Avaliação entre Refluxo Proximal e Refluxo Distal com o emprego de pHmetria em voluntários sadios e sua relação com pacientes portadores da Doença do Refluxo Gastroesofágico
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Introdução: O limiar para o refluxo acido patologico proximal e um tema controverso no tratamento de pacientes com a DRGE. Apesar de varios estudos anteriores terem tentado estudar o limite normal para o refluxo proximal em voluntarios saudaveis, nenhum valor e universalmente aceito. A maioria dos valores se baseia em numeros absolutos. Consideramos a hipotese de que um valor relativo representando a relacao quantitativa entre a quantidade de refluxo acido que atinge niveis proximais e a quantidade de refluxo distal poderia ser um parametro mais adequado para definir refluxo proximal. Metodo: Foram estudados tres grupos. Grupo 1: 20 voluntarios saudaveis (idade mediana de 30 (27-40) anos, 70% mulheres), sem DRGE; Grupo 2: 50 pacientes (idade mediana de 51 (37-68) anos, 60% mulheres) com sintomas esofagicos da DRGE (regurgitacao, azia), e Grupo 3: 50 pacientes (idade mediana de 49 (40-56) anos, 60% mulheres) com sintomas extraesofagicos da DRGE. Todos os individuos foram submetidos a manometria e pHmetria com duplo sensor. DRGE foi definida como uma pontuacao DeMeester >14,7. A razao entre refluxo proximal /distal foi calculada para todos os 6 parametros que constituem o indice de DeMeester. Resultados: Numeros absolutos para o refluxo proximal nao foram diferentes quando os 3 grupos foram comparados com excecao do numero de episodios de refluxo que foi maior para os pacientes com DRGE e sintomas esofagicos 3,5 (1-15), em comparacao com pacientes com DRGE e sintomas extraesofagicos 1 (0-4) (p=0,007). Quanto a relacao proximal / distal os tres grupos mostraram resultados semelhantes, com excecao para a relacao entre o numero de episodios de refluxo que foi maior para os voluntarios 0,2 (0,0-1,0) em comparacao a pacientes com DRGE e sintomas extraesofagicos 0 (0-0,1) (p=0,003) e maior para os pacientes com DRGE e sintomas esofagicos 0,08 (0,02-0,2) comparado aos com sintomas extraesofagicos (p=0,02). Conclusao: Estes resultados podem sugerir que a sensibilidade esofagica e nao exposicao acida esofagica pode ser a responsavel por sintomas extraesofagicos
Introduction: The threshold for pathologic proximal acid reflux is a controversial topic in the management of patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Even though several previous studies have tried to study the normal limit for proximal reflux in healthy volunteers, neither value is universally accepted. Most values are based on absolute numbers. We hypothesized that a relative value representing the quantitative relation between the amount of acid reflux that reaches proximal levels and the amount of distal reflux would be a more adequate parameter to define pathologic proximal reflux. Method: We studied three groups. Group 1: 20 healthy volunteers (median age 30 (27-40) years, 70% women) without GERD, Group 2: 50 patients (median age 51 (37-68) years, 60% women) with esophageal symptoms of GERD (reflux, heartburn), and Group 3: 50 patients (median age 49 (40-56) years, 60% women) with symptoms of GERD extraesophageal. All subjects underwent manometry and pH monitoring with dual sensor. GERD was defined as a score DeMeester> 14.7. The ratio of reflux proximal / distal been calculated for all six parameters comprising the index DeMeester. Results: Absolute numbers for proximal reflux were not different when the 3 groups were compared with the exception of the number of reflux episodes was greater for patients with of GERD and esophageal symptoms 3.5 (1-15) compared with patients with GERD symptoms and extraesophageal 1 (0-4) (p = 0.007). As the relationship proximal / distal three groups showed similar results, except for the ratio between the number of reflux episodes was greater than for volunteers 0.2 (0.0-1.0) compared to patients with GERD symptoms and extraesophageal 0 (0-0.1) (p = 0.003) and higher for patients with GERD and esophageal symptoms 0.08 (0.02 to 0.2) compared to extraesophageal with symptoms (p = .02). Conclusion: These results may suggest that the sensitivity of esophageal and esophageal acid exposure can not be responsible for extraesophageal symptoms.
Introduction: The threshold for pathologic proximal acid reflux is a controversial topic in the management of patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Even though several previous studies have tried to study the normal limit for proximal reflux in healthy volunteers, neither value is universally accepted. Most values are based on absolute numbers. We hypothesized that a relative value representing the quantitative relation between the amount of acid reflux that reaches proximal levels and the amount of distal reflux would be a more adequate parameter to define pathologic proximal reflux. Method: We studied three groups. Group 1: 20 healthy volunteers (median age 30 (27-40) years, 70% women) without GERD, Group 2: 50 patients (median age 51 (37-68) years, 60% women) with esophageal symptoms of GERD (reflux, heartburn), and Group 3: 50 patients (median age 49 (40-56) years, 60% women) with symptoms of GERD extraesophageal. All subjects underwent manometry and pH monitoring with dual sensor. GERD was defined as a score DeMeester> 14.7. The ratio of reflux proximal / distal been calculated for all six parameters comprising the index DeMeester. Results: Absolute numbers for proximal reflux were not different when the 3 groups were compared with the exception of the number of reflux episodes was greater for patients with of GERD and esophageal symptoms 3.5 (1-15) compared with patients with GERD symptoms and extraesophageal 1 (0-4) (p = 0.007). As the relationship proximal / distal three groups showed similar results, except for the ratio between the number of reflux episodes was greater than for volunteers 0.2 (0.0-1.0) compared to patients with GERD symptoms and extraesophageal 0 (0-0.1) (p = 0.003) and higher for patients with GERD and esophageal symptoms 0.08 (0.02 to 0.2) compared to extraesophageal with symptoms (p = .02). Conclusion: These results may suggest that the sensitivity of esophageal and esophageal acid exposure can not be responsible for extraesophageal symptoms.
PANNOCCHIA NETO, Sebastião Carlos. Avaliação entre Refluxo Proximal e Refluxo Distal com o emprego de pHmetria em Voluntários Sadios e sua relação com pacientes portadores da Doença do Refluxo Gastroesofágico. 2013. 38 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência Cirúrgica Interdisciplinar) – Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo. São Paulo, 2013.