O impacto econômico dos erros de medicação no ambiente hospitalar: uma revisão integrativa
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INTRODUÇÃO: Os erros de medicação passaram a ocupar um lugar de destaque
após relatórios publicados desde o final do século XX, quando foram relatados
aumentos no número desses eventos. Os pacientes, em sua maioria, eram
acometidos durante a permanência no ambiente hospitalar resultando em danos que,
muitas vezes, poderiam ser evitados. OBJETIVO: Este trabalho acadêmico visa
analisar o custo econômico atrelado aos erros de medicação ocorridos no ambiente
hospitalar que envolvem os pacientes internados. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada uma
revisão integrativa através da seleção e classificação dos artigos obtidos nas
seguintes bases de dados: CINAHAL, Embase, LILACS, PubMed, SciELO, Scopus e
Web of Science. O período contemplado foram os artigos publicados entre 2012 e
2022, nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol. RESULTADOS: A coleta dos dados
resultou em 4.675 artigos. Destes, foram excluídos 2.365 artigos por duplicidade. A
partir de então, foram aplicados os critérios de inclusão e exclusão, o que resultou no
total de 13 artigos que foram considerados na presente revisão, onde 11 artigos estão
relacionados a estudos com dados primários e 02 artigos são revisões de literatura.
DISCUSSÃO: Os 11 estudos primários apresentam dados financeiros no qual
embasam a relação entre a ocorrência dos erros de medicação e o aumento dos
gastos hospitalares. Entre os estudos avaliados, 05 demonstram a importância do
profissional farmacêutico como uma ferramenta viável na prevenção desses eventos
e economicamente vantajoso. O estudo com intitulado “Adding value through
pharmacy validation: a safety and cost perspective” apresenta em seus resultados que
a cada 1 euro gasto com o salário desse profissional, cerca de 1.7 euros são
economizados pela prevenção dos eventos adversos. O grupo de medicamentos mais
abordados pelos estudos foi a classe dos antimicrobianos. Dentre os dois artigos de
revisão, o artigo 12 apresentou maior similaridade com os dados apresentados nesta
revisão. CONCLUSÃO: Podemos atestar a necessidade do desenvolvimento de
novos estudos acadêmicos sobre o tema, com métodos precisos para quantificar o
gasto real causado pelo uso inadequado dos medicamentos. Nos artigos avaliados
apenas foram citados os custos diretos, ou seja, aqueles relacionados aos
medicamentos envolvidos, portanto, ainda não é possível definir qual é o real valor
atribuído a esses eventos.
INTRODUCTION: Medication errors came to occupy a prominent place after reports published since the end of the 20th century when increases in the number of these events were reported. Patients, for the most part, were affected during their stay in the hospital environment, resulting in damage that could often be avoided. OBJECTIVE: This work aims to analyze the economic cost linked to medication errors occurring in the hospital environment involving hospitalized patients. METHODS: An integrative review was carried out through the selection and classification of articles obtained from the following databases: CINAHAL, Embase, LILACS, PubMed, SciELO, Scopus and Web of Science. The period covered were articles published between 2012 and 2022, in Portuguese, English and Spanish. RESULTS: Data collection resulted in 4.675 articles. Of these, 2.365 articles were excluded due to duplication. From then on, the inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied, which resulted in a total of 13 articles that were considered in the present review, where 11 articles are related to studies with primary data and 02 articles are literature reviews. DISCUSSION: The eleven primary studies present financial data supporting the relationship between the occurrence of medication errors and the increase in hospital expenses. Among the studies evaluated, 05 demonstrate the importance of the pharmaceutical professional as a viable tool in preventing these events and economically advantageous. The study entitled “Adding value through pharmacy validation: a safety and cost perspective” presents in its results that for every 1 euro spent on this professional's salary, around 1.7 euros are saved by preventing adverse events. The group of medications most covered by the studies was the antimicrobial class. Among the two review articles, article 12 showed greater similarity with the data presented in this review. CONCLUSION: We can attest to the need to develop new academic studies on the topic, with precise methods to quantify the real expense caused by the inappropriate use of medicines. In the articles evaluated, only direct costs were mentioned, that is, those related to the medicines involved, therefore, it is not yet possible to define the real value attributed to these events.
INTRODUCTION: Medication errors came to occupy a prominent place after reports published since the end of the 20th century when increases in the number of these events were reported. Patients, for the most part, were affected during their stay in the hospital environment, resulting in damage that could often be avoided. OBJECTIVE: This work aims to analyze the economic cost linked to medication errors occurring in the hospital environment involving hospitalized patients. METHODS: An integrative review was carried out through the selection and classification of articles obtained from the following databases: CINAHAL, Embase, LILACS, PubMed, SciELO, Scopus and Web of Science. The period covered were articles published between 2012 and 2022, in Portuguese, English and Spanish. RESULTS: Data collection resulted in 4.675 articles. Of these, 2.365 articles were excluded due to duplication. From then on, the inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied, which resulted in a total of 13 articles that were considered in the present review, where 11 articles are related to studies with primary data and 02 articles are literature reviews. DISCUSSION: The eleven primary studies present financial data supporting the relationship between the occurrence of medication errors and the increase in hospital expenses. Among the studies evaluated, 05 demonstrate the importance of the pharmaceutical professional as a viable tool in preventing these events and economically advantageous. The study entitled “Adding value through pharmacy validation: a safety and cost perspective” presents in its results that for every 1 euro spent on this professional's salary, around 1.7 euros are saved by preventing adverse events. The group of medications most covered by the studies was the antimicrobial class. Among the two review articles, article 12 showed greater similarity with the data presented in this review. CONCLUSION: We can attest to the need to develop new academic studies on the topic, with precise methods to quantify the real expense caused by the inappropriate use of medicines. In the articles evaluated, only direct costs were mentioned, that is, those related to the medicines involved, therefore, it is not yet possible to define the real value attributed to these events.