O binômio esporte-saúde sob a ótica de profissionais de educação física
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O presente estudo teve como objetivo compreender a relação na figura do binômio esportesaúde sob a ótica de profissionais de Educação Física atuantes numa Secretaria Municipal de
Esportes de um município da Baixada Santista/SP no contexto da não formação de atletas. Na
problemática proposta, partiu-se da ideia do referido binômio como conteúdo inerente à
formação profissional e consequente prática pedagógica dos profissionais como o discurso
hegemônico e legitimador da Educação Física e do esporte na sociedade. Para tanto, foi
realizada uma pesquisa descritiva de abordagem qualitativa com 9 (nove) profissionais de
Educação Física, de ambos os sexos e em qualquer faixa etária, lotados em dois centros
esportivos. Nos critérios de inclusão foram considerados: a) formação em Educação Física e
esporte há, no mínimo, 2 (dois) anos e b) atuação em projetos esportivos públicos, há, no
mínimo, 1(um) ano, levando-se em conta a ideia de maturidade e maior apropriação no que se
refere à atuação prática na referida secretaria. Como instrumento de coleta de dados, foram
realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas acerca do conceito de esporte e saúde; da relação entre
o esporte e sua prática no fomento à saúde; bem como sobre as possibilidades de atuação
prática no tocante ao esporte e à saúde como conteúdo de ensino. A análise de dados se deu
por meio do uso de categorias não-apriorísticas, as quais são obtidas por meio de
frequenciamento e relevância implícita na análise de conteúdo. Tal método possibilitou a
compreensão de que concretamente, existe uma pluralidade de significações e entendimentos
acerca dos conceitos de esporte e saúde, bem como suas possibilidades de atuação e
intervenção. Nesse sentido, relacionado ao conceito de esporte foram obtidas 3 (três)
categorias, a saber: esporte como um movimento (na ideia da sua simples experimentação);
esporte como formador para a cidadania (compreendendo-o aqui como disparador na
construção de valores e significados para o exercício da plena cidadania); e esporte como
modalidade competitiva (no horizonte de toda e qualquer manifestação esportiva ter como
finalidade a competição). No tocante ao conceito de saúde, foram identificadas 3 (três)
categorias, como seguem: saúde como bem-estar (compreendida a partir do completo bemestar físico, psíquico e social); saúde como qualidade de vida (na ideia do bom
condicionamento físico como pertinente à própria condição de vida das pessoas); saúde como
o cuidado com o corpo (na qual, sua construção se deu no sentido do autocuidado e da
consequente culpabilização dos indivíduos). No tocante à relação entre esporte e saúde, foram
obtidas 3 (três) categorias: esporte como fomentador da saúde (no horizonte do esporte e sua
prática como estratégias de fomento à saúde); esporte e saúde como estratégia de socialização
(compreendendo-se aqui que a constituição de grandes grupos e a convivência entre as
pessoas num sentido amplo); esporte como sinônimo de saúde (na qual, o esporte e sua prática
são compreendidos de forma estrita no que se refere como única possibilidade de fomento à
saúde). Por fim, relacionado às possibilidades de trabalho com o tema saúde, foi elencada 1
(uma) única categoria, a saber: trabalho em saúde por meio da orientação (destacando que
independente de metodologias e estratégias, o papel da orientação em saúde se faz presente no
cotidiano dos profissionais). A riqueza de dados obtida nos permite inferir que no universo de
práticas e possibilidades de compreensão e intervenção dos profissionais participantes, a
diversidade de conteúdo foi recorrente, revelando uma grande quantidade de significados
acerca da ideia que se faz sobre a prática pedagógica em Educação Física e esporte no tocante
ao fomento à saúde.
The objective of this study was to understand the relation between the sport-health binomial from the perspective of Physical Education professionals working in a Municipal Sports Department of a municipality of Baixada Santista / SP in the context of the non-training of athletes. In the problematic proposal, it was based on the idea of this binomial as inherent content of the professional formation and consequent pedagogical practice of the professionals as the hegemonic and legitimating discourse of Physical Education and sport in society. For that, a descriptive research of qualitative approach was carried out with 9 (nine) Physical Education professionals, of both sexes and in any age group, crowded in two sports centers. In the inclusion criteria, we considered: a) Physical Education and sports training for at least two (2) years and b) acting in public sports projects, there has been at least one (1) year, considering the idea of maturity and greater appropriation with respect to the practical action in said secretariat. As a data collection instrument, semi-structured interviews were conducted on the concept of sports and health; the relationship between sport and its practice in promoting health; as well as on the possibilities of practical action in relation to sports and health as teaching content. Data analysis was done with non-a priori categories, which are obtained through frequency and implied relevance in content analysis. Such a method enabled the understanding that concretely, there is a plurality of meanings and understandings about the concepts of sports and health, as well as their possibilities of action and intervention. In this sense, related to the concept of sport were obtained 3 (three) categories, namely: sport as a movement (at the idea of its simple experimentation); sport as a formator for citizenship (understanding it here as a trigger in the construction of values and meanings for the exercise of full citizenship); and sport as a competitive modality (in the horizon of all sporting manifestation to have the competition purpose). Regarding the concept of health, 3 (three) categories were identified, as follows: health as well as well-being (comprised of complete physical, psychic and social well-being); health as quality of life (in the idea of good physical conditioning as pertinent to the very condition of people's lives); health care as the care of the body (in which, its construction took place in the sense of self-care and the consequent blame of the individuals). With regard to the relationship between sport and health, three categories were obtained: sport as a health promoter (on the horizon of sport and its practice as strategies to promote health); sport and health as a strategy of socialization (understanding here that the constitution of large groups and the coexistence between people in a broad sense); sport as a synonym for health (in which sport and its practice are understood strictly as regards the only possibility of promoting health). Finally, related to the possibilities of working with the health theme, one (1) single category was listed, namely: health work through guidance (pointing out that regardless of methodologies and strategies, the role of health guidance is present in the daily life of professionals). The wealth of data obtained allows us to infer that in the universe of practices and possibilities of understanding and intervention of the participating professionals, the diversity of content was recurrent, revealing a great amount of meanings about the idea that is made about the pedagogical practice in Physical Education and sport about health promotion
The objective of this study was to understand the relation between the sport-health binomial from the perspective of Physical Education professionals working in a Municipal Sports Department of a municipality of Baixada Santista / SP in the context of the non-training of athletes. In the problematic proposal, it was based on the idea of this binomial as inherent content of the professional formation and consequent pedagogical practice of the professionals as the hegemonic and legitimating discourse of Physical Education and sport in society. For that, a descriptive research of qualitative approach was carried out with 9 (nine) Physical Education professionals, of both sexes and in any age group, crowded in two sports centers. In the inclusion criteria, we considered: a) Physical Education and sports training for at least two (2) years and b) acting in public sports projects, there has been at least one (1) year, considering the idea of maturity and greater appropriation with respect to the practical action in said secretariat. As a data collection instrument, semi-structured interviews were conducted on the concept of sports and health; the relationship between sport and its practice in promoting health; as well as on the possibilities of practical action in relation to sports and health as teaching content. Data analysis was done with non-a priori categories, which are obtained through frequency and implied relevance in content analysis. Such a method enabled the understanding that concretely, there is a plurality of meanings and understandings about the concepts of sports and health, as well as their possibilities of action and intervention. In this sense, related to the concept of sport were obtained 3 (three) categories, namely: sport as a movement (at the idea of its simple experimentation); sport as a formator for citizenship (understanding it here as a trigger in the construction of values and meanings for the exercise of full citizenship); and sport as a competitive modality (in the horizon of all sporting manifestation to have the competition purpose). Regarding the concept of health, 3 (three) categories were identified, as follows: health as well as well-being (comprised of complete physical, psychic and social well-being); health as quality of life (in the idea of good physical conditioning as pertinent to the very condition of people's lives); health care as the care of the body (in which, its construction took place in the sense of self-care and the consequent blame of the individuals). With regard to the relationship between sport and health, three categories were obtained: sport as a health promoter (on the horizon of sport and its practice as strategies to promote health); sport and health as a strategy of socialization (understanding here that the constitution of large groups and the coexistence between people in a broad sense); sport as a synonym for health (in which sport and its practice are understood strictly as regards the only possibility of promoting health). Finally, related to the possibilities of working with the health theme, one (1) single category was listed, namely: health work through guidance (pointing out that regardless of methodologies and strategies, the role of health guidance is present in the daily life of professionals). The wealth of data obtained allows us to infer that in the universe of practices and possibilities of understanding and intervention of the participating professionals, the diversity of content was recurrent, revealing a great amount of meanings about the idea that is made about the pedagogical practice in Physical Education and sport about health promotion
KOUMANTAREAS, John. O binômio esporte-saúde sob a ótica de profissionais de educação física. 2017. 106f. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Instituto Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2017.