Aurora: uma obra de transição na filosofia de Nietzsche?
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No presente trabalho, temos por objetivo analisar a hipótese de que o livro Aurora, no
conjunto dos escritos de Friedrich Nietzsche, mostra-se como uma obra de transição.
Nesse livro, mostraremos que Nietzsche começa a criar um quadro teórico que lhe
possibilitará desenvolver temas centrais de sua filosofia. Com essa interpretação,
faremos ver que, justamente por causa desse caráter transitório, essa obra tem sido tão
subestimada. Atualmente Aurora suscita um interesse renovado na pesquisa
internacional sobre Nietzsche; ainda sim, muitas vezes nos depararmos com leituras que
tendem a desconsiderar seu caráter transitório, e, por isso mesmo, acabam por
obscurecê-la. Isso tem ocorrido sempre que os comentadores interpretam Aurora à luz
de conceitos, projetos e doutrinas filosóficas posteriores ao livro. Para nos contrapor a
essa literatura que tende a submeter Aurora à filosofia tardia de Nietzsche, pretendemos
analisá-la em seu tempo próprio, única maneira de verificar em que sentido as ideias
presentes no livro contribuíram para viabilizar a construção de conceitos tais como
genealogia, vontade de potência e transvaloração dos valores.
In this work, we aim to examine the hypothesis that the book Daybreak, in all the writings of Friedrich Nietzsche, shows up as a transitional work. In this book, we will show that Nietzsche begins to create a theoretical framework that will enable you to develop the central themes of his philosophy. With this interpretation, we see that, precisely because of this character transitive, this work has been so underestimated. Currently Daybreak raises renewed interest in international research on Nietzsche; yet, often we encounter readings that tend to disregard their transitory character, and, therefore, end up obscuring it. This has occurred whenever the commentators interpret Daybreak through of the concepts, designs and philosophical doctrines after the book. To counter this in the literature tends to refer to the Daybreak later philosophy of Nietzsche, we intend to analyze it on your own time, the only way to check which way the ideas presented in the book contributed to enable the construction of the concepts such as genealogy, will to Power and Re-evaluation of Values.
In this work, we aim to examine the hypothesis that the book Daybreak, in all the writings of Friedrich Nietzsche, shows up as a transitional work. In this book, we will show that Nietzsche begins to create a theoretical framework that will enable you to develop the central themes of his philosophy. With this interpretation, we see that, precisely because of this character transitive, this work has been so underestimated. Currently Daybreak raises renewed interest in international research on Nietzsche; yet, often we encounter readings that tend to disregard their transitory character, and, therefore, end up obscuring it. This has occurred whenever the commentators interpret Daybreak through of the concepts, designs and philosophical doctrines after the book. To counter this in the literature tends to refer to the Daybreak later philosophy of Nietzsche, we intend to analyze it on your own time, the only way to check which way the ideas presented in the book contributed to enable the construction of the concepts such as genealogy, will to Power and Re-evaluation of Values.
DIAS, Geraldo Pereira. Aurora: uma obra de transição na filosofia de Nietzsche?. 2013. 95 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Filosofia) – Escola de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Guarulhos, 2013.