Mulheres em cargos de liderança mas empresas brasileiras
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Considerando que ao longo da história vários fatores fizeram parte da inserção das
mulheres no mercado de trabalho, partiu-se da hipótese de que o número de mulheres
em conselhos administrativos afeta a quantidade das mesmas em cargos de liderança
nas empresas. Assim sendo, o objetivo principal do estudo foi apresentar a evolução
das mulheres no campo profissional ressaltando a ocupação delas nos Conselhos
Administrativos e em cargos de liderança nas 20 maiores empresas brasileiras de
capital aberto, conforme resultado obtido na 17ª. edição do ranking anual das
maiores empresas de capital aberto, divulgado em 2019. Os objetivos secundários
foram: analisar por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica e análise de casos específicos, como
está na atualidade a inserção das mulheres no mercado de trabalho e identificar qual a
posição das mesmas e das empresas em relação aos cargos de liderança ou alta
direção nas empresas brasileiras. Os resultados obtidos por meio de uma pesquisa
bibliográfica indicam que as questões acerca da mulher no mercado de trabalho ao
longo do tempo têm sido fonte de debates e polêmicas, no entanto, foi possível
compreender melhor as questões que envolvem relações de gênero, assim como
quanto aos marcos da luta das mulheres em favor do direito de igualdade e liberdade,
questão essa que esteve presente nas sociedades patriarcais e na atualidade vem
sendo minimizada, uma vez que as empresas, no geral, têm buscado mudar suas
posturas, respondendo de maneira adequada às exigências atuais do ambiente
corporativo e acompanhar a evolução da sociedade, apesar de ainda não ser grande o
número de empresas com mulheres ocupando posições de líder.
Considering that throughout history several factors were part of the insertion of women in the labor market, it was based on the hypothesis that the number of women on administrative boards affects the number of them in leadership positions in companies. Thus, the main objective of the study was to present the evolution ofs mulheres in the professional field highlighting their occupation in the Administrative Councils and in leadership positions in the 20 largest Brazilian publicly traded companies, according to the result obtained in the 17th edition of the annual ranking of the largest publicly traded companies, published in 2019. The secondary objectives were: to analyze through bibliographic research and analysis of specific cases, as is currently the insertion of women in the labor market and to identify the position of them and companies in relation to leadership or senior management positions in Brazilian companies. The results obtained through a bibliographic research indicate that questions about women in the labor market throughout the market have been a source of debates and controversies, however, it was possible to better understand the issues involving gender relations, as with regard to the milestones of women's struggle in favor of the right to equality and freedom, an issue that has been present in patriarchal societies and today has been minimized, since companies in general have sought to change their positions, responding adequately to the current demands of the corporate environment and monitoring the evolution of society, although the number of companies with women occupying positions of leader is still not large.
Considering that throughout history several factors were part of the insertion of women in the labor market, it was based on the hypothesis that the number of women on administrative boards affects the number of them in leadership positions in companies. Thus, the main objective of the study was to present the evolution ofs mulheres in the professional field highlighting their occupation in the Administrative Councils and in leadership positions in the 20 largest Brazilian publicly traded companies, according to the result obtained in the 17th edition of the annual ranking of the largest publicly traded companies, published in 2019. The secondary objectives were: to analyze through bibliographic research and analysis of specific cases, as is currently the insertion of women in the labor market and to identify the position of them and companies in relation to leadership or senior management positions in Brazilian companies. The results obtained through a bibliographic research indicate that questions about women in the labor market throughout the market have been a source of debates and controversies, however, it was possible to better understand the issues involving gender relations, as with regard to the milestones of women's struggle in favor of the right to equality and freedom, an issue that has been present in patriarchal societies and today has been minimized, since companies in general have sought to change their positions, responding adequately to the current demands of the corporate environment and monitoring the evolution of society, although the number of companies with women occupying positions of leader is still not large.
PRADO, Adrielle de Azevedo. Mulheres em cargos de liderança mas empresas brasileiras. 2019. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Administração) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista de Política, Economia e Negócios, Osasco, 2019.