Modulação do sistema renina angiotensina por alta glicose nas células do ducto coletor em cultura
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O Diabetes Mellitus é uma doença crônica, metabólica, degenerativa e multifatorial caracterizada principalmente pela hiperglicemia. Com complicações potencialmente devastadoras que afeta todas as faixas etárias e abrange todos os estágios de desenvolvimento econômico-social. Há no mundo 382 milhões de pessoas com diabetes. Sabe-se a diabetes pode causar danos renais e sugere-se que o Sistema Renina Angiotensina (SRA) intrarrenal seja o principal responsável por injúrias locais, pois esse estado hiperglicêmico prolongado pode aumentar as ações pró-inflamatórias e pró-fibróticas, as complicações macrovasculares do diabetes, a nefropatia diabética, a lesão de órgão alvo e a hipertensão associada com a síndrome metabólica, efeitos estes mediados pela Angiotensina II (ANGII). O nosso grupo descreveu em células mesangiais, aumento da produção de RNAm da Enzima Conversora de Angiotensina (ECA) e da renina, sendo esses dados diretamente associados ao aumento de ANGII induzida pela alta concentração de glicose. No entanto, essa relação no ducto coletor ainda não foi estudada. Portanto o objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a modulação do SRA, na atividade das enzimas, na síntese e expressão de proteínas e níveis de peptídeos dos SRA intracelulares e extracelulares em células da medula interna do Ducto Coletor (mIMCD-3) submetidas a uma alta concentração de glicose. As células foram cultivadas em meio DMEM (Dulbecco?s modified Eagle?s medium, Gibco) suplementado com soro bovino fetal (SBF, 5% v/v, GIBCO), NaHCO3 2 g/L, penicilina 10.000 UI/L. As células foram mantidas em placas 100 mm e incubadas a 37°C. Ao atingirem subconfluência (80%), iniciou-se o tratamento com os meios seletivos, obtendo então os grupos: NG (normal glucose, NG; high glucose HG e manitol, M). As atividades da ECA e ECA2 foram avaliadas fluorimetricamente. Os peptídeos do SRA foram avaliados por western blotting e as angiotensinas por HPLC-UV. A localização celular da ECA foi realizada por imunofluorescência. A atividade da ECA foi menor no HG em relação aos grupos NG e M tanto intracelular como extracelularmente. A atividade intracelular da ECA2 foi maior nos grupos HG e M (68 e 73%). A expressão proteica da ECA (69kDa) apresentou-se menor nos grupos HG e M em relação ao NG e a expressão da renina foi maior no HG quando comprados ao NG e M. Sem alteração da expressão no AGT, renina, ECA2 e os receptores AT1, AT2 e MAS. As Angiotensinas I, II e 1-7 foram maior nos grupos HG em comparação ao NG e M tanto intracelular quanto extracelularmente. Com relação a localização, a ECA migrou para o núcleo da célula no grupo HG. Em suma, nesse trabalho observamos que a glicose levou ao aumento das angiotensinas, redução da expressão e a atividade da ECA, aumento da expressão da ECA2 além de proporcionar uma migração da ECA. Diante desses resultados, podemos sugerir que a alta concentração de glicose no DC ativa um mecanismo de compensação que evita os efeitos deletérios desencadeados pela ANG II, e também que a ECA somática ligada à membrana da célula pode possivelmente ser processada e direcionada ao núcleo das células mIMCD-3, mecanismo esse a ser estudado no futuro, que poderá envolver receptores/endossomos/lisossomos.
Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic, metabolic, degenerative and multifactorial disease characterized by hyperglycemia. With potentially devastating complications that affects all age groups and covers all stages of economic and social development. In the world 382 million people with diabetes. We know diabetes can cause kidney damage and it is suggested that the Renin Angiotensin System (RAS) intrarenal is primarily responsible for local injuries because this prolonged hyperglycemic state could increase the pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrotic actions, macrovascular complications diabetes, diabetic nephropathy, target organ damage and hypertension associated with metabolic syndrome, effects mediated by angiotensin II (ANG II). Our group described that in mesangial cells the consistent upregulation of angiotensin converting enzyme mRNA (ACE) suggested that, besides renin, ACE was directly involved in the increased mesangial angiotensin II (Ang II) generation induced by high glucose (HG). However, this relationship in the collecting duct is not studied yet. The aim of this study was to evaluate the modulation of RAS in collecting duct cells (IMCD) induced by high glucose concentration. The IMCD were divided into three groups: 1. normal glucose (5 mM D-glucose, NG); 2. high glucose (30 mM D-glucose, HG); 3. mannitol (30 mM, MG). Cells were exposed during 48h in their respectively medium. The ACE and ACE2 activities evaluated fluorometrically. The RAS peptides were evaluated by western blotting and angiotensin HPLC-UV. The cellular localization of ACE was performed by immunofluorescence.The ACE activity was lower in HG compared to NG and M groups both intracellular and extracellular. Intracellular activity of ACE2 is increased in HG and M groups (68 and 73%). Protein expression of ACE (69kDa) was lower in HG and M groups relative to NG and renin expression was higher in HG when compared with NG and M groups. No change of expression on AGT, renin, ACE2 and receivers AT1, AT2 and MAS. Angiotensins I, II and 1-7 were greater in the GH group compared to both NG and M as intracellular extracellularly. ACE migrated to the cell nucleus in the HG group. In summary, this study we observed that led to increased glucose angiotensins, reduced expression and activity of ACE, increased ACE2 expression and in addition to providing a migration of ACE. With these results, we suggest that the high concentration of glucose in the CD activates a compensation mechanism avoiding the deleterious effects of ANG II and also that the somatic ACE linked to the cell membrane may possibly be processed and routed to the cell nucleus mIMCD -3 , this mechanism to be studied in the future, which may involve receivers / endosomes / lysosomes.
Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic, metabolic, degenerative and multifactorial disease characterized by hyperglycemia. With potentially devastating complications that affects all age groups and covers all stages of economic and social development. In the world 382 million people with diabetes. We know diabetes can cause kidney damage and it is suggested that the Renin Angiotensin System (RAS) intrarenal is primarily responsible for local injuries because this prolonged hyperglycemic state could increase the pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrotic actions, macrovascular complications diabetes, diabetic nephropathy, target organ damage and hypertension associated with metabolic syndrome, effects mediated by angiotensin II (ANG II). Our group described that in mesangial cells the consistent upregulation of angiotensin converting enzyme mRNA (ACE) suggested that, besides renin, ACE was directly involved in the increased mesangial angiotensin II (Ang II) generation induced by high glucose (HG). However, this relationship in the collecting duct is not studied yet. The aim of this study was to evaluate the modulation of RAS in collecting duct cells (IMCD) induced by high glucose concentration. The IMCD were divided into three groups: 1. normal glucose (5 mM D-glucose, NG); 2. high glucose (30 mM D-glucose, HG); 3. mannitol (30 mM, MG). Cells were exposed during 48h in their respectively medium. The ACE and ACE2 activities evaluated fluorometrically. The RAS peptides were evaluated by western blotting and angiotensin HPLC-UV. The cellular localization of ACE was performed by immunofluorescence.The ACE activity was lower in HG compared to NG and M groups both intracellular and extracellular. Intracellular activity of ACE2 is increased in HG and M groups (68 and 73%). Protein expression of ACE (69kDa) was lower in HG and M groups relative to NG and renin expression was higher in HG when compared with NG and M groups. No change of expression on AGT, renin, ACE2 and receivers AT1, AT2 and MAS. Angiotensins I, II and 1-7 were greater in the GH group compared to both NG and M as intracellular extracellularly. ACE migrated to the cell nucleus in the HG group. In summary, this study we observed that led to increased glucose angiotensins, reduced expression and activity of ACE, increased ACE2 expression and in addition to providing a migration of ACE. With these results, we suggest that the high concentration of glucose in the CD activates a compensation mechanism avoiding the deleterious effects of ANG II and also that the somatic ACE linked to the cell membrane may possibly be processed and routed to the cell nucleus mIMCD -3 , this mechanism to be studied in the future, which may involve receivers / endosomes / lysosomes.
LEITE, Ana Paula de Oliveira. Modulação do sistema renina angiotensina por alta glicose nas células do ducto coletor em cultura. 2014. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, 2014.