Efeitos da dança de salão sobre variáveis fisiológicas cardiovasculares, aptidão funcional e estado de humor
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Introdução: A adoção de um estilo de vida mais saudável, a partir de uma prática de atividade física, tem sido advogada na prevenção de várias doenças crônico-degenerativas, assim como na redução da mortalidade. Entretanto, o sedentarismo ainda predomina na nossa população. Incluir as pessoas no meio social, intelectual e cultural é fundamental, nesse sentido, a dança de salão, torna-se uma alternativa para a prática de exercícios físicos. Objetivos: Avaliar alterações em variáveis fisiológicas cardiovasculares, aptidão funcional e mudanças no estado de humor de praticantes de dança de salão. Material e métodos: O projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da UNIFESP (CEP 0725/11) e todos os sujeitos assinaram o Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido. O presente estudo teve caráter descritivo-quantitativo e a amostra foi constituída por 14 indivíduos, de ambos os sexos, com idade superior a 18 anos os quais foram divididos em grupo da dança de salão e grupo controle (sedentários). Estes sujeitos foram convidados a responder aos questionários: Doenças, Sintomas e Fatores de Risco Cardiovascular, elaborado com base nas recomendações do American College of Sports Medicine e da American Heart Association; Questionário de estado de humor PROFILE OF MOOD STATES (POMS). Foram realizadas as avaliações de: peso corporal; medida da circunferência abdominal; aferição da pressão arterial e da frequência cardíaca de repouso. E foram realizados testes de aptidão física de coordenação, flexibilidade, força de membro superior e inferior. Após a finalização das coletas, para comparar o comportamento dos grupos Dança e Controle ao longo do tempo avaliado, segundo cada variável de interesse, foi empregado o modelo de análise de variância com medidas repetidas. Resultados: Com relação aos testes de aptidão funcional, o grupo dança apresentou melhora em todas as variáveis, no entanto, nenhuma variável foi significativa; houve redução significativa da frequência cardíaca de repouso, em relação ao estado de humor todos os escores melhoraram, no entanto, só encontrou-se diferença significativa na diminuição da fadiga psicológica. Conclusão: A partir dos resultados encontrados neste estudo foi possível concluir que o período de 4 meses de prática de dança de salão é efetivo para diminuir a fadiga e a frequência cardíaca de repouso. É necessário, então, mais estudos com amostras maiores, já que acreditamos não ter obtido resultados significantes para as variáveis avaliadas devido ao pequeno número de indivíduos avaliados e pelo período de estudo e frequência de aulas.
Introduction: Adopting a healthier lifestyle, from a physical activity, has been advocated in the prevention of several chronic degenerative diseases, as well as in reducing mortality. However, this lifestyle still prevails in our population. Include people in the social, intellectual and cultural diversity is fundamental in this sense, ballroom dancing, it becomes an alternative to physical exercise. Objectives: To evaluate changes in physiological variables cardiovascular fitness and functional changes in the mood for practicing ballroom dancing. Methods: The project was approved by the Ethics Committee of UNIFESP (CEP 0725/11) and all subjects signed a consent form. This study was descriptive-quantitative and the sample consisted of 14 individuals of both sexes, aged 18 years were divided in groups of ballroom dancing and control group (sedentary). These subjects were asked to respond to the questionnaires: Diseases, Symptoms and Risk Factors, prepared based on the recommendations of the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association; Questionnaire mood Profile of Mood States (POMS). Assessments were performed: weight, abdominal circumference measurement, measurement of blood pressure and resting heart rate. And they performed physical fitness tests of coordination, flexibility, strength of upper and lower limbs. After completion of the collections, to compare the behavior of Dance and control groups over time assessed according to each variable of interest was the model employed analysis of variance with repeated measures. Results: With respect to the aptitude tests functional, the dance group showed improvement in all variables, however, no variable was significant, there was significant reduction in resting heart rate in relation to mood all scores improved, however only significant difference was found in the reduction of psychological fatigue. Conclusion: The results found in this study it was concluded that the period of 4 months of practice ballroom dancing is effective to reduce fatigue and resting heart rate. It is necessary, then, more studies with larger samples, as we believe it did not obtain significant results for the variables assessed due to the small number of individuals evaluated and the study period and frequency of classes
Introduction: Adopting a healthier lifestyle, from a physical activity, has been advocated in the prevention of several chronic degenerative diseases, as well as in reducing mortality. However, this lifestyle still prevails in our population. Include people in the social, intellectual and cultural diversity is fundamental in this sense, ballroom dancing, it becomes an alternative to physical exercise. Objectives: To evaluate changes in physiological variables cardiovascular fitness and functional changes in the mood for practicing ballroom dancing. Methods: The project was approved by the Ethics Committee of UNIFESP (CEP 0725/11) and all subjects signed a consent form. This study was descriptive-quantitative and the sample consisted of 14 individuals of both sexes, aged 18 years were divided in groups of ballroom dancing and control group (sedentary). These subjects were asked to respond to the questionnaires: Diseases, Symptoms and Risk Factors, prepared based on the recommendations of the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association; Questionnaire mood Profile of Mood States (POMS). Assessments were performed: weight, abdominal circumference measurement, measurement of blood pressure and resting heart rate. And they performed physical fitness tests of coordination, flexibility, strength of upper and lower limbs. After completion of the collections, to compare the behavior of Dance and control groups over time assessed according to each variable of interest was the model employed analysis of variance with repeated measures. Results: With respect to the aptitude tests functional, the dance group showed improvement in all variables, however, no variable was significant, there was significant reduction in resting heart rate in relation to mood all scores improved, however only significant difference was found in the reduction of psychological fatigue. Conclusion: The results found in this study it was concluded that the period of 4 months of practice ballroom dancing is effective to reduce fatigue and resting heart rate. It is necessary, then, more studies with larger samples, as we believe it did not obtain significant results for the variables assessed due to the small number of individuals evaluated and the study period and frequency of classes
BISACHI, Amanda. Efeitos da dança de salão sobre variáveis fisiológicas cardiovasculares, aptidão funcional e estado de humor. 2011. 44 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso de graduação (Educação Física) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2011.