Intenção de pacientes pós-bariátricos em se submeter a cirurgias plásticas em um Serviço de Saúde Pública Brasileiro
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Introdução: O paciente obeso submetido à cirurgia bariátrica obtém melhora da saúde e qualidade de vida. No entanto, as plásticas pós-bariátrica, que idealmente completariam o tratamento de obesidade, nem sempre são realizadas por razões incertas. Objetivo: Avaliar a intenção de pacientes pós-bariátricos em realizar cirurgias plásticas. Método: Questionários eletrônicos foram enviados a 539 pacientes do Hospital Estadual de Diadema, com no mínimo um ano de pós-operatório. Os dados coletados incluíram informações demográficas e interesse em realizar cirurgias plásticas. O questionário Body-Q™ foi aplicado para avaliar a autoimagem dos participantes. Escores de interesse foram analisados conforme regiões desejadas para cirurgia, estado civil e escolaridade. Resultados: A taxa de respostas foi de 27,8%, com 150 questionários completos, a maioria dos respondentes era do sexo feminino (88%), com idade média de 43 anos. O IMC médio antes da cirurgia bariátrica era de 44,5 kg/m², reduzindo para 28,1 kg/m² após o procedimento, com perda de peso média de 44 kg. Entre as mulheres casadas ou em união estável (68,1%), 97,7% demonstraram interesse em cirurgias plásticas, principalmente abdominoplastia (75,3%) e mamoplastia (68%). O Body-Q™ revelou que 62% dos pacientes estavam insatisfeitos com o corpo após a cirurgia bariátrica e 76% apresentaram altas expectativas em relação às cirurgias reparadoras. Conclusão: Há uma alta intenção de realizar cirurgias plásticas entre pacientes pós-bariátricos atendidos por um Serviço de Saúde Pública Brasileiro, com maior interesse em procedimentos no abdômen e nas mamas, associados a altas expectativas de resultados.
Introduction: Obese patients who undergo bariatric surgery experience significant improvements in health and quality of life. However, postbariatric plastic surgeries, which ideally complete the treatment, are often not performed for uncertain reasons. Objective: To evaluate the intention of postbariatric patients to undergo plastic surgeries. Method: Electronic questionnaires were sent to 539 patients from the State Hospital of Diadema, with at least one year postsurgery. Data collected included demographic information and interest in undergoing plastic surgeries. The BodyQ™ questionnaire was used to assess the participants' body image. Interest scores were analyzed according to desired surgical regions, marital status, and education level. Results: The response rate was 27.8%, with 150 complete questionnaires. Most respondents were female (88%), with an average age of 43 years. The mean BMI before surgery was 44.5 kg/m², decreasing to 28.1 kg/m² after the procedure, with an average weight loss of 44 kg. Among married or cohabiting women (68.1%), 97.7% expressed interest in plastic surgeries, primarily abdominoplasty (75.3%) and breast surgery (68%). The BodyQ™ revealed that 62% of patients were dissatisfied with their body after bariatric surgery, and 76% had high expectations for plastic surgery outcomes. Conclusion: There is a high intention to undergo plastic surgeries among postbariatric patients treated in a Brazilian Public Health Service, with the greatest interest in abdominal and breast procedures, associated with high expectations for results.
Introduction: Obese patients who undergo bariatric surgery experience significant improvements in health and quality of life. However, postbariatric plastic surgeries, which ideally complete the treatment, are often not performed for uncertain reasons. Objective: To evaluate the intention of postbariatric patients to undergo plastic surgeries. Method: Electronic questionnaires were sent to 539 patients from the State Hospital of Diadema, with at least one year postsurgery. Data collected included demographic information and interest in undergoing plastic surgeries. The BodyQ™ questionnaire was used to assess the participants' body image. Interest scores were analyzed according to desired surgical regions, marital status, and education level. Results: The response rate was 27.8%, with 150 complete questionnaires. Most respondents were female (88%), with an average age of 43 years. The mean BMI before surgery was 44.5 kg/m², decreasing to 28.1 kg/m² after the procedure, with an average weight loss of 44 kg. Among married or cohabiting women (68.1%), 97.7% expressed interest in plastic surgeries, primarily abdominoplasty (75.3%) and breast surgery (68%). The BodyQ™ revealed that 62% of patients were dissatisfied with their body after bariatric surgery, and 76% had high expectations for plastic surgery outcomes. Conclusion: There is a high intention to undergo plastic surgeries among postbariatric patients treated in a Brazilian Public Health Service, with the greatest interest in abdominal and breast procedures, associated with high expectations for results.
ABDALLA, Priscila Chiarello de Souza Pinto. Intenção de pacientes pós-bariátricos em se submeter a cirurgias plásticas em um Serviço de Saúde Pública Brasileiro. 2024. 115 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Cirurgia Translacional) - Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, 2024.