O estatuto do artífice no Tratado da pintura de Leon Battista Alberti
Dissertação de mestrado
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O tema desta dissertação de mestrado concentra-se no estudo acerca do
estatuto do artífice no tratado Da pintura de Leon Battista Alberti. Para atingir
esse objetivo, mostrar-se-á como a Renascença italiana tinha por base a
filosofia aristotélica, cujo entendimento pode ser buscado nas classificações
dos saberes no Renascimento. Isto posto, interessa analisar o tratado de
Alberti para pensar que as artes na época faziam parte do contexto da
filosofia num sentido amplo e, assim, podem ser estudadas pela História da
Filosofia a partir de um “olhar de época”, diverso do olhar da História da Arte,
a fim de pensar a posição do artífice na Renascença italiana.
This dissertation focuses on studying the artificer status as described in the treatise On Painting, by Leon Battista Alberti. To do so, it will show how Italian Renaissance was based on Aristotelian philosophy, whose understanding can be sought in the knowledge ratings during Renaissance. That said, it is interesting to analyze Alberti treatise to perceive the arts at the time as part of a philosophy context in a broad sense; and capable of being studied by Philosophy History from an “period eye”, different from Art History looking, in order to think about the artificer position during Italian Renaissance.
This dissertation focuses on studying the artificer status as described in the treatise On Painting, by Leon Battista Alberti. To do so, it will show how Italian Renaissance was based on Aristotelian philosophy, whose understanding can be sought in the knowledge ratings during Renaissance. That said, it is interesting to analyze Alberti treatise to perceive the arts at the time as part of a philosophy context in a broad sense; and capable of being studied by Philosophy History from an “period eye”, different from Art History looking, in order to think about the artificer position during Italian Renaissance.
OSERA, Karen Mylena de Gouvea. O estatuto do artífice no Tratado da pintura de Leon Battista Alberti. 2014. 115 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Filosofia) – Escola de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Guarulhos, 2014.