Desenvolvimento de uma Ferramenta Educacional Baseada em Aprendizagem Móvel para Apoio ao Ensino de Lógica de Programação
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Aprender lógica de programação continua sendo um entrave para discentes de diversas áreas acadêmicas. Considerada uma das disciplinas de suma importância no campo de Ciências e Tecnologias, aventa-se um foco investigativo perante ao alto índice de reprovação e falta de interesse por parte dos alunos. Inúmeras ferramentas e metodologias surgem e são aplicadas a fim de obter resultados em diversas áreas acadêmicas. Este trabalho tem como principal motivação as dificuldades no processo de ensino e aprendizagem de Lógica de Programação observada, notadamente em turmas de ciências humanas e exatas. Desta forma, o presente projeto de pesquisa visa desenvolver uma ferramenta de apoio à aprendizagem de Lógica de Programação, com versatilidade para aplicação em diversos públicos acadêmicos. Visando o cumprimento deste objetivo, foi realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura, a fim de compreender quais eram as ferramentas existentes para ensino de Lógica de Programação. A ferramenta desenvolvida integra objetos de aprendizagem por meio de aparelhos móveis, e também, com gestão docente por um painel administrativo web, possibilitando-se o cadastro de conteúdos e o acompanhamento discente pelo professor. Após a implementação da ferramenta, ela foi utilizada em testes e validação por 30 discentes, dos cursos de tecnologia da informação, estes distribuídos entre o Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia da Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) e da Escola Técnica do Centro Paula Souza (ETEC) de Cruzeiro/São Paulo, utilizando, como base para a validação, o modelo de aceitação de tecnologia (TAM) e o modelo QUIS. Os discentes também puderam sugerir melhorias e apontar problemas em questões abertas. Os resultados de aceitação da ferramenta, percepção de utilidade e visão perante o uso foram positivos, com grande aceitação discente. Deste modo, espera-se que a ferramenta seja uma importante aliada no apoio ao ensino de Lógica de Programação, contribuindo para que o aprendizado seja mais atrativo, além de poder servir de apoio ao docente.
Learning programming logic continues to be an obstacle for students from different academic areas. Considered one of the most important disciplines in the field of Science and Technology, an investigative focus is proposed in view of the high failure rate and lack of interest on the part of students. Numerous tools and methodologies emerge and are applied in order to obtain different results in various academic areas. This work has as its main motivation the difficulties in the teaching and learning process of Logic Programming observed, notably in classes of humanities and exact sciences. In this way, the present research project aims to develop a tool to support the learning of Logic Programming, with versatility for application in several academic publics. Aiming at fulfilling this objective, a systematic review of the literature was carried out, in order to understand what were the existing tools for teaching Logic Programming. The developed tool integrates learning objects through mobile devices, and also, with teacher management through a web administrative panel, enabling the registration of contents and student monitoring by the teacher. After implementing the tool, it was used in tests and validation by 30 students from information technology courses, distributed between the Institute of Science and Technology of the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) and the Technical School of Centro Paula Souza (ETEC) from Cruzeiro/São Paulo, using, as a basis for validation, the technology acceptance model (TAM) and the QUIS model. The students were also able to suggest improvements and point out problems in open questions. The results of acceptance of the tool, perception of usefulness, and vision of its use were positive, with great student acceptance. In this way, it is expected that the tool will be an important ally in supporting the teaching of Programming Logic, contributing to make learning more attractive, in addition to being able to support the teacher.
Learning programming logic continues to be an obstacle for students from different academic areas. Considered one of the most important disciplines in the field of Science and Technology, an investigative focus is proposed in view of the high failure rate and lack of interest on the part of students. Numerous tools and methodologies emerge and are applied in order to obtain different results in various academic areas. This work has as its main motivation the difficulties in the teaching and learning process of Logic Programming observed, notably in classes of humanities and exact sciences. In this way, the present research project aims to develop a tool to support the learning of Logic Programming, with versatility for application in several academic publics. Aiming at fulfilling this objective, a systematic review of the literature was carried out, in order to understand what were the existing tools for teaching Logic Programming. The developed tool integrates learning objects through mobile devices, and also, with teacher management through a web administrative panel, enabling the registration of contents and student monitoring by the teacher. After implementing the tool, it was used in tests and validation by 30 students from information technology courses, distributed between the Institute of Science and Technology of the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) and the Technical School of Centro Paula Souza (ETEC) from Cruzeiro/São Paulo, using, as a basis for validation, the technology acceptance model (TAM) and the QUIS model. The students were also able to suggest improvements and point out problems in open questions. The results of acceptance of the tool, perception of usefulness, and vision of its use were positive, with great student acceptance. In this way, it is expected that the tool will be an important ally in supporting the teaching of Programming Logic, contributing to make learning more attractive, in addition to being able to support the teacher.