Entre linhas de montagem e colunas jornalísticas: a construção do Novo Sindicalismo nas páginas do Tribuna Metalúrgica (1971-1978)
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Em 1978, a partir do Sindicato dos Metalúrgicos de São Bernardo e Diadema, foi formulado o Novo Sindicalismo, movimento que procurou renovar a militância sindical no contexto da ditadura. Dentre as propostas dos metalúrgicos, encontrava-se a busca pela reforma da estrutura sindical, a luta contra o peleguismo e pela independência dos sindicatos em relação ao Estado. Estes aspectos, segundo os novos sindicalistas, teriam se originado na
Era Vargas, sendo amplamente explorados pela Ditadura Militar de 64. Assim, de 1930 até a primeira metade dos anos 60, o que se produziu dentro do movimento operário, na avaliação dos novos sindicalistas, foi um “Velho Sindicalismo”, retrógrado e limitado às ingerências do Estado. Para superar tais condições, os metalúrgicos do ABC criaram um discurso capaz de construir uma memória a respeito da luta sindical, além de uma identidade que mobilizasse as bases da categoria, sendo um dos principais veículos para essa mensagem o jornal Tribuna Metalúrgica. Este trabalho procura analisar a contribuição do periódico na construção do Novo Sindicalismo, levando em conta as problemáticas da imprensa sindical e do contexto no qual o jornal foi produzido.
In 1978, originating from the Metalworkers Union of São Bernardo and Diadema, the New Unionism was formulated, a movement that sought to renew union activism within the context of the dictatorship. Among the metalworkers proposals was the pursuit of reforming the union structure, the fight against “peleguismo”, and the struggle for union independence from the State. According to the new unionists, these aspects originated during the Vargas Era and were extensively exploited by the Military Dictatorship of 1964. Thus, from 1930 until the first half of the 1960s, what was produced within the workers movement was an “Old Unionism”, according to the New Unionism members, retrograde and limited by State interference. To overcome these conditions, the ABC metalworkers created a discourse capable of building a memory of the union struggle, as well as an identity that would mobilize the category's grassroots, with one of the main vehicles for this message being the newspaper Tribuna Metalúrgica. This work seeks to analyze the contribution of the newspaper to the construction of Novo Sindicalismo, taking into account the challenges of union press and the context in which the newspaper was produced.
In 1978, originating from the Metalworkers Union of São Bernardo and Diadema, the New Unionism was formulated, a movement that sought to renew union activism within the context of the dictatorship. Among the metalworkers proposals was the pursuit of reforming the union structure, the fight against “peleguismo”, and the struggle for union independence from the State. According to the new unionists, these aspects originated during the Vargas Era and were extensively exploited by the Military Dictatorship of 1964. Thus, from 1930 until the first half of the 1960s, what was produced within the workers movement was an “Old Unionism”, according to the New Unionism members, retrograde and limited by State interference. To overcome these conditions, the ABC metalworkers created a discourse capable of building a memory of the union struggle, as well as an identity that would mobilize the category's grassroots, with one of the main vehicles for this message being the newspaper Tribuna Metalúrgica. This work seeks to analyze the contribution of the newspaper to the construction of Novo Sindicalismo, taking into account the challenges of union press and the context in which the newspaper was produced.