Incidência e características das lesões em praticantes de beach tennis: uma revisão sistemática
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Introdução: O beach tennis é um esporte recente que chegou ao Brasil em 2008 e, desde então, tem se expandido e se popularizado mundialmente, não se limitando apenas às cidades litorâneas e atraindo praticantes de todas as faixas etárias e gêneros. Embora compartilhe semelhanças com o tênis de quadra, o beach tennis apresenta características únicas, como o solo de areia, os movimentos específicos e equipamentos exclusivos. No entanto, apesar de seu crescimento, poucos estudos têm sido realizados sobre as lesões associadas à prática do esporte. Objetivo: revisar sistematicamente a literatura sobre a incidência e as características das lesões em praticantes de beach tennis, buscando identificar os tipos de lesões mais comuns, suas causas prováveis e fatores de risco associados. Métodos: A revisão sistemática foi conduzida com base na pergunta norteadora: "Quais são a incidência e as características mais comuns das lesões em praticantes de beach tennis, e quais fatores de risco estão associados a essas lesões em atletas recreativos e de alto rendimento?" Os critérios de elegibilidade incluíram exclusivamente artigos científicos que realizassem estudos transversais epidemiológicos sobre lesões em beach tennis, sem restrição de faixa etária ou nível de habilidade. Foram considerados artigos em qualquer idioma, desde que revisados por pares e de publicações confiáveis. Foram excluídos artigos duplicados, estudos que focassem em outros esportes ou que abordassem apenas aspectos técnicos ou de desempenho. A busca foi realizada em 27 de outubro de 2024, nas bases PubMed, LILACS, PEDro, Embase, CAPES, SciELO, Scopus, ScienceDirect e SPORTDiscus, utilizando como palavras-chave principais "beach tennis" e "(injury OR injuries OR trauma OR damage)". Resultados: Três estudos transversais avaliaram a epidemiologia das lesões em praticantes de beach tennis, envolvendo amostras de ambos os sexos. A prevalência de lesões variou entre ombros, cotovelos e joelhos, sendo influenciada pelo tempo de prática e frequência semanal. O risco de viés foi avaliado pela ferramenta AXIS, com todos os estudos apresentando pontuação similar e classificação de Nível 4 de evidência, limitando inferências causais. Conclusão: A conclusão desta revisão sistemática destaca que as lesões no beach tennis (BT) são mais comuns nos ombros, cotovelos, joelhos e pés, com tendinopatias e entorses predominando. A taxa de incidência de lesões varia de 0,82 a 1,81 por 1000 horas de jogo. Já o tempo de jogo, intensidade da prática e o nível de experiência dos atletas estão associados ao aumento do risco de lesão, sugerindo que a gestão da carga pode ajudar na prevenção. Apesar de mais aquecimento entre jogadores lesionados, o alongamento e aquecimento não mostraram diferença significativa na prevenção. Fatores como sexo e idade não foram relevantes para lesões no BT, embora estudos sugiram aumento das lesões com a idade. A literatura sobre BT é limitada, e mais estudos são necessários para embasar abordagens preventivas e comparações com outros esportes de raquete e modalidades de areia.
Introduction: Beach tennis is a recent sport that arrived in Brazil in 2008 and, since then, has expanded and become popular worldwide, not limited to coastal cities and attracting players of all ages and genders. Although it shares similarities with court tennis, beach tennis has unique characteristics, such as the sand surface, specific movements and exclusive equipment. However, despite its growth, few studies have been conducted on injuries associated with the practice of the sport. Objective: to systematically review the literature on the incidence and characteristics of injuries in beach tennis players, seeking to identify the most common types of injuries, their probable causes and associated risk factors. Methods: The systematic review was conducted based on the guiding question: "What are the incidence and most common characteristics of injuries in beach tennis players, and what risk factors are associated with these injuries in recreational and high-performance athletes?" Eligibility criteria included exclusively scientific articles that carried out cross-sectional epidemiological studies on injuries in beach tennis, with no restrictions on age range or skill level. Articles in any language were considered, as long as they were peer-reviewed and from reliable publications. Duplicate articles, studies that focused on other sports or that addressed only technical or performance aspects were excluded. The search was carried out on October 27, 2024, in the PubMed, LILACS, PEDro, Embase, CAPES, SciELO, Scopus, ScienceDirect and SPORTDiscus databases, using as main keywords "beach tennis" and "(injury OR injuries OR trauma OR damage)". Results: Three cross-sectional studies evaluated the epidemiology of injuries in beach tennis players, involving samples of both sexes. The prevalence of injuries varied between shoulders, elbows and knees, being influenced by the time of practice and weekly frequency. The risk of bias was assessed using the AXIS tool, with all studies presenting similar scores and a Level 4 classification of evidence, limiting causal inferences. Conclusion: The conclusion of this systematic review highlights that injuries in beach tennis (BT) are most common in the shoulders, elbows, knees and feet, with tendinopathies and sprains predominating. The incidence rate of injuries ranges from 0.82 to 1.81 per 1000 hours of play. Playing time, intensity of practice and the level of experience of the athletes are associated with an increased risk of injury, suggesting that load management may help in prevention. Despite more warm-up among injured players, stretching and warm-up did not show a significant difference in prevention. Factors such as sex and age were not relevant for injuries in BT, although studies suggest an increase in injuries with age. The literature on BT is limited, and more studies are needed to support preventive approaches and comparisons with other racket sports and beach modalities.
Introduction: Beach tennis is a recent sport that arrived in Brazil in 2008 and, since then, has expanded and become popular worldwide, not limited to coastal cities and attracting players of all ages and genders. Although it shares similarities with court tennis, beach tennis has unique characteristics, such as the sand surface, specific movements and exclusive equipment. However, despite its growth, few studies have been conducted on injuries associated with the practice of the sport. Objective: to systematically review the literature on the incidence and characteristics of injuries in beach tennis players, seeking to identify the most common types of injuries, their probable causes and associated risk factors. Methods: The systematic review was conducted based on the guiding question: "What are the incidence and most common characteristics of injuries in beach tennis players, and what risk factors are associated with these injuries in recreational and high-performance athletes?" Eligibility criteria included exclusively scientific articles that carried out cross-sectional epidemiological studies on injuries in beach tennis, with no restrictions on age range or skill level. Articles in any language were considered, as long as they were peer-reviewed and from reliable publications. Duplicate articles, studies that focused on other sports or that addressed only technical or performance aspects were excluded. The search was carried out on October 27, 2024, in the PubMed, LILACS, PEDro, Embase, CAPES, SciELO, Scopus, ScienceDirect and SPORTDiscus databases, using as main keywords "beach tennis" and "(injury OR injuries OR trauma OR damage)". Results: Three cross-sectional studies evaluated the epidemiology of injuries in beach tennis players, involving samples of both sexes. The prevalence of injuries varied between shoulders, elbows and knees, being influenced by the time of practice and weekly frequency. The risk of bias was assessed using the AXIS tool, with all studies presenting similar scores and a Level 4 classification of evidence, limiting causal inferences. Conclusion: The conclusion of this systematic review highlights that injuries in beach tennis (BT) are most common in the shoulders, elbows, knees and feet, with tendinopathies and sprains predominating. The incidence rate of injuries ranges from 0.82 to 1.81 per 1000 hours of play. Playing time, intensity of practice and the level of experience of the athletes are associated with an increased risk of injury, suggesting that load management may help in prevention. Despite more warm-up among injured players, stretching and warm-up did not show a significant difference in prevention. Factors such as sex and age were not relevant for injuries in BT, although studies suggest an increase in injuries with age. The literature on BT is limited, and more studies are needed to support preventive approaches and comparisons with other racket sports and beach modalities.
SILVA, Bianca Guadencio. Incidência e características das lesões em praticantes de beach tennis: uma revisão sistemática. 2024. 43 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Fisioterapia) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Santos, 2024.