Estudo prospectivo controlado randomizado duplo cego, avaliando a efetividade do corticoide oral no tratamento da estenose de canal lombar em pacientes sintomaticos
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Estudo prospectivo controlado randomizado duplo cego, avaliando a efetividade do corticoide oral no tratamento da estenose de canal lombar em pacientes intomaticos. A tentativa de utilizacao de uma medicacao de forma oral, como possibilidade de melhora clinica destes pacientes poderia ser uma possibilidade terapeutica para estes individuos com sintomas limitantes e risco elevado para uma abordagem cirurgica. Na tentativa de avaliar o efeito do anti-inflamatorio esteroidal na apresentacao oral na sindrome do canal estreito, realizamos um estudo comparativo entre dois grupo de pacientes: com o primeiro, utilizando o corticoide oral na dosagem inicial de 1mg por kg, com reducao gradativa da dose por um periodo de 3 semanas e com o segundo, utilizando placebo, sendo o paciente e o avaliador cegos para a medicacao. Apos o inicio da medicacao os pacientes foram acompanhados por um periodo de 12 semanas, quando comparamos os resultados. Randomizamos pacientes de 50 a 75 anos de ambos os generos. Nao incluimos pacientes com idade acima, pela possibilidade de outras doencas senis influenciarem o resultado. Tambem nao incluimos pacientes com doencas descompensadas e patologias articulares do quadril e joelho pois, alem de mimetizarem doencas da coluna, influenciariam diretamente o teste de caminhada de 6 minutos e a qualidade de vida dos pacientes. O diametro do canal foi calculado conforme a tecnica descrita por Hamanishi e, baseados na literatura, utilizamos como valor maximo 100mm2, sendo este valor pre-definido como indicador de estenose do canal lombar. Observamos que os resultados clinicos foram muito semelhantes entre os dois grupos de pacientes, nao tendo sido registrada diferenca estatistica entre eles, em todos os questionarios avaliados no decorrer do processo da avaliacao. Entretanto, dois achados foram relevantes: 1) O IMC elevado influencia diretamente os resultados clinicos, observando-se que pacientes obesos tem piores apresentacoes iniciais e pior evolucao clinica; 2)Nao encontramos uma relacao direta entre o diametro do canal vertebral e a gravidade dos sintomas, mas observamos que pacientes com estenose no nivel L4/L5 sao mais sintomaticos do que os com estenose no nivel L5/S1. Para a pesquisa, utilizamos os questionarios de avaliacao, EVA, Roland Morris, SF 36, escala tipo Likert e o teste de caminhada de 6 minutos, os mesmos utilizados nos mais diversos trabalhos sobre a sindrome do canal estreito lombar. Os resultados dos questionarios foram muito semelhantes aos dos demais trabalhos, sugerindo que os tem validacao externa e que nao existe uma disparidade entre eles quando utilizados em diferentes tarefas. Nossos resultados mostraram ainda, que em nossa demografia, as mulheres sao mais acometidas pela sindrome do canal estreito lombar. Quando comparados com os da literatura mostraram muitos resultados divergentes, como a resposta clinica ao tratamento, e muitos semelhantes, como dados demograficos e perfis epidemiologicos. Deve-se levar em conta que comparamos estudos feitos com corticoides epidurais, uma vez que nao encontramos estudos feitos com corticoide oral para tratamento da sindrome do canal estreito lombar. Como conclusao, nao indicamos o corticoide oral na tentativa de tratamento dos pacientes com estenose do canal lombar sintomaticos
Prospective controlled randomized double-blind trial assessing effectiveness of oral corticosteroid in treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis in symptomatic patients. The use of an oral medication may be a treatment option for the clinical improvement of patients with limiting symptoms and high surgical risk. The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of an oral steroidal anti-inflammatory drug on patients with lumbar spinal stenosis. The participants were both male and female aged 50 to 75 years. Older patients were not included due to the possibility of other age-related conditions exerting an influence on the results. Moreover, patients with uncontrolled diseases and joint diseases of the knees and hips were excluded, as such conditions can mimic back problems and directly affect the results of the six minute walk test and quality of life assessment. The diameter of the canal was calculated based on the method described by Hamanishi. A maximum value of 100 mm2 was predefined as an indicator of lumbar spinal stenosis, based on the literature. For the purposes of comparison, the patients were randomly allocated to one of two groups: one using the oral corticosteroid with an initial dose of 1mg per kg and a gradual reduction in the dose over a three-week period and the other group using a placebo. Both the patient and assessor were blinded to the medication. Following the initial medication, the patients were followed up for 12 weeks. The evaluations involved a visual analog scale for pain, the Roland-Morris questionnaire, the SF-36 questionnaire, a Likert-type scale on perceived improvement and the sixminute walk test. No statistically significant differences were found between groups on any of the questionnaires used throughout the evaluation process. However, two findings were relevant: 1) A high body mass index exerted a direct influence on the clinical results, as obese patients had worse initial presentations and worse clinical evolution; 2) no direct association was found between the diameter of the spinal column and the severity of symptoms, but patients with stenosis at L4/L5 were more symptomatic than those with stenosis at L5/S1. The results of the assessment tools were similar to those reported in a number of previous studies using these same tools, suggesting adequate external validity. The present findings demonstrate that women are more affected by lumbar spinal stenosis in the demographic studied. Some results differed from findings reported in the literature, such as the clinical response to treatment, whereas other results were similar to findings described in previous studies, such as the demographic data and epidemiological profile. It should be stressed that the findings were compared with those reported in studies involving epidural corticosteroids, as no studies were found addressing the treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis with oral corticosteroids. In conclusion, oral corticosteroids did not prove effective for the treatment of symptomatic patients with lumbar spinal stenosis.
Prospective controlled randomized double-blind trial assessing effectiveness of oral corticosteroid in treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis in symptomatic patients. The use of an oral medication may be a treatment option for the clinical improvement of patients with limiting symptoms and high surgical risk. The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of an oral steroidal anti-inflammatory drug on patients with lumbar spinal stenosis. The participants were both male and female aged 50 to 75 years. Older patients were not included due to the possibility of other age-related conditions exerting an influence on the results. Moreover, patients with uncontrolled diseases and joint diseases of the knees and hips were excluded, as such conditions can mimic back problems and directly affect the results of the six minute walk test and quality of life assessment. The diameter of the canal was calculated based on the method described by Hamanishi. A maximum value of 100 mm2 was predefined as an indicator of lumbar spinal stenosis, based on the literature. For the purposes of comparison, the patients were randomly allocated to one of two groups: one using the oral corticosteroid with an initial dose of 1mg per kg and a gradual reduction in the dose over a three-week period and the other group using a placebo. Both the patient and assessor were blinded to the medication. Following the initial medication, the patients were followed up for 12 weeks. The evaluations involved a visual analog scale for pain, the Roland-Morris questionnaire, the SF-36 questionnaire, a Likert-type scale on perceived improvement and the sixminute walk test. No statistically significant differences were found between groups on any of the questionnaires used throughout the evaluation process. However, two findings were relevant: 1) A high body mass index exerted a direct influence on the clinical results, as obese patients had worse initial presentations and worse clinical evolution; 2) no direct association was found between the diameter of the spinal column and the severity of symptoms, but patients with stenosis at L4/L5 were more symptomatic than those with stenosis at L5/S1. The results of the assessment tools were similar to those reported in a number of previous studies using these same tools, suggesting adequate external validity. The present findings demonstrate that women are more affected by lumbar spinal stenosis in the demographic studied. Some results differed from findings reported in the literature, such as the clinical response to treatment, whereas other results were similar to findings described in previous studies, such as the demographic data and epidemiological profile. It should be stressed that the findings were compared with those reported in studies involving epidural corticosteroids, as no studies were found addressing the treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis with oral corticosteroids. In conclusion, oral corticosteroids did not prove effective for the treatment of symptomatic patients with lumbar spinal stenosis.
RODRIGUES, Luiz Claudio Lacerda. Estudo prospectivo controlado randomizado duplo cego, avaliando a efetividade do corticoide oral no tratamento da estenose de canal lombar em pacientes sintomáticos/. 2013. 99 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Reumatologia.) – Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo. São Paulo, 2013.