Estudo da ocorrência de resíduos de agrotóxicos em sedimentos na região do Parque Indígena do Xingu
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O aumento da população mundial e consequente aumento na demanda por alimentos estimulam a busca por novas áreas destinadas ao desenvolvimento do agronegócio no Brasil. Mato Grosso é o estado de maior destaque, principalmente na produção de cana-de-açúcar e grãos, como soja e milho, e desde a década de 70, a paisagem do estado vem sofrendo modificações constantes ocasionadas pela ocupação de estabelecimentos agropecuários, que empregam agrotóxicos com o objetivo de elevar a produtividade em monoculturas. O uso desregulado e intenso dos agrotóxicos causa a contaminação dos sistemas naturais, colocando em risco sua qualidade e a saúde humana. O Parque Indígena do Xingu (PIX), localizado na região nordeste de Mato Grosso, trata-se da maior reserva indígena do Brasil, considerado um local de resguarde da cultura ancestral e da biodiversidade. A subsistência dos povos que habitam essa região depende basicamente dos recursos naturais locais, os quais podem ser afetados pelo uso indiscriminado de agrotóxicos. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a presença dos agrotóxicos atrazina, azoxistrobina e carboxina em sedimentos e atrelar esta contaminação com uso e ocupação da terra relacionado às atividades agrícolas exercidas na região do Alto Xingu. Amostras de sedimento foram coletadas em 14 pontos da Bacia Hidrográfica da região seguindo o Guia Nacional de Coleta e Preservação de Amostras da CETESB. Uma adaptação do método QuEChERS foi aplicada para extração dos analitos e a determinação dos mesmos foi realizada por meio de um sistema de cromatografia líquida UHPLC acoplado a um espectrômetro de massas sequencial do tipo triplo-quadrupolo (LC-MS/MS). Foi constatada a presença de atrazina, azoxistrobina e carboxina com concentrações máximas de 128,63, 1,58 e 144,97 µg.Kg-1, respectivamente, nos sedimentos da região, relacionando o resultado da análise de águas de maneira que a interação entre esses meios e os agrotóxicos é contínua.
The increase in the world population and the consequent rise in the demand for food stimulate the search for new areas destined to the development of agribusiness in Brazil. Mato Grosso is the most prominent state, mainly in the production of sugarcane and grains, such as soybeans and corn, and since the 70s, the state's landscape has been undergoing constant changes caused by the occupation of rural properties, which employ pesticides with the objective of increasing productivity in monocultures The unregulated and intense use of pesticides causes the contamination of natural systems, putting their quality and human health at risk. The Parque Indígena do Xingu (PIX), located in the northeast region of Mato Grosso, is the largest indigenous reserve in Brazil, considered a place of protection for ancestral culture and biodiversity. The livelihood of the peoples who inhabit this region basically depends on local natural resources, which can be affected by the indiscriminate use of pesticides. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of atrazine, azoxystrobin and carboxyne in sediments and link this contamination with land use and occupation related to agricultural activities carried out in the Alto Xingu region. Sediment samples were collected at 14 points in the region's hydrographic basin following the CETESB's National Sample Collection and Preservation Guide. An adaptation of the QuEChERS method was applied to extract the analytes and their determination was performed using a UHPLC liquid chromatography system coupled to a triple-quadrupole sequential mass spectrometer (LC-MS/MS). It was found the presence of atrazine, azoxystrobin and carboxyne with maximum concentrations of 128.63, 1.58 and 144.97 μg.Kg-1, respectively, in the region's sediments, relating the result of the water analysis so that the interaction between these means and pesticides is continuous.
The increase in the world population and the consequent rise in the demand for food stimulate the search for new areas destined to the development of agribusiness in Brazil. Mato Grosso is the most prominent state, mainly in the production of sugarcane and grains, such as soybeans and corn, and since the 70s, the state's landscape has been undergoing constant changes caused by the occupation of rural properties, which employ pesticides with the objective of increasing productivity in monocultures The unregulated and intense use of pesticides causes the contamination of natural systems, putting their quality and human health at risk. The Parque Indígena do Xingu (PIX), located in the northeast region of Mato Grosso, is the largest indigenous reserve in Brazil, considered a place of protection for ancestral culture and biodiversity. The livelihood of the peoples who inhabit this region basically depends on local natural resources, which can be affected by the indiscriminate use of pesticides. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of atrazine, azoxystrobin and carboxyne in sediments and link this contamination with land use and occupation related to agricultural activities carried out in the Alto Xingu region. Sediment samples were collected at 14 points in the region's hydrographic basin following the CETESB's National Sample Collection and Preservation Guide. An adaptation of the QuEChERS method was applied to extract the analytes and their determination was performed using a UHPLC liquid chromatography system coupled to a triple-quadrupole sequential mass spectrometer (LC-MS/MS). It was found the presence of atrazine, azoxystrobin and carboxyne with maximum concentrations of 128.63, 1.58 and 144.97 μg.Kg-1, respectively, in the region's sediments, relating the result of the water analysis so that the interaction between these means and pesticides is continuous.