Mensuração da adesão aos medicamentos imunossupressores em pacientes pediátricos no pós-transplante renal
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Introdução: A adesão ao regime terapêutico após o transplante é um fenômeno multidimensional determinado pela interação de cinco agentes, sendo estes: a equipe de saúde, o social e econômico, o tratamento, o paciente e a doença. Vários métodos, com o objetivo de detectar a não adesão em doentes transplantados têm sido sugeridos na literatura, mas não há um único método considerado eficiente. Objetivo: Mensurar a adesão aos medicamentos imunossupressores no pós-transplante renal, mediante o uso da Escala Basel Para Avaliação de Adesão a Medicamentos Imunossupressores (BAASIS). Método: Foi desenvolvido um estudo observacional e transversal de único centro. A amostra foi constituída por 156 pacientes pediátricos do pós-transplante renal, que tinham no mínimo quatro semanas completas em casa após alta hospitalar. Foram avaliados por meio do instrumento BAASIS: a ingestão de drogas prescritas; dias utilizados de dose correta; horário-dentro de 25% do horário prescrito; pausa da medicação; tempo de ingestão excedente de 24 horas; alterações de dose por conta própria, complexidade das doses prescritas, percepção do paciente frente ao tratamento, nível de creatinina e registro de internação por rejeição aguda celular comprovada por biópsia. Resultados: Observou-se 66,7% de adesão aos medicamentos imunossupressores e não adesão de 33,3%. Na presença de um cuidador, a adesão foi de 68,2% e, na ausência deste, a adesão diminuiu para 25%. Notou-se: predominância de meninos 60,9% (p=0,0081), diferença de médias de creatinina por sexo (p=0,044), tipo de tratamento – Hemodiálise (p=0,010) e Conservador (p=0,035), procedimento cirúrgico (p=0,004), tipo de transplante (p<0,001) e internação por rejeição aguda celular (p=0,005). Conclusões: A realização desse estudo possibilitou identificar algumas especificidades da população pediátrica do pós-transplante renal quanto à não adesão medicamentosa e mostrou que quanto maior a não adesão medicamentosa, pior é a percepção de adesão dos pais e/ou responsável e do paciente. Os achados conduziram-nos a entender que é necessário revisar a adesão medicamentosa, a existência de barreiras de adesão e a importância da presença de um cuidador. Sendo assim, é preciso monitorar a adesão e suas barreiras, visando à elaboração de estratégias posteriores com foco em ações educativas que promovam o autocuidado e o apoio à adesão, pois são essenciais para a adesão medicamentosa efetiva no pós-transplante renal pediátrico, alterando por consequência os resultados e melhorando a sobrevida dos pacientes.
Introduction: The adherence to the therapeutic treatment after a transplant is a multidimensional phenomenon determined by the conjunction of five agents as follows: the health-care staff, social and economic factors, the treatment itself, the patient and the disease. Although there is not one method that is considered to be efficient, there are various methods described in the literature to detect non-adherence in post-transplanted patients. Objective: Measure the adherence to the immunosuppressive medication in renal post-transplant by using the Basel Assessment of Adherence to Immunosuppressive Medication Scale (BAASIS). Method: The sample comprised 156 post-transplanted renal pediatric patients who had been at home for at least four weeks after being discharged from hospital. They were evaluated by BAASIS as to the ingestion of prescribed drugs, number of days using the correct dose of the prescribed drugs, taking the prescribed drugs within 25% of the prescribed schedule for doing so, pause on the medication intake, time of exceeding ingestion of 24 hours, dose alterations by the patient’s own decision, complexity of the prescribed doses, patient’s treatment perception, creatinine levels and the registry of admission to the hospital by acute cellular rejection as confirmed through biopsy. Results: The results showed 66,7% of adherence to immunosuppressant medication and 33,3% of non-adherence. In the presence of a caregiver the adherence was of 68,2% and without the caregiver it dropped to 25%. A prevalence of boys was observed at 60,9% (p=0,0081), difference in average of creatinine by gender (p=0,044), type of treatment: Hemodialysis (p=0,010) and Conservative (p=0,035), surgical procedure (p=0,004), type of transplant (p<0,001) and hospitalization due to acute cellular rejection (p=0,005). Conclusions: The present study enabled the identification of some specificities of the pediatric population in renal post-transplant regarding non-adherence to medication. It showed that the higher the non-adherence rates to medication, the worse are the parents/guardians and patients’ adherence perception. Through such findings it is understood how necessary it is to review medication adherence, the existence of barriers to such adherence and the presence of a caregiver. Thus, it is necessary to monitor the adherence and its barriers in order to design follow-up strategies focusing in educational actions that promote self-care and support to adherence. Such strategies are essential to the effectiveness of medication adherence in post-transplanted renal pediatric patients which in turn will alter results and improve patient survival.
Introduction: The adherence to the therapeutic treatment after a transplant is a multidimensional phenomenon determined by the conjunction of five agents as follows: the health-care staff, social and economic factors, the treatment itself, the patient and the disease. Although there is not one method that is considered to be efficient, there are various methods described in the literature to detect non-adherence in post-transplanted patients. Objective: Measure the adherence to the immunosuppressive medication in renal post-transplant by using the Basel Assessment of Adherence to Immunosuppressive Medication Scale (BAASIS). Method: The sample comprised 156 post-transplanted renal pediatric patients who had been at home for at least four weeks after being discharged from hospital. They were evaluated by BAASIS as to the ingestion of prescribed drugs, number of days using the correct dose of the prescribed drugs, taking the prescribed drugs within 25% of the prescribed schedule for doing so, pause on the medication intake, time of exceeding ingestion of 24 hours, dose alterations by the patient’s own decision, complexity of the prescribed doses, patient’s treatment perception, creatinine levels and the registry of admission to the hospital by acute cellular rejection as confirmed through biopsy. Results: The results showed 66,7% of adherence to immunosuppressant medication and 33,3% of non-adherence. In the presence of a caregiver the adherence was of 68,2% and without the caregiver it dropped to 25%. A prevalence of boys was observed at 60,9% (p=0,0081), difference in average of creatinine by gender (p=0,044), type of treatment: Hemodialysis (p=0,010) and Conservative (p=0,035), surgical procedure (p=0,004), type of transplant (p<0,001) and hospitalization due to acute cellular rejection (p=0,005). Conclusions: The present study enabled the identification of some specificities of the pediatric population in renal post-transplant regarding non-adherence to medication. It showed that the higher the non-adherence rates to medication, the worse are the parents/guardians and patients’ adherence perception. Through such findings it is understood how necessary it is to review medication adherence, the existence of barriers to such adherence and the presence of a caregiver. Thus, it is necessary to monitor the adherence and its barriers in order to design follow-up strategies focusing in educational actions that promote self-care and support to adherence. Such strategies are essential to the effectiveness of medication adherence in post-transplanted renal pediatric patients which in turn will alter results and improve patient survival.
SILVA, Ana Carolina Maximo. Mensuração da adesão aos medicamentos imunossupressores em pacientes pediátricos no pós-transplante renal. 2016. [87] p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Enfermagem) - Escola Paulista de Enfermagem (EPE), Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, 2016.