmicas de cuidado outras, acontecem em suas realidades. Pensar o autocuidado em sua dimensão ética e suas configurações, levou as reflexões aqui presentes até o eixo central que motivou a pesquisa e conduziu, por fim, seus desbravamentos: a arte como espaço de reinvenção da vida e as dimensões de autocuidado possíveis na experiência de mulheres que a vivem. Acompanhada de referenciais teóricos e a participação de mulheres artistas selecionadas por recorte territorial, a Baixada Santista, este estudo foi gestado e finalmente deu luz a reflexões férteis, a redes afetivas e a uma produção acadêmica destinada a somar e a formar corpo na construção e visibilidade de saberes que atuem na descolonização de nosso imaginário e de nossas ações. Partindo da visão da arte enquanto um dispositivo importante de linguagem, esta pesquisa adentra as distintas realidades de ser mulher que aqui se revelam, e a partir de cada perspectiva que trazem sobre o fazer artístico, o autocuidado e a relação entre ambos, desdobra-se a pensá-los como fundamentais e políticos na subjetivação da vida e seus tantos agentes.
This study investigated, through the reports of women artists, how they relate to self-care, and how other care dynamics occur in their realities. Thinking about self-care in its ethical dimension and its configurations led the reflections presented here to the central axis that motivated the research and led, finally, to its developments: art as a space for reinventing life and the dimensions of self-care possible in the experience of women who live it. Accompanied by theoretical references and the participation of women artists selected by territorial focus, Baixada Santista, this study was conceived and finally gave rise to fertile reflections, affective networks and an academic production destined to add and form a body in the construction and visibility of knowledge that act in the decolonization of our imagination and our actions. Starting from the vision of art as an important device of language, this research enters the different realities of being a woman that are revealed here, and from each perspective that they bring about artistic making, self-care and the relationship between both, it unfolds to think of them as fundamental and political in the subjectivation of life and its many agents.
This study investigated, through the reports of women artists, how they relate to self-care, and how other care dynamics occur in their realities. Thinking about self-care in its ethical dimension and its configurations led the reflections presented here to the central axis that motivated the research and led, finally, to its developments: art as a space for reinventing life and the dimensions of self-care possible in the experience of women who live it. Accompanied by theoretical references and the participation of women artists selected by territorial focus, Baixada Santista, this study was conceived and finally gave rise to fertile reflections, affective networks and an academic production destined to add and form a body in the construction and visibility of knowledge that act in the decolonization of our imagination and our actions. Starting from the vision of art as an important device of language, this research enters the different realities of being a woman that are revealed here, and from each perspective that they bring about artistic making, self-care and the relationship between both, it unfolds to think of them as fundamental and political in the subjectivation of life and its many agents.
FERREIRA, Aline Carvalho. Dimensões do autocuidado na experiência de mulheres artistas da Baixada Santista. 2023. 72 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Interdisciplinar em Ciências da Saúde) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Santos, 2023.