Utilização de meor para recuperação de óleo em reservatórios de hidrocarbonetos
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Quando um reservatório começa a produzir, ele utiliza a sua própria energia (pressão) para direcionar o óleo à superfície. Porém, essa energia não é suficiente para a recuperação total dos hidrocarbonetos existentes no reservatório. Sendo assim, após um tempo de produção, essa energia natural se esgota e é necessário a utilização de métodos que ocasionem mudanças físicas e/ou químicas na rocha reservatório, nos fluidos ali contidos ou em ambos, para aumentar a recuperação desses hidrocarbonetos de interesse, seja o óleo e/ou gás. Esses métodos são chamados de recuperação secundária e terciária. Mesmo com essas intervenções, uma grande parcela dos hidrocarbonetos não é recuperada. Estima-se que, em média, para cada um barril de óleo produzido, dois barris fiquem no reservatório. Assim, se faz necessário o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias para ajudar a recuperação do óleo in place. Uma dessas tecnologias que vem sendo desenvolvidas é a utilização de microrganismos para melhorar a produção de um reservatório. Essa tecnologia, MEOR (Microbial-Enhanced Oil Recovery), provoca mudanças no reservatório, como a diminuição da viscosidade do óleo, ou a quebra de grandes moléculas de hidrocarbonetos, através dos produtos do metabolismo desses microrganismos. O presente trabalho foi elaborado utilizando a pesquisa bibliográfica, tendo um aporte teórico sobre o método e aplicabilidade dessa técnica em reservatórios buscando entender como esses microrganismos podem provocar alterações no reservatório, maximizando sua recuperação. Os estudos de aplicação do método em campos de petróleo, apesar de estarem concentrados em sua grande parte, em projetos pilotos, demonstram como o método pode funcionar como um estimulador para o reservatório, provocando mudanças químicas e físicas para proporcionar um aumento na recuperação do óleo.
When a reservoir starts producing, it uses its own energy (pressure) to drive oil to the surface. However, this energy is not enough for the total recovery of the existing hydrocarbons in the reservoir. Therefore, after a period of production, this natural energy is depleted and it is necessary to use methods that cause physical and/or chemical changes in the reservoir rock, in the fluids contained therein, or in both, to increase the recovery of these hydrocarbons of interest, whether oil and/or gas. These methods are referred to as secondary and tertiary recovery. Even with these interventions, a large portion of the hydrocarbons is not recovered. It is estimated that, on average, for each barrel of oil produced, two barrels remain in the reservoir. Thus, it is necessary to develop new technologies to improve/enhance the recovery of oil in place. One of these technologies that has been developed is the use of microorganisms to improve the production of a reservoir. This technology, MEOR (Microbial-Enhanced Oil Recovery), causes changes in the reservoir, such as a decrease in oil viscosity, or the breakdown of large molecules of hydrocarbons, through the products of the metabolism of these microorganisms. The present work was elaborated using the bibliographic research, having a theoretical contribution on the method and applicability of this technique in reservoirs, seeking to understand how these microorganisms can cause changes in the reservoir, maximizing its recovery. The application studies of the method in oil fields, despite being mostly concentrated in pilot projects, showed how the method can work as a stimulator for the reservoir, causing chemical and physical changes to provide an increase in oil recovery.
When a reservoir starts producing, it uses its own energy (pressure) to drive oil to the surface. However, this energy is not enough for the total recovery of the existing hydrocarbons in the reservoir. Therefore, after a period of production, this natural energy is depleted and it is necessary to use methods that cause physical and/or chemical changes in the reservoir rock, in the fluids contained therein, or in both, to increase the recovery of these hydrocarbons of interest, whether oil and/or gas. These methods are referred to as secondary and tertiary recovery. Even with these interventions, a large portion of the hydrocarbons is not recovered. It is estimated that, on average, for each barrel of oil produced, two barrels remain in the reservoir. Thus, it is necessary to develop new technologies to improve/enhance the recovery of oil in place. One of these technologies that has been developed is the use of microorganisms to improve the production of a reservoir. This technology, MEOR (Microbial-Enhanced Oil Recovery), causes changes in the reservoir, such as a decrease in oil viscosity, or the breakdown of large molecules of hydrocarbons, through the products of the metabolism of these microorganisms. The present work was elaborated using the bibliographic research, having a theoretical contribution on the method and applicability of this technique in reservoirs, seeking to understand how these microorganisms can cause changes in the reservoir, maximizing its recovery. The application studies of the method in oil fields, despite being mostly concentrated in pilot projects, showed how the method can work as a stimulator for the reservoir, causing chemical and physical changes to provide an increase in oil recovery.
MILIANI, Daniel. Utilização de meor para recuperação de óleo em reservatórios de hidrocarbonetos. 2022. 70 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Engenharia de Petróleo) - Instituto do Mar, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2022.