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As mudanças no mundo do trabalho nas últimas décadas têm impactado consideravelmente as condições de trabalho e gerando novas demandas de formação aos trabalhadores de todas as áreas da economia, seguramente com impactos distintos quando segmentamos os setores e as atividades laborais. Desse modo, o objetivo desse trabalho de conclusão de curso é dar continuidade à pesquisa iniciada em 2013 por Luiz Paulo Ferreira Santiago (2014), estudante da Unifesp, que em sua pesquisa de Iniciação Científica Inserção no mundo do trabalho dos egressos da Pedagogia da UNIFESP:onde estão, o que fazem? apresentou e analisou dados da inserção no mundo do trabalho dos egressos do curso de Pedagogia da Unifesp. Da mesma forma, dando prosseguimento à pesquisa, agora com os egressos de 2011 a 2021, esperamos conhecer as dinâmicas que perpassam as atuais condições de trabalho e a vida laboral, considerando o contexto pós-reforma trabalhista, aprovada pela Lei 13467 de 2017. A tipologia metodológica adotada para a coleta de dados foi o contato coletivo, por meio de um questionário on-line enviado para redes sociais nas quais contemplam os egressos. Foram respondidos 40 questionários de um total de 495 egressos para o período de 2011 a 2021. Importante delimitar a abrangência dos resultados, pois trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, o que nos propicia conhecer as condições de trabalho da amostra, mas nos impede de generalizar tais evidências. A partir da análise é possível concluir que, desde o ingresso na universidade, durante sua jornada acadêmica e após a conclusão do curso, mais de 80% dos egressos que responderam nosso questionário estão atuando na área e pretendem dar segmentos aos estudos. Observa-se também a prevalência em nossa amostra de estudantes brancos. Além disso, a pesquisa também mostra a questão de gênero, na qual a Pedagogia da Unifesp segue sendo um universo predominantemente feminino.
The changes in the world of work in recent decades have considerably impacted working conditions and generating new training demands for workers from all areas of the economy, certainly with different impacts when we segment sectors and work activities. Thus, the objective of this course completion work is to continue the research initiated in 2013 by Luiz Paulo Ferreira Santiago (2014), a student at Unifesp, who in his research on Scientific Initiation Insertion in the world of work of the graduates of PEDAGOGY of UNIFESP: where are they, what do they do? presented and analyzed data of the insertion in the world of work of graduates of the Pedagogy course of Unifesp. Similarly, continuing the research, now with graduates from 2011 to 2021, we hope to know the dynamics that permeate the current working conditions and working life, considering the post-labor reform context, approved by Law 13467 of 2017. The methodological typology adopted for data collection was collective contact, through an online questionnaire sent to social networks in which they contemplate graduates. Forty questionnaires were answered out of a total of 495 graduates for the period from 2011 to 2021. It is important to delimit the scope of the results, because it is qualitative research, which allows us to know the working conditions of the sample, but prevents us from generalizing such evidence. From the analysis it is possible to conclude that, since entering the university, during their academic journey and after the completion of the course, more than 80% of the graduates who answered our questionnaire are working in the area and intend to give segments to the studies. It is also observed the prevalence in our sample of white students. In addition, the research also shows the issue of gender, in which Unifesp Pedagogy continues to be a predominantly feminine universe which composes the student and teacher leaders performing multidisciplinary activities stimulating teamwork, proactivity and creativity.
The changes in the world of work in recent decades have considerably impacted working conditions and generating new training demands for workers from all areas of the economy, certainly with different impacts when we segment sectors and work activities. Thus, the objective of this course completion work is to continue the research initiated in 2013 by Luiz Paulo Ferreira Santiago (2014), a student at Unifesp, who in his research on Scientific Initiation Insertion in the world of work of the graduates of PEDAGOGY of UNIFESP: where are they, what do they do? presented and analyzed data of the insertion in the world of work of graduates of the Pedagogy course of Unifesp. Similarly, continuing the research, now with graduates from 2011 to 2021, we hope to know the dynamics that permeate the current working conditions and working life, considering the post-labor reform context, approved by Law 13467 of 2017. The methodological typology adopted for data collection was collective contact, through an online questionnaire sent to social networks in which they contemplate graduates. Forty questionnaires were answered out of a total of 495 graduates for the period from 2011 to 2021. It is important to delimit the scope of the results, because it is qualitative research, which allows us to know the working conditions of the sample, but prevents us from generalizing such evidence. From the analysis it is possible to conclude that, since entering the university, during their academic journey and after the completion of the course, more than 80% of the graduates who answered our questionnaire are working in the area and intend to give segments to the studies. It is also observed the prevalence in our sample of white students. In addition, the research also shows the issue of gender, in which Unifesp Pedagogy continues to be a predominantly feminine universe which composes the student and teacher leaders performing multidisciplinary activities stimulating teamwork, proactivity and creativity.