Segurança dos produtos de embelezamento animal
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Estudos revelam que a convivência dos seres humanos com animais de estimação traz benefícios para os humanos. A relação próxima entre ambos tornou o animal um membro da família, aumentando o cuidado com seu asseio e bem-estar, estimulando o consumo de produtos e serviços para animais e promovendo o crescimento do setor pet. Os cães e gatos são os maiores consumidores de cosméticos para pet. A composição dos cosméticos para pet é similar à dos cosméticos para humanos, porém, a estrutura e fisiologia da pele de cada espécie é diferente. Em função disto, os objetivos deste trabalho foram analisar o cenário regulatório do ponto de vista de segurança, para ambos e identificar através da aplicação de questionários a incidência de reações adversas oriundas do uso de cosméticos em cães e gatos, bem como a percepção da segurança dos tutores e profissionais da área veterinária. O levantamento bibliográfico foi realizado por meio de consulta à legislação brasileira e americana aplicáveis à cosméticos para humanos e cosméticos para pet vigentes até outubro de 2022. Além disto, foram consultados os dados de mercado disponibilizados pela ABINPET (Associação Brasileira da Indústria de Produtos para Animais de Estimação) e consultados artigos publicados nos últimos 10 anos nas bases de dados da CAPES sobre as diferenças na estrutura e fisiologia da pele entre animais e humanos. Os questionários específicos foram elaborados para tutores, veterinários, groomers/banhistas. A consistência de cada um deles foi avaliada segundo alfa de Cronbach e determinado número mínimo de trinta voluntários para cada questionário. Os resultados foram avaliados aplicando análise estatística descritiva e uso de técnicas de agrupamento para identificação de possíveis subgrupos passíveis de análise. Os testes de hipótese foram conduzidos com significância de 5%. O levantamento bibliográfico demonstrou que nos EUA (Estados Unidos da América) não há regulamentação para os cosméticos para pet. No Brasil a legislação do MAPA (Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento) determina requisitos para estes produtos, porém carecem de parâmetros de segurança com base nas características individuais das espécies, bem como a definição de critérios e procedimentos para implementação da cosmetovigilância veterinária devido ao aumento do consumo nos últimos anos. Os resultados mostraram que 88% dos tutores têm hábitos de higiene com seus pets, 79,7% dos tutores e 96,6% dos groomers/banhistas preferem os cosméticos para pet. Dos casos de reação adversa relatados no último ano, o maior precursor de reações adversas é o shampoo e também o mais utilizado pelos tutores e groomers/banhistas. Entre os atributos avaliados pelos tutores e groomers/banhistas, aqueles relacionados à segurança do produto e do animal foram os que tiveram a maior nota atribuída. Conclui-se que a segurança do produto é relevante tanto para tutores como groomer/banhistas.
Studies reveal that the relationship between humans and pets brings benefits to humans. The close relationship between both makes the animal a member of the family, increasing care for its cleanliness and wellbeing, stimulating the consumption of products and services for animals and promoting the growth of pet sector. Dogs and cats are the biggest consumers of cosmetics for pets. The composition of cosmetics for pets is similar to the composition of cosmetics for humans, however, the structure and physiology of the skin of each species is different. As a result, the objectives of this work were to analyze the regulatory scenario from a safety point of view, for pet cosmetics compared to human cosmetics, and to identify through questionnaires the incidence of adverse reactions arising from the use of cosmetic products in dogs and cats, as well as the perception of safety by tutors and professionals from veterinary area. The bibliographic survey was carried out by consulting the Brazilian and American legislation applicable to cosmetics for humans and cosmetics for pet in force until October 2022. In addition, market data provided by ABINPET (Brazilian Association of Animal Products Industry) and articles published in the last 10 years on the differences in the structure and physiology of the skin between animals and humans were consulted. Specific questionnaires were designed for tutors, veterinarians, groomers/bathers. The consistency of each one of them was evaluated according to Cronbach's alpha and a minimum number of thirty volunteers was determined for each questionnaire. The results were evaluated by applying descriptive statistical analysis and using grouping techniques to identify possible subgroups that could be analyzed. Hypothesis tests were conducted with a significance of 5%. The bibliographic survey showed that in the USA there is no regulation for pet cosmetics. In Brazil, MAPA legislation (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply) have requirements for these products, but they lack safety parameters based on the individual characteristics of the species, as well as the definition of criteria and procedures for the implementation of veterinary cosmetovigilance due to the increased consumption in the last years. The results showed that 88% of tutors have hygiene habits with their pets, 79.7% of tutors and 96.6% of groomers/bathers prefer pet cosmetics. From the cases of adverse reaction reported in the last year, the biggest precursor was shampoo and also the most used by tutors and groomers/bathers. Among the attributes evaluated by tutors and groomers, those related to the safety of the product and the animal were the ones with the highest score. We conclude that product safety is relevant for both tutors and groomer/swimmers.
Studies reveal that the relationship between humans and pets brings benefits to humans. The close relationship between both makes the animal a member of the family, increasing care for its cleanliness and wellbeing, stimulating the consumption of products and services for animals and promoting the growth of pet sector. Dogs and cats are the biggest consumers of cosmetics for pets. The composition of cosmetics for pets is similar to the composition of cosmetics for humans, however, the structure and physiology of the skin of each species is different. As a result, the objectives of this work were to analyze the regulatory scenario from a safety point of view, for pet cosmetics compared to human cosmetics, and to identify through questionnaires the incidence of adverse reactions arising from the use of cosmetic products in dogs and cats, as well as the perception of safety by tutors and professionals from veterinary area. The bibliographic survey was carried out by consulting the Brazilian and American legislation applicable to cosmetics for humans and cosmetics for pet in force until October 2022. In addition, market data provided by ABINPET (Brazilian Association of Animal Products Industry) and articles published in the last 10 years on the differences in the structure and physiology of the skin between animals and humans were consulted. Specific questionnaires were designed for tutors, veterinarians, groomers/bathers. The consistency of each one of them was evaluated according to Cronbach's alpha and a minimum number of thirty volunteers was determined for each questionnaire. The results were evaluated by applying descriptive statistical analysis and using grouping techniques to identify possible subgroups that could be analyzed. Hypothesis tests were conducted with a significance of 5%. The bibliographic survey showed that in the USA there is no regulation for pet cosmetics. In Brazil, MAPA legislation (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply) have requirements for these products, but they lack safety parameters based on the individual characteristics of the species, as well as the definition of criteria and procedures for the implementation of veterinary cosmetovigilance due to the increased consumption in the last years. The results showed that 88% of tutors have hygiene habits with their pets, 79.7% of tutors and 96.6% of groomers/bathers prefer pet cosmetics. From the cases of adverse reaction reported in the last year, the biggest precursor was shampoo and also the most used by tutors and groomers/bathers. Among the attributes evaluated by tutors and groomers, those related to the safety of the product and the animal were the ones with the highest score. We conclude that product safety is relevant for both tutors and groomer/swimmers.