Avaliação da qualidade da estratégia saúde da família na atenção à saúde da criança no município de Maceió
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Objetivo Avaliar a qualidade da Estratégia Saúde da Família na atenção à saúde da criança do município de Maceió. Métodos: Estudo transversal descritivo, realizado com 66 equipes de médicos e enfermeiros das equipes da Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF). Para o estudo foi utilizado parte do instrumento de Avaliação de Qualidade da Estratégia Saúde da Família, no que se refere as ações realizadas na atenção à saúde das crianças atendidas pelas equipes de saúde da família, classificando-as em padrões de qualidade da assistência: “elementar”, “desenvolvida”, “consolidada”, “boa” e “avançada”; e parte do instrumento de Monitoramento e Avaliação da Atenção Integral à Saúde da Criança, no tocante a implantação da ESF, da cobertura da população atendida por cada equipe, a capacitação nas ações da criança. Os dados foram agrupados nos padrões de qualidade e categorizadas as ações desenvolvidas, relacionadas a cada padrão, comparando-os entre os distritos sanitários da capital. A análise foi feita comparando-se os padrões com o período de implantação das diferentes equipes Resultados: O estudo mostrou diferentes padrões de qualidade entre as equipes, sendo que, o padrão “Elementar” apresentou a maior conformidade e foi o mais prevalente em todas as equipes, presente em 84,1% das ações avaliadas. As equipes com maior prevalência de ações no padrão “elementar” foram as do II e V Distritos (94,4% e 93,3%, respectivamente). O padrão “avançado” foi o menos prevalente entre as equipes (47,7%), com destaque para o III Distrito Sanitário com (54,5%) de conformidade das ações. Quanto ao tempo de implantação, as equipes com menos de quatro anos implantadas se destacaram, apresentando melhor avaliação nos padrões: “Elementar”, “Consolidada”, “Boa” e “Avançada”, correspondendo a (90.05%; 90.0%; 100%, 100%) em algumas ações desenvolvidas nos padrões pesquisados.Conclusão: Os achados sugerem, que as ações da atenção à saúde da criança as equipes da ESF em Maceió-AL estão mais qualificadas nas equipes com menos de quatro anos de implantação, e que a grande maioria das equipes se encontram no padrão “elementar” de implantação das ações, com uma minoria das equipes no padrão “Avançado”.
Objective: Evaluate the quality of the Family Health Care Strategy, giving attention to the child health in the municipality of Maceio. Methods: Descriptive study with a quantitative approach, carried out with 66 teams of doctors and nurses from the teams of the Family Health Care Strategy. For such study, we used part of the Quality Assessment instrument of the Family Health Care Strategy, as regards the actions performed in the health of children seen by family health care teams, rating them on quality standards of care: Elementary, developed, consolidated, good and advanced levels, as well as part of the instrument of Monitoring and Evaluation of Comprehensive Health Care of the Child, concerning the implementation of the family health care strategy, coverage of the population served by each team, training in actions executed by them concerning the child and access to services of medium and high complexity. The data was grouped in quality standards and the actions developed were categorized, related to each standard, comparing them among the health districts of the capital. The analysis was performed comparing the standards with the period of deployment of the different teams. Results: The study enabled the identification of different quality standards among the teams in the districts. Since the Elementary standards had the highest compliance in all teams with 84.1% of performed actions. The teams that emerged in this study of standard are districts II and V (94.4% and 93.3%). The advanced standard showed the lowest percentage of compliance among all teams (47.7%), with emphasis on the Health District III (54.5%). Concerning the time of deployment, the teams with less than four years stood out, with better compliance in standards: Elementary. Consolidated, Good and advanced, corresponding to (90.05%, 90.0%, 100%, 100%) in some actions developed in each researched standard. Conclusion: The findings suggest that the actions concerning the child are being performed in a better accordance in teams with less than four years of implementation and that most of the teams are in the initial process of implementation of actions (Elementary Standard), which according to parameters, addresses key elements of structure and the most basic actions of the FHCS, and that a minority of the teams are in the standard (Advanced), which addresses an excellence in the structure, processes and outcomes of actions developed with the child.
Objective: Evaluate the quality of the Family Health Care Strategy, giving attention to the child health in the municipality of Maceio. Methods: Descriptive study with a quantitative approach, carried out with 66 teams of doctors and nurses from the teams of the Family Health Care Strategy. For such study, we used part of the Quality Assessment instrument of the Family Health Care Strategy, as regards the actions performed in the health of children seen by family health care teams, rating them on quality standards of care: Elementary, developed, consolidated, good and advanced levels, as well as part of the instrument of Monitoring and Evaluation of Comprehensive Health Care of the Child, concerning the implementation of the family health care strategy, coverage of the population served by each team, training in actions executed by them concerning the child and access to services of medium and high complexity. The data was grouped in quality standards and the actions developed were categorized, related to each standard, comparing them among the health districts of the capital. The analysis was performed comparing the standards with the period of deployment of the different teams. Results: The study enabled the identification of different quality standards among the teams in the districts. Since the Elementary standards had the highest compliance in all teams with 84.1% of performed actions. The teams that emerged in this study of standard are districts II and V (94.4% and 93.3%). The advanced standard showed the lowest percentage of compliance among all teams (47.7%), with emphasis on the Health District III (54.5%). Concerning the time of deployment, the teams with less than four years stood out, with better compliance in standards: Elementary. Consolidated, Good and advanced, corresponding to (90.05%, 90.0%, 100%, 100%) in some actions developed in each researched standard. Conclusion: The findings suggest that the actions concerning the child are being performed in a better accordance in teams with less than four years of implementation and that most of the teams are in the initial process of implementation of actions (Elementary Standard), which according to parameters, addresses key elements of structure and the most basic actions of the FHCS, and that a minority of the teams are in the standard (Advanced), which addresses an excellence in the structure, processes and outcomes of actions developed with the child.
SALES, Maria Lucelia da Hora. Avaliação da qualidade da estratégia saúde da família na atenção à saúde da criança no município de Maceió. 2011. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, 2011.