Construindo um patrimônio: as operações valorativas do CONDEPHAAT na patrimonialização da Bolsa Oficial de Café de Santos (1974-1981)
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O período cafeeiro legou a São Paulo um vasto patrimônio arquitetônico que testemunha mudanças nos métodos construtivos que foram remodelando a paisagem das cidades paulistas, e a arquitetura eclética foi eleita pelas elites cafeicultoras como símbolo de sua entrada no capitalismo. Assim como em outras cidades, Santos experimentou um grande crescimento nesse período, uma vez que seu porto foi o principal escoadouro da produção de café paulista. Assim, a partir do final do século XIX, muitas instituições ligadas ao comércio cafeeiro se instalaram na cidade, e no início do século XX, foi criada a Bolsa Oficial de Café, que no ano de 1922, justamente no Centenário da Independência, ganhou sua sede em um monumental edifício eclético, projetado pela Companhia Construtora de Santos. Neste trabalho, olharemos para este bem cultural através das narrativas que foram traçadas no processo 421/74, no qual atuaram Técnicos e Conselheiros do Conselho de Defesa do Patrimônio Histórico, Artístico, Arqueológico e Turístico do Estado de São Paulo (CONDEPHAAT), e também outras personagens, que juntos costuraram a trama que resultou na valoração do prédio e obras de arte do pintor Benedito Calixto como um patrimônio histórico paulista. Sabendo que os conceitos acerca do patrimônio são mutáveis ao longo da história, buscaremos entender às questões concernentes ao tema que estavam em voga no período desse processo, que se iniciou no ano de 1974, e efetivou-se no tombamento do bem no ano de 1981. Posteriormente, nos anos 2000, o edifício da antiga Bolsa de Café novamente tornou-se objeto de um estudo de tombamento, neste momento para seu reconhecimento como patrimônio cultural nacional, com a abertura do processo 1514-T-2003 pelo Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (IPHAN). Assim, através de um breve comparativo entre os processos conduzidos pelas duas instituições, buscamos detectar persistências discursivas e rupturas nestes documentos, uma outra visão do mesmo bem em sua trajetória de valoração enquanto patrimônio.
The period of coffee cultivation in São Paulo bequeathed a vast architectural heritage that are evidences of significant changes in construction methods that were remodeling the landscape of the province cities, and the eclectic architecture was chosen by the coffee-growing elites as a symbol of their entry into capitalism. As in other cities, Santos experienced great growth during this period as its port was the main outlet for coffee production in São Paulo. Thus, from the end of the 19th century, many institutions linked to the coffee trade settled in the city, and in the beginning of the 20th century, the Official Coffee Exchange was created, which in 1922, precisely on the Centenary of Independence, gained its headquarters in a monumental eclectic building, designed by the Companhia Construtora de Santos. In this work, we will look at this cultural asset through the narratives that were traced in the judicial process of listing 421/74, in which technicians and advisors of the Defense Council of the Historical, Artistic, Archaeological and Touristic Heritage of the State of São Paulo (CONDEPHAAT), as well as other characters, acted together building a plot that resulted in the valuation of the building and the art pieces of the painter Benedito Calixto as a historical heritage site in São Paulo. Knowing that concepts about heritage are changeable throughout history, we will try to understand the issues concerning the theme that were in vogue during the period of this judicial process, which started in 1974, and turned the property effectivelly as a heritage in 1981. Later on, in the 2000s, the building of the former Official Coffee Exchange again became subject for a listing study, at this time for its recognition as a national cultural heritage, through the opening of the judicial process 1514-T-2003 by the National Historic and Artistic Heritage Institute (IPHAN). Thus, through a brief comparison between the judicial processes conducted by the two institutions, we seek to detect discursive persistence and ruptures in these documents, another perspective of the same property in its valuation path as a heritage.
The period of coffee cultivation in São Paulo bequeathed a vast architectural heritage that are evidences of significant changes in construction methods that were remodeling the landscape of the province cities, and the eclectic architecture was chosen by the coffee-growing elites as a symbol of their entry into capitalism. As in other cities, Santos experienced great growth during this period as its port was the main outlet for coffee production in São Paulo. Thus, from the end of the 19th century, many institutions linked to the coffee trade settled in the city, and in the beginning of the 20th century, the Official Coffee Exchange was created, which in 1922, precisely on the Centenary of Independence, gained its headquarters in a monumental eclectic building, designed by the Companhia Construtora de Santos. In this work, we will look at this cultural asset through the narratives that were traced in the judicial process of listing 421/74, in which technicians and advisors of the Defense Council of the Historical, Artistic, Archaeological and Touristic Heritage of the State of São Paulo (CONDEPHAAT), as well as other characters, acted together building a plot that resulted in the valuation of the building and the art pieces of the painter Benedito Calixto as a historical heritage site in São Paulo. Knowing that concepts about heritage are changeable throughout history, we will try to understand the issues concerning the theme that were in vogue during the period of this judicial process, which started in 1974, and turned the property effectivelly as a heritage in 1981. Later on, in the 2000s, the building of the former Official Coffee Exchange again became subject for a listing study, at this time for its recognition as a national cultural heritage, through the opening of the judicial process 1514-T-2003 by the National Historic and Artistic Heritage Institute (IPHAN). Thus, through a brief comparison between the judicial processes conducted by the two institutions, we seek to detect discursive persistence and ruptures in these documents, another perspective of the same property in its valuation path as a heritage.
Bueno, Tatiana O. Construindo um patrimônio: as operações valorativas do CONDEPHAAT na patrimonialização da Bolsa Oficial de Café de Santos (1974-1981) / Tatiana Ortiz Bueno. – Guarulhos, 2021.