Incomensurabilidade: uma questão epistemológica ou de linguagem
Dissertação de mestrado
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O debate sobre o progresso linear do conhecimento toma um grande papel na
filosofia da ciência, tendo como uma de suas principais figuras Thomas S. Kuhn com
sua tese de incomensurabilidade. Porém, a incomensurabilidade é o tema mais polêmico
dos trabalhos de Kuhn, geradora de criticas de relativismo e irracionalismos.
Devido a essas críticas, ou por uma evolução natural do pensamento de Kuhn, a
tese da incomensurabilidade encontra dois momentos, segundo comentadores como
Robson Guitarrari. Em sua primeira formulação ela possui um patamar mais amplo,
porém, posteriormente, Kuhn defende uma incomensurabilidade local, dando uma maior
ênfase para a linguagem. A presente dissertação analisa três questões referentes à
incomensurabilidade: é possível manter a tese da incomensurabilidade? As causas que
levaram a essa mudança de perspectiva da incomensurabilidade? e se é possível não
cairmos em um relativismo?
Para tanto, apresentamos, brevemente, a dinâmica científica defendida por Kuhn,
passando pelo período pré-paradigmático, paradigmático e de revolução cientifica para,
só então, tratar propriamente da questão da incomensurabilidade. Para essa empreitada,
utilizaremos dos textos de Thomas Kuhn, deixando claro os dois momentos da
incomensurabilidade e, partindo da análise de comentadores, apresentaremos as críticas
e defesas a essa tese.
The debate on the linear progress of knowledge takes a big role in the philosophy of science, having as one of its leading figures Thomas S. Kuhn with his thesis of incommensurability. However, the incommensurability is the most polemical theme of the works of Kuhn, generating criticism of relativism and irrationalism. Because of these criticisms or a natural evolution of the thought of Kuhn's thesis of incommensurability meets two times, according to commentators as Robson Guitarrari. In its initial formulation it has a broader level, however, later, Kuhn maintains a local incommensurability, giving greater emphasis to the language. This dissertation analyses three issues incommensurability, it is possible to maintain the thesis of incommensurability, the question that led to this change of perspective of incommensurability, and if you can not fall into relativism. Therefore, we present briefly the scientific dynamics advocated by Kuhn, through pre - paradigmatic, paradigmatic and scientific revolution then properly approach the incommensurability issue. For this work will use the texts of Thomas Kuhn, making clear the two moments of incommensurability and, starting from the analyses commentators, and present the critics and defences to this thesis.
The debate on the linear progress of knowledge takes a big role in the philosophy of science, having as one of its leading figures Thomas S. Kuhn with his thesis of incommensurability. However, the incommensurability is the most polemical theme of the works of Kuhn, generating criticism of relativism and irrationalism. Because of these criticisms or a natural evolution of the thought of Kuhn's thesis of incommensurability meets two times, according to commentators as Robson Guitarrari. In its initial formulation it has a broader level, however, later, Kuhn maintains a local incommensurability, giving greater emphasis to the language. This dissertation analyses three issues incommensurability, it is possible to maintain the thesis of incommensurability, the question that led to this change of perspective of incommensurability, and if you can not fall into relativism. Therefore, we present briefly the scientific dynamics advocated by Kuhn, through pre - paradigmatic, paradigmatic and scientific revolution then properly approach the incommensurability issue. For this work will use the texts of Thomas Kuhn, making clear the two moments of incommensurability and, starting from the analyses commentators, and present the critics and defences to this thesis.
SPERANDIO, Caio Sievers. Incomensurabilidade: uma questão epistemológica ou de linguagem. 2014. 113 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Filosofia) – Escola de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Guarulhos, 2014.