Um estudo sobre negacionismo científico e suas possíveis influências nas práticas dos professores de Ciências
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Nos últimos anos, especialmente no contexto da pandemia COVID-19, houve crescimento
dos movimentos negacionistas evidenciados com a divulgação das fake news e
pseudociências nas redes sociais e com os posicionamentos políticos. Nas estratégias
negacionistas há a instrumentalização da dúvida para provocar a desconfiança nas Ciências o
que pode direcionar as ações individuais e sociais e, portanto, afetar as aulas de Ciências ou as
relações estabelecidas na escola. Nesse contexto, este estudo teve como objetivo analisar as
vertentes e características do negacionismo científico e suas possíveis influências nas práticas
dos professores de Ciências. A pesquisa consistiu em duas fases: (i) pesquisa bibliográfica,
com estudo documental de artigos sobre negacionismo científico e ensino de ciências
selecionados na base de dados Periódicos Capes e analisados por Análise de Conteúdo, via
software ATLAS TI Web e Desktop; (ii) pesquisa descritiva de natureza mista com inquérito
por questionário online aos professores de Ciências, Biologia, Física e Química do Ensino
Fundamental II e Ensino Médio, com respostas analisadas qualitativamente traçando relações
com a primeira fase do estudo. A pesquisa bibliográfica, resultou em cinco categorias e vinte
e três unidades de contexto indicando que as características do negacionismo científico
discutidas no contexto de ensino foram mais direcionadas ao avanço do conservadorismo e à
pós-verdade, sendo que questões voltadas às crenças (fé, religião e superstições), à mídia e à
economia, foram mais discutidas no contexto da política e ideologia. Na pesquisa descritiva,
com a avaliação dos dados de sessenta respostas do questionário, é notável que os professores
apontaram características que se relacionam às mesmas dimensões encontradas na pesquisa
bibliográfica. Para esse grupo de professores, o negacionismo científico traz influências ao
ensino de Ciências, especialmente na comunicação com os estudantes, o que ocasionou
atividades mais voltadas ao debate. Os professores, em geral, assinalaram os conteúdos na
unidade temática vida e evolução como os mais sensíveis ao negacionismo científico. Esse
grupo de professores assinalou a contribuição da alfabetização científica no enfrentamento do
negacionismo científico e indicou atividades pedagógicas com esse intuito, especialmente
práticas voltadas para o ensino dos métodos científicos. Conclui-se que o estudo apresenta
contribuições relevantes ao analisar as relações entre o Negacionismo Científico e o Ensino de
In recent years, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a rise in denialist movements, evidenced by the dissemination of fake news and pseudosciences on social media platforms and with political positions. In denialist strategies, the instrumentalization of doubt is used to foster mistrust in Science, which can influence individual and societal actions and, therefore, affect Science education, including classes or the relationships established at school. In this context, this study aimed to analyze the designations and characteristics of scientific denialism and its possible influences on the practices of science teachers. The research consisted of two phases: (i) a bibliographical research, with a documentary study of articles on scientific denialism and science teaching selected from CAPES database and analyzed by Content Analysis, through ATLAS TI Web and Desktop software; (ii) a descriptive research with mixed method approach, from an online questionnaire survey of Science, Biology, Physics and Chemistry teachers of primary and secondary school , with responses qualitatively analyzed, tracing relationships with the first phase of the study. The bibliographical research resulted in five categories and twenty-three context units, indicating that the characteristics of scientific denialism discussed in the Science teaching context were more directed towards the advancement of conservatism and post-truth, and issues related to beliefs (faith, religion and superstitions), the media and the economy, were further discussed in the context of politics and ideology. In the descriptive research, with the evaluation of data from answers of the sixty teachers, it is noticeable that they pointed out characteristics that are related to the same dimensions found in the bibliographical research. For this group of teachers, scientific denial influences science teaching, especially in communication with students, this fact led to activities more focused on debate. The teachers, in general, pointed out that the contents in the life and evolution thematic unit are more sensitive to scientific denialism. This group of teachers highlighted the contribution of scientific literacy in confronting scientific denialism and indicated pedagogical activities for this purpose, especially teaching practices on the scientific method. Finally the study presents relevant contributions when analyzing the relationship between scientific denialism and science teaching.
In recent years, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a rise in denialist movements, evidenced by the dissemination of fake news and pseudosciences on social media platforms and with political positions. In denialist strategies, the instrumentalization of doubt is used to foster mistrust in Science, which can influence individual and societal actions and, therefore, affect Science education, including classes or the relationships established at school. In this context, this study aimed to analyze the designations and characteristics of scientific denialism and its possible influences on the practices of science teachers. The research consisted of two phases: (i) a bibliographical research, with a documentary study of articles on scientific denialism and science teaching selected from CAPES database and analyzed by Content Analysis, through ATLAS TI Web and Desktop software; (ii) a descriptive research with mixed method approach, from an online questionnaire survey of Science, Biology, Physics and Chemistry teachers of primary and secondary school , with responses qualitatively analyzed, tracing relationships with the first phase of the study. The bibliographical research resulted in five categories and twenty-three context units, indicating that the characteristics of scientific denialism discussed in the Science teaching context were more directed towards the advancement of conservatism and post-truth, and issues related to beliefs (faith, religion and superstitions), the media and the economy, were further discussed in the context of politics and ideology. In the descriptive research, with the evaluation of data from answers of the sixty teachers, it is noticeable that they pointed out characteristics that are related to the same dimensions found in the bibliographical research. For this group of teachers, scientific denial influences science teaching, especially in communication with students, this fact led to activities more focused on debate. The teachers, in general, pointed out that the contents in the life and evolution thematic unit are more sensitive to scientific denialism. This group of teachers highlighted the contribution of scientific literacy in confronting scientific denialism and indicated pedagogical activities for this purpose, especially teaching practices on the scientific method. Finally the study presents relevant contributions when analyzing the relationship between scientific denialism and science teaching.
Damascena, Viviane Oliveira. Um estudo sobre negacionismo científico e suas possíveis influências nas práticas dos professores de Ciências. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática). Universidade Federal de São Paulo – UNIFESP – Campus Diadema, 2023. Orientação: Prof. Dra. Lucinéia Ferreira Ceridório. Coorientação: Prof. Dra. Eliane de Souza Cruz.