O método pilates solo como exercício de condicionamento físico
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O método Pilates vem ganhando aderentes e credibilidade no mercado do
fitness, atualmente os adeptos superam 5 milhões de pessoas. No entanto, há
ainda pouca pesquisa na área, sendo somente 10 artigos (3,9%), publicados
em revistas científicas especilaizadas de 277 existentes. Nesse contexto, o
objetivo do presente estudo foi mensurar alguns parâmetros metabólicos e
cardiorespiratórios durante e após sessão única do método Pilates solo nível
intermediário (Mat Pilates). O conhecimento das respostas metabólicas e
cardiorespiratórias dessa forma de exercício físico permitirá que a modalidade
conquiste maior representação frente à prevenção de doenças metabólicas e
funcionais, e ainda seja utilizada como forma de condicionamento físico e não
apenas na reabilitação como é feito atualmente. Para tanto, foi utilizado um
voluntário do sexo masculino (idade 25 anos, massa corporal 74 Kg, estatura
1,77 m, IMC 23,620 kg/m2), com habilidade para executar os exercícios de
nível intermediário do Pilates no solo e que tinha no mínimo realizado 20
sessões no período de 10 semanas. De início o voluntário realizou uma
avaliação antropométrica, e foi submetido ao teste de eletrocardiograma de
repouso e de esforço, e respondeu ao IPAQ (Questionário Internacional
de Atividade Física), para averiguação do nível de atividade física.
Além disso, o voluntário foi submetido ao teste incremental em esteira com
aumento da velocidade a cada um minuto até exaustão para determinação do
consumo máximo de oxigênio. Uma semana após, o voluntário realizou
jejum prévio de 4 horas e foram mensurados o gasto energético de
repouso, durante e após o esforço físico. Para aferição do parâmetro citado
acima foi utilizado o equipamento Fitmate Pro Pro. Imediatamente após a
sessão de exercício foi avaliado por 30 minutos o consumo excessivo de
oxigênio (EPOC). Para delimitação do MET, foi utilizada a fórmula
(METS=VO2/3,5), e para delimitação do gasto calórico foi utilizada a fórmula
(GC= (METS x peso)/ 60, expresso em Kcal/min). Como resultado, pode-se
obeservar que o método Pilates pode ser considerado um exercício para
condicionamento físico, capaz de gerar adaptações cardiovasculares, tendo
como predominância o metabolismo aeróbio, com picos em que predomina o
metabolismo anaeróbio alático.
The Pilates method has been gaining adherents and credibility in the health club, the fans now outnumber 5 million people. However, there is still little research in the area, being only 10 articles (3.9%), published in especial scientific journals of 277 existing. In this context, the objective of this study was to measure some metabolic and cardiorespiratory parameters during and after a single session of Pilates soil intermediate (Pilates Mat). The knowledge of metabolic and cardiorespiratory responses of this form of exercise will allow the sport to win greater representation view to preventing metabolic diseases and functional, and is still used as a form of fitness training and rehabilitation not only in how it is done today. To this end, we used a male volunteer (age 25 years, body mass 74 kg, height 1.77 m, BMI 23.620 kg/m2) with ability to perform the exercises at an intermediate level of Pilates in the soil which had the least 20 sessions held during the 10 weeks. At first the subject performed an anthropometric evaluation, and were submitted to an electrocardiogram at rest and exercise, and responded to the IPAQ (International Physical Activity Questionnaire Physics) to investigate the level of physical activity. In addition, the volunteer was subjected to an incremental treadmill with increasing speed each minute until exhaustion for determination of maximal oxygen uptake. A week later, the subject performed fasting for 4 hours and were measured the energy expenditure at rest, during and after physical exertion. To compare the parameter mentioned above was used Fitmate Proequipment. Immediately after the exercise session was evaluated for 30 minutes the excessive oxygen consumption (EPOC). To delimit the MET, we used the formula (METS = VO2 / 3.5), and for delineation of caloric expenditure was used formula (CG = (METS x weight) / 60, expressedin Kcal / min). As a result, was observed that Pilates can be done as an exercise for physical conditioning able to improve the cardiovascular adaptation in anaerobic metabolism withpeaks, predominantly in the alactic anaerobic metabolism
The Pilates method has been gaining adherents and credibility in the health club, the fans now outnumber 5 million people. However, there is still little research in the area, being only 10 articles (3.9%), published in especial scientific journals of 277 existing. In this context, the objective of this study was to measure some metabolic and cardiorespiratory parameters during and after a single session of Pilates soil intermediate (Pilates Mat). The knowledge of metabolic and cardiorespiratory responses of this form of exercise will allow the sport to win greater representation view to preventing metabolic diseases and functional, and is still used as a form of fitness training and rehabilitation not only in how it is done today. To this end, we used a male volunteer (age 25 years, body mass 74 kg, height 1.77 m, BMI 23.620 kg/m2) with ability to perform the exercises at an intermediate level of Pilates in the soil which had the least 20 sessions held during the 10 weeks. At first the subject performed an anthropometric evaluation, and were submitted to an electrocardiogram at rest and exercise, and responded to the IPAQ (International Physical Activity Questionnaire Physics) to investigate the level of physical activity. In addition, the volunteer was subjected to an incremental treadmill with increasing speed each minute until exhaustion for determination of maximal oxygen uptake. A week later, the subject performed fasting for 4 hours and were measured the energy expenditure at rest, during and after physical exertion. To compare the parameter mentioned above was used Fitmate Proequipment. Immediately after the exercise session was evaluated for 30 minutes the excessive oxygen consumption (EPOC). To delimit the MET, we used the formula (METS = VO2 / 3.5), and for delineation of caloric expenditure was used formula (CG = (METS x weight) / 60, expressedin Kcal / min). As a result, was observed that Pilates can be done as an exercise for physical conditioning able to improve the cardiovascular adaptation in anaerobic metabolism withpeaks, predominantly in the alactic anaerobic metabolism
TRANCHITELLA, Marina. O método pilates solo como exercício de condicionamento físico. 2009. 33 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso de graduação (Educação Física) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade (ISS), Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Santos, 2009.