O Museu Mazzaropi: Do discurso expositivo à patrimonialização da personagem
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Ao ouvir o nome Mazzaropi o que vem à mente da maioria das pessoas é a figura de um caipira, um homem do campo e de filmes que remetem à cultura popular. O presente trabalho tem como intuito analisar o Museu Mazzaropi e sua cultura material a fim de entender qual a importância de se preservar a memória de Amácio Mazzaropi. Para que tal questão seja respondida, conhecer a pessoa por trás da personagem Mazzaropi se faz essencial. Além disso, a compreensão sobre a patrimonialização da personagem/empresário, perpassa por uma análise do discurso expositivo presente no Museu; este constrói uma narrativa que tem como fundamento a cultura material. O objetivo principal deste trabalho reside em analisar, por meio da organização museal e discurso expográfico, a patrimonialização e musealização da personagem Mazzaropi vivida pelo seu criador e cineasta, Amácio Mazzaropi. As fontes utilizadas para esta análise consistem na cultura material presente no museu – painéis, fotografias, maquinários e vestuários da elaboração e gravação dos filmes – matérias jornalísticas produzidas durante a carreira do artista e após a sua morte, estudos sobre a vida e obra de Amácio Mazzaropi, além, evidentemente, da bibliografia acerca dos museus e do patrimônio cultural.
Hearing Mazzaropi name what comes to most people's minds is a hillbilly, a man from the countryside and character from films of popular culture. This work aims to analyze the Mazzaropi Museum and its material culture in order to understand the importance of preserving Amácio Mazzaropi memory. To answer this question, is essential to know the person behind the character Mazzaropi. In addition, the understanding of the character/entrepreneur's patrimonialization goes through an analysis of the exhibition discourse present in the Museum; it builds a narrative based on material culture. The main objective of this work is to analyze, through museum organization and expographic discourse, the patrimonialization and musealization of the character Mazzaropi experienced by its creator and filmmaker, Amácio Mazzaropi. The sources used for this analysis consist of the material culture present in the museum – panels, photographs, machinery and clothing for the making and recording of films – journalistic materials produced during the artist's career and after his death, studies on Amácio's life and work Mazzaropi, besides, of course, the bibliography about museums and cultural heritage.
Hearing Mazzaropi name what comes to most people's minds is a hillbilly, a man from the countryside and character from films of popular culture. This work aims to analyze the Mazzaropi Museum and its material culture in order to understand the importance of preserving Amácio Mazzaropi memory. To answer this question, is essential to know the person behind the character Mazzaropi. In addition, the understanding of the character/entrepreneur's patrimonialization goes through an analysis of the exhibition discourse present in the Museum; it builds a narrative based on material culture. The main objective of this work is to analyze, through museum organization and expographic discourse, the patrimonialization and musealization of the character Mazzaropi experienced by its creator and filmmaker, Amácio Mazzaropi. The sources used for this analysis consist of the material culture present in the museum – panels, photographs, machinery and clothing for the making and recording of films – journalistic materials produced during the artist's career and after his death, studies on Amácio's life and work Mazzaropi, besides, of course, the bibliography about museums and cultural heritage.
SANTOS, Yara Cristina Mendes dos. O Museu Mazzaropi: Do discurso expositivo à patrimonialização da personagem. Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Guarulhos, 2021. 67 p.