O cenário atual da comunicação sobre mudanças climáticas, com base na percepção de comunicadores brasileiros
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A pesquisa aqui apresentada visa realizar uma análise das práticas na comunicação sobre mudanças climáticas no Brasil contemporâneo, na percepção de comunicadores de destaque, e focando no contexto em que as informações científicas sobre as mudanças climáticas adentram o campo da comunicação. Os dados foram produzidos através da realização de entrevistas em profundidade com catorze pessoas, no ano de 2023, que possuem papel de destaque na divulgação de informações sobre o clima. Foi realizado o tratamento dos dados a partir de abordagem qualitativa que mesclou técnicas de pesquisa baseada em dados e estratégias dedutivas, a partir da literatura. Os resultados identificaram que o campo da comunicação das mudanças climáticas é hoje composto por novos perfis e estratégias comunicacionais, na forma de think tanks, ONGs e influenciadores. Tais atores formam um estrato de organizações que ocupam posição intermediária entre cientistas, jornalistas e, frequentemente, ativistas e movimentos sociais, ao processar e transformar a informação advinda da ciência em produtos informacionais customizados a públicos específicos. Por fim, a pesquisa identificou que subjaz ao trabalho dos meios de comunicação em formato tradicional uma compreensão desatualizada da relação entre meio ambiente, ciência e política. Em tal compreensão, espera-se que o jornalismo transmita à sociedade informações científicas dotadas de autoridade suficiente para o debate público cessar e dê espaço à ação política cientificamente informada. Ocorre, no entanto, que as mudanças climáticas existem em contexto diverso, no que se convencionou chamar de situação da ciência pós-normal e Antropoceno. Neste, o alto grau de incerteza sobre os fatos, associado às implicações graves do que está em jogo, demandam a inclusão, nos processo de decisão política, de uma comunidade estendida de atores. Em tal contexto, a natureza e o papel da comunicação ganham novos significados.
The research presented here aims to carry out an analysis of practices in communication about climate change in contemporary Brazil, in the perception of prominent communicators, and focusing on the context in which scientific information about climate change enters the field of communication. The data were produced through in-depth interviews with fourteen people, interviewed in 2023, who play a prominent role in the dissemination of information about climate change. The data were processed using a qualitative approach that combined data-based research techniques and deductive strategies, based on the literature. The results identified that the field of climate change communication is currently composed of new profiles and communication strategies, in the form of think tanks, NGOs, and influencers. These actors form a stratum of organizations that occupy an intermediate position between scientists, journalists and, often, activists and social movements, by processing and transforming information from science into information products customized for specific audiences. Finally, the research identified that an outdated understanding of the relationship between the environment, science, and politics underlies the work of traditional media outlets. In this understanding, journalism is expected to convey to society scientific information with sufficient authority to cease public debate and make way for scientifically informed political action. However, climate change exists in a different context, in what has been conventionally called the post-normal and Anthropocene science situation. In this, the high degree of uncertainty about the facts, associated with the serious implications of what is at stake, demands the inclusion of an extended community of actors in the political decision-making process. In such a context, the nature and role of communication gain new meanings.
The research presented here aims to carry out an analysis of practices in communication about climate change in contemporary Brazil, in the perception of prominent communicators, and focusing on the context in which scientific information about climate change enters the field of communication. The data were produced through in-depth interviews with fourteen people, interviewed in 2023, who play a prominent role in the dissemination of information about climate change. The data were processed using a qualitative approach that combined data-based research techniques and deductive strategies, based on the literature. The results identified that the field of climate change communication is currently composed of new profiles and communication strategies, in the form of think tanks, NGOs, and influencers. These actors form a stratum of organizations that occupy an intermediate position between scientists, journalists and, often, activists and social movements, by processing and transforming information from science into information products customized for specific audiences. Finally, the research identified that an outdated understanding of the relationship between the environment, science, and politics underlies the work of traditional media outlets. In this understanding, journalism is expected to convey to society scientific information with sufficient authority to cease public debate and make way for scientifically informed political action. However, climate change exists in a different context, in what has been conventionally called the post-normal and Anthropocene science situation. In this, the high degree of uncertainty about the facts, associated with the serious implications of what is at stake, demands the inclusion of an extended community of actors in the political decision-making process. In such a context, the nature and role of communication gain new meanings.
JERONYMO, Débora Pires. O cenário atual da comunicação sobre mudanças climáticas, com base na percepção de comunicadores brasileiros. 2024. 109 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Interdisciplinar em Ciência e Tecnologia do Mar) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Instituto do Mar, Santos, 2025.
13. Ação contra a mudança global do clima