Análise de polimorfismos nos códons 11, 72 e 248 do gene TP53 em mulheres com câncer de mama
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Introdução: Câncer de mama é a neoplasia maligna mais frequente entre as mulheres no Brasil. O gene TP53, codifica a proteína de nome p53 que está relacionada com a regulação do ciclo celular e apoptose, apresenta polimorfismos que podem ter influência funcional. Os polimorfismos investigados foram: TP53*11 onde ocorre a troca de base nitrogenada G para C (Glu->Gln) no éxons 2; TP53*72 no qual a troca de base consiste em C para G (Pro->Arg) no éxons 4 e TP53*248 onde a troca de base é G para A (Arg->Gln) localizada no éxon 7. Objetivo: Avaliar se há associação entre a presença dos polimorfismos no gene TP53 (códons 11, 72 e 248) em pacientes com e sem câncer de mama e a relação das variáveis clínicas e anatomopatológicas. Métodos: Estudo transversal onde foram analisadas 393 mulheres (N = 188 mulheres com câncer de mama; N = 205 mulheres sem câncer de mama) por meio de PCR-RFLP em DNA extraídos de sangue periférico. As mulheres apresentaram idades entre 26 e 80 anos. Resultados: Os códons 11 e 248 do gene TP53 não apresentaram variações genéticas. O TP53*11 apresentou a seguinte distribuição genotípica: 100% Glu/Glu tanto para o Grupo Caso como para o Controle. Do mesmo modo, foi obtido para TP53*248: Arg/Arg 100% para ambos os grupos. As análises do códon 72 apresentaram as seguintes distribuições genotípicas: Pro/Pro 16,10%; Pro/Arg 42,44% e Arg/Arg 41,46% para o Grupo Controle e Pro/Pro 15,43%; Pro/Arg 42,55% e Arg/Arg 42,02% para o Grupo Caso (OR = 1,052; 95% CI = 0,6108-1,812; p = 0,9823). As amostras encontram-se em equilíbrio de Hardy-Weinberg. Os dados clínicos patológicos, grau nuclear (p = 0,0084) e grau histológico adaptado (p = 0,0265), bem como a frequência alélica do grau histológico adaptado (p = 0,0057) mostraram significância estatística. Levando-se a crer que os polimorfismos nestes códons apresentam relevância clínica para o câncer de mama. No entanto, comparando-se os grupos não foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significantes. Conclusões: Apenas o polimorfismo do códon 72 está condicionado com associação às variáveis clínicas estudadas. Sendo que os SNPs, TP53*11 e TP53*248, parecem não estar associados ao câncer de mama.
We evaluated the association between TP53 gene polymorphisms and Breast Cancer in Brazilian women. Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood cells collected from 393 women. TP53 gene polymorphisms were investigated at three codons: TP53*11 Glu-Gln (GAG->CAG), TP53*72 Pro-Arg (CCC->CGC), and TP53*248 Arg-Gln (CGG->CAG) using the polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism method (PCR-RFLP). TP53*11 presented the following genotypic distribution: the control group was 100% homozygous Glu and the heterozygous genotype was not identified. The genotypic distribution in breast cancer group was 100% homozygous Glu. The heterozygous and the homozygous Gln genotype were not identified. TP53*72 showed the following genotypic distribution: the control group was 16.10% homozygous Pro (Pro/Pro), 42.44% heterozygous (Pro/Arg), and 41.46% homozygous Arg (Arg/Arg). The genotypic distribution in breast cancer group was 15.43% homozygous Pro (Pro/Pro), 42.55% heterozygous (Arg-Pro), and 42.02% homozygous Arg (Arg/Arg) (odds ratio (OR) =1.052; 95% CI =0.6108-1.812; p = 0.9823) with the allele frequencies p= 0.8584. We also evaluated the effect of the p53 - codon 72 - polymorphism on clinicopathologic features, nuclear grade (p= 0.0084) and adjusted histologic grade (p= 0.0057). The polymorphism is accordingly with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Our results indicate that there were more homozygous Arg than homozygous Pro. No one patient had the homozygous Gln (Gln/Gln) and the heterozygous (Arg/Gln) TP53*248 genotype; all patients (100%) were homozygous Arg (Arg/Arg) in both the control and breast cancer groups. There is no statically significance. We found that TP53*11 and TP53*248 polymorphism may not be associated with susceptibility to breast cancer; Hence, the TP53*72 polymorphism evaluated is associated with clinical variables. These SNPs may not be associated with prognosis due to its no association with clinical variables.
We evaluated the association between TP53 gene polymorphisms and Breast Cancer in Brazilian women. Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood cells collected from 393 women. TP53 gene polymorphisms were investigated at three codons: TP53*11 Glu-Gln (GAG->CAG), TP53*72 Pro-Arg (CCC->CGC), and TP53*248 Arg-Gln (CGG->CAG) using the polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism method (PCR-RFLP). TP53*11 presented the following genotypic distribution: the control group was 100% homozygous Glu and the heterozygous genotype was not identified. The genotypic distribution in breast cancer group was 100% homozygous Glu. The heterozygous and the homozygous Gln genotype were not identified. TP53*72 showed the following genotypic distribution: the control group was 16.10% homozygous Pro (Pro/Pro), 42.44% heterozygous (Pro/Arg), and 41.46% homozygous Arg (Arg/Arg). The genotypic distribution in breast cancer group was 15.43% homozygous Pro (Pro/Pro), 42.55% heterozygous (Arg-Pro), and 42.02% homozygous Arg (Arg/Arg) (odds ratio (OR) =1.052; 95% CI =0.6108-1.812; p = 0.9823) with the allele frequencies p= 0.8584. We also evaluated the effect of the p53 - codon 72 - polymorphism on clinicopathologic features, nuclear grade (p= 0.0084) and adjusted histologic grade (p= 0.0057). The polymorphism is accordingly with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Our results indicate that there were more homozygous Arg than homozygous Pro. No one patient had the homozygous Gln (Gln/Gln) and the heterozygous (Arg/Gln) TP53*248 genotype; all patients (100%) were homozygous Arg (Arg/Arg) in both the control and breast cancer groups. There is no statically significance. We found that TP53*11 and TP53*248 polymorphism may not be associated with susceptibility to breast cancer; Hence, the TP53*72 polymorphism evaluated is associated with clinical variables. These SNPs may not be associated with prognosis due to its no association with clinical variables.
ALMEIDA, Bruna Cristine de. Análise de polimorfismos nos códons 11, 72 e 248 do gene TP53 em mulheres com câncer de mama. 2015. 85 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ginecologia)- Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, 2015.