Microalgas: aplicação biotecnológica para tratamento de efluentes sanitário
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O saneamento básico é assegurado pela Constituição Federal e descrito pela Lei n°.11445/2007, e se caracteriza fundamentalmente no abastecimento de água potável, na coleta e tratamento de esgoto, no manejo de resíduos sólidos e de águas pluviais. No entanto, a realidade se mostra diferente uma vez que grande parte da população ainda sofre com dificuldades ao acesso a esses recursos básicos. A falta da coleta e de tratamento e o descarte inapropriado de esgoto residual que, muitas vezes possui altas cargas de matéria orgânica, minerais e outros agentes químicos com um alto potencial poluidor, podendo gerar uma grande insalubridade e acarretar enormes riscos a saúde humana e ao meio ambiente. Dessa forma, visando o tratamento desses efluentes residuais de maneira biotecnológica, uma alternativa eficaz, frente aos processos químicos ou mecânicos tradicionais, é o uso do tratamento biológico através de organismos como bactérias, algas, entre outros, para biorremediação desses efluentes. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a capacidade da microalga Chlorella vulgaris para o tratamento de efluente sanitário doméstico sintético. Para isso, a microalga foi cultivada em diferentes concentrações de efluente sanitário, o qual teve a remoção da carga orgânica quantificada através de ensaios de Demanda Química de oxigênio (DQO). Nesse estudo, foram testados cultivos da microalga C. vulgaris, em diferentes concentrações de efluente (25%, 50%, 75% e 100%), comparados a um meio de cultivo padrão, sendo todos os experimentos feitos em duplicata e desenvolvidos em um período experimental de 15 dias. O efluente sintético foi desenvolvido em laboratório para se assemelhar aos efluentes residuais domésticos chgando a uma carga orgânica de aproximadamente 500 mg O2/L . O desenvolvimento da microalga foi acompanhado a partir de leituras da densidade ótica diária analisadas em espectrofotômetro, e a análise da DQO foi realizada a partir da metodologia descrita. Os resultados apontaram que, os testes de 25% e 50% apresentaram melhor desenvolvimento de DO quando comparados ao controle, especificamente o de 50%, e nos de 75% e 100% houve um desenvolvimento menos relevante quando comparados ao controle. As taxas de remoção de DQO variaram entre as diferentes concentrações do cultivo, chegando a um mínimo de remoção DQO de 46% na concentração de 75% do efluente, e ao máximo de remoção de DQO de 61%, do efluente de concentração de 50%, e de forma geral as microalgas Chlorella vulgaris obtiveram uma média de remoção total de DQO de 54,25%. O melhor desenvolvimento e a melhor taxa de remoção foi na concentração de 50%, tendo a melhor correlação entre a DO e a fitoremediação do efluente. Por fim, tais resultados confirmam que cepas de C. vulgaris, foram capazes de absorver, se desenvolver e remover carga orgânica do efluente empregado.
Federal basic sanitation is guaranteed by the Federal Constitution and described by law n°11445/2007, characterized by the fact that there is no supply of drinking water, sewage collection, solid handling and rainwater treatment. However, the is different since a large part of the population still suffers from difficulties in accessing these basic resources of reality. The lack of collection of agents and inappropriate treatment and disposal of minerals from sewage, which often has high loads of organic matter, and other chemicals with a high polluting potential, which can generate a large amount of human health and enormous means for health. environment. Thus, taking care of or treating these biotechnological waste effluents, an effective alternative, compared to alternative chemical or mechanical processes, is the use of the treatment of bacteria, algae, among others, for the bioremediation of these effluents. In this sense, the present work aimed to evaluate the ability of the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris for the treatment of synthetic domestic sanitary effluent. For this, a microalgae was developed in different solutions of sanitary effluents, which had the removal of the organic load quantified through chemical oxygen tests (COD). In this study, microalgae cultures were tested. vulgaris, in different variations of standard C and compared to a culture medium, 50%, being 75%, being all experiments done in duplicate and developed in a culture medium experimental period of 15 days The synthetic effluent was developed in the laboratory to resemble domestic wastewater, reaching an organic matter of approximately 500 mg O2/L. The development of the microalgae was monitored from daily optical density readings analyzed in a spectrophotometer, and the COD analysis was performed using the described methodology. The results showed that the 25% and 50% tests showed better development of OD when compared to the control, specifically the 50% test, and in the 75% and 100% tests there was a less relevant development when compared to the control. The COD removal rates varied between the different concentrations of the crop, reaching a minimum COD removal of 46% at a concentration of 75% of the effluent, and a maximum COD removal of 61%, from the effluent at a concentration of 50% , and in general the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris obtained an average total COD removal of 54.25%. The best development and the best removal rate was in the concentration of 50%, having the best correlation between the DO and the phytoremediation of the effluent. Finally, these results confirm that strains of C. vulgaris were able to absorb, develop and remove organic load from the used effluent.
Federal basic sanitation is guaranteed by the Federal Constitution and described by law n°11445/2007, characterized by the fact that there is no supply of drinking water, sewage collection, solid handling and rainwater treatment. However, the is different since a large part of the population still suffers from difficulties in accessing these basic resources of reality. The lack of collection of agents and inappropriate treatment and disposal of minerals from sewage, which often has high loads of organic matter, and other chemicals with a high polluting potential, which can generate a large amount of human health and enormous means for health. environment. Thus, taking care of or treating these biotechnological waste effluents, an effective alternative, compared to alternative chemical or mechanical processes, is the use of the treatment of bacteria, algae, among others, for the bioremediation of these effluents. In this sense, the present work aimed to evaluate the ability of the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris for the treatment of synthetic domestic sanitary effluent. For this, a microalgae was developed in different solutions of sanitary effluents, which had the removal of the organic load quantified through chemical oxygen tests (COD). In this study, microalgae cultures were tested. vulgaris, in different variations of standard C and compared to a culture medium, 50%, being 75%, being all experiments done in duplicate and developed in a culture medium experimental period of 15 days The synthetic effluent was developed in the laboratory to resemble domestic wastewater, reaching an organic matter of approximately 500 mg O2/L. The development of the microalgae was monitored from daily optical density readings analyzed in a spectrophotometer, and the COD analysis was performed using the described methodology. The results showed that the 25% and 50% tests showed better development of OD when compared to the control, specifically the 50% test, and in the 75% and 100% tests there was a less relevant development when compared to the control. The COD removal rates varied between the different concentrations of the crop, reaching a minimum COD removal of 46% at a concentration of 75% of the effluent, and a maximum COD removal of 61%, from the effluent at a concentration of 50% , and in general the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris obtained an average total COD removal of 54.25%. The best development and the best removal rate was in the concentration of 50%, having the best correlation between the DO and the phytoremediation of the effluent. Finally, these results confirm that strains of C. vulgaris were able to absorb, develop and remove organic load from the used effluent.
OSMAN, Mohamad. Microalgas: aplicação biotecnológica para tratamento de efluentes sanitário. 2022. 29 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Bacharelado Interdisciplinar em Ciência e Tecnologia do Mar) - Instituto do Mar, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2022.