Levantamento sobre os programas de prevenção ao uso de drogas nas escolas ensino fundamental e médio das redes pública e privada de ensino do município de São Paulo.
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A necessidade e importancia da realizacao de um diagnostico sobre as acoes preventivas do uso de drogas nas escolas sao evidentes, pois a escola e reconhecida como um ambiente relevante para a realizacao de uma educacao preventiva eficaz. Objetivo: Conhecer acoes desenvolvidas para prevencao ao uso de drogas nas escolas do ciclo fundamental II (do 6º a 9º ano) e medio (1º a 3º ano) da rede publica e particular de ensino do municipio de São Paulo. Metodologia: Estudo transversal com uma amostra probabilistica de 263 dirigentes escolares. Utilizou-se a tecnica de amostragem sistematica para realizacao do sorteio da amostra. As escolas sorteadas foram convidadas a participar do estudo atraves do endereco eletronico e por contato telefonico. Aplicou-se um questionario fechado, de autopreenchimento, atraves da internet. O questionario continha perguntas sobre programas de prevencao ao uso de drogas na escola e suas caracteristicas. Teste de qui-quadrado e teste t foram utilizados para testar hipoteses de comparacao entre escolas publicas e privadas. Regressao logistica permitiu identificar os fatores associados a implantacao de programas de prevencao nas escolas. Resultados: A analise dos dados apresenta que 42,5% (n=100) das escolas avaliadas possuem programa de prevencao ao uso de drogas inserido no cotidiano e no programa pedagogico da escola. Quase todos os dirigentes (84,8%, n=217) concordam totalmente que a escola e um espaco adequado para o desenvolvimento de programas de prevencao ao uso de drogas. Na analise do modelo multivariado notou-se que a experiencia do dirigente da escola e um fator importante para a implementacao de programas de prevencao ao uso de drogas. Segundo a estimativa pontual do odds ratio, a cada ano de atuacao do dirigente na educacao, a chance da escola ter um programa de prevencao aumenta em aproximadamente 4% (OR= 0,041; IC95%=1,006; 1,080). O fato de a escola experimentar tecnicas de ensino inovadoras tambem aumenta significativamente (OR= 6,174, IC95%=2,011; 19,043) a chance da escola desenvolver um programa de prevencao ao uso de drogas inserido no cotidiano e em seu projeto pedagogico. A falta de recurso financeiro e o maior desafio para os dirigentes desenvolvem um programa no contexto escolar, principalmente na rede estadual de ensino. As barreiras foram mais presente significativas nas redes estadual (E) e municipal (M), quando comparadas com as rede privada (P), destacando-se: a falta de material didatico (E=75,3%, M=71,1%, P= 32,7%, p<0,001), a falta de dinheiro (E=63,3%, M=44,6%, P= 20,8%, p<0,001) e as demandas concorrentes para ensino de outras disciplinas (E=51,0% M=71,1%, P=54,9%, p=0,019), Nas escolas que possuem programas de prevencao, as estrategias sao destinadas aos alunos (94,0%), apresentam em seus programas modelos integrados: educacao para Saúde (92,0%), educacao afetiva (91,0%), educacao para o conhecimento cientifico (82,6%), treinamento para resistir (71,4%), treinamento para habilidades pessoais e sociais (69,7%) e oferecimento de alternativas (66,0%). Na rede publica os programas sao mais promovidos pela policia (E=66,7%, M=77,8%) e na rede privada por uma equipe da propria escola (68,0%). Conclusoes: No municipio de São Paulo a prevalencia de programas de prevencao ao uso de drogas e baixa nas escolas das redes municipal, estadual e privada de ensino fundamental II e ensino medio. Acoes emergentes que possam aumentar essa prevalencia sao necessarias, como propostas governamentais pautadas na Lei de Diretrizes e Bases (LDB) e inseridas na forma de politicas publicas visando a integracao e articulacao permanente dos setores de educacao e Saúde
Introduction: The need and importance of conducting a survey of the prevention programs for drug use are evident in schools, because the school is an effective preventive environment. Objective: To identify actions developed to prevent drug use in public and private middle (6th to 9th grade) and high (1st to 3rd year) schools in São Paulo. Methods: Cross-sectional survey with a random sample of 263 school leaders (directors and coordinators). We used the technique of systematic sampling for the draw of the sample. The selected schools were invited to participate in the study via e-mail address and telephone contact. School leaders answered to an online, self-report, close-ended questionnaire. The instrument contained questions about the prevention programs of drug use in the schools and their characteristics. Chi- square and t tests were used to test hypotheses comparing public and private schools. Logistic regression identified the factors associated with the of prevention programs in schools. Results: Data analysis shows that 42.5% (n=100) of the evaluated schools have a prevention program for the use of drugs inserted in daily life and educational program of the school. Almost all directors (84.8 %, n=217) strongly agree that the school is an adequate environment for the development of prevention programs to the drug use. In the multivariate model analysis, it was noted that the experience of the director of the school is important factor for the implementation of prevention programs to drug use. According to the point estimate of the odds ratio for each year of experience in education, the odds of having a school prevention program increases by approximately 4% (OR=0.041, 95%CI 1.006, 1.080). The fact that the school try innovative teaching techniques also significantly (OR=6.174, 95%CI 2.011, 19.043) increases the chance of developing a school program to prevent the use of drugs inserted in daily life and in their pedagogical project. Lack of financial resources is the biggest challenge for the leaders to develop a program in the school context, particularly in state schools. The barriers for prevention programs implementation were more significant in the state (E) and municipal (M) schools, when compared to private schools (P), namely: the lack of didactic material (E = 75.3%, M = 71.1%, P = 32.7%, p<0.001 ), lack of money (E = 63.3%, M = 44.6%, P = 20.8%, p<0.001) and competing demands for education from other disciplines (E=51.0%, M=71.1% , P=54.9%, p=0.019). Prevention programs strategies are aimed at students (94.0%) and present their programs in the following models: health education (92.0%), affective education (91.0%), education for the scientific knowledge (82.6%), resistance training (71.4%), personal and social skills training (69.7%), and alternatives offering (66.0%). In public schools, prevention programs are more promoted by the police (E = 66.7%, M = 77.8%) and in private by the school team itself (68.0%). Conclusions: In São Paulo city, the prevalence of programs to prevent drug use in schools is low in municipal, state and private schools, from middle to high school. Emerging actions to increase this prevalence are needed, as government proposals guided by the Law of Guidelines and Bases (LDB) and inserted in the form of public policies aimed at integration and ongoing articulation the education and health sectors.
Introduction: The need and importance of conducting a survey of the prevention programs for drug use are evident in schools, because the school is an effective preventive environment. Objective: To identify actions developed to prevent drug use in public and private middle (6th to 9th grade) and high (1st to 3rd year) schools in São Paulo. Methods: Cross-sectional survey with a random sample of 263 school leaders (directors and coordinators). We used the technique of systematic sampling for the draw of the sample. The selected schools were invited to participate in the study via e-mail address and telephone contact. School leaders answered to an online, self-report, close-ended questionnaire. The instrument contained questions about the prevention programs of drug use in the schools and their characteristics. Chi- square and t tests were used to test hypotheses comparing public and private schools. Logistic regression identified the factors associated with the of prevention programs in schools. Results: Data analysis shows that 42.5% (n=100) of the evaluated schools have a prevention program for the use of drugs inserted in daily life and educational program of the school. Almost all directors (84.8 %, n=217) strongly agree that the school is an adequate environment for the development of prevention programs to the drug use. In the multivariate model analysis, it was noted that the experience of the director of the school is important factor for the implementation of prevention programs to drug use. According to the point estimate of the odds ratio for each year of experience in education, the odds of having a school prevention program increases by approximately 4% (OR=0.041, 95%CI 1.006, 1.080). The fact that the school try innovative teaching techniques also significantly (OR=6.174, 95%CI 2.011, 19.043) increases the chance of developing a school program to prevent the use of drugs inserted in daily life and in their pedagogical project. Lack of financial resources is the biggest challenge for the leaders to develop a program in the school context, particularly in state schools. The barriers for prevention programs implementation were more significant in the state (E) and municipal (M) schools, when compared to private schools (P), namely: the lack of didactic material (E = 75.3%, M = 71.1%, P = 32.7%, p<0.001 ), lack of money (E = 63.3%, M = 44.6%, P = 20.8%, p<0.001) and competing demands for education from other disciplines (E=51.0%, M=71.1% , P=54.9%, p=0.019). Prevention programs strategies are aimed at students (94.0%) and present their programs in the following models: health education (92.0%), affective education (91.0%), education for the scientific knowledge (82.6%), resistance training (71.4%), personal and social skills training (69.7%), and alternatives offering (66.0%). In public schools, prevention programs are more promoted by the police (E = 66.7%, M = 77.8%) and in private by the school team itself (68.0%). Conclusions: In São Paulo city, the prevalence of programs to prevent drug use in schools is low in municipal, state and private schools, from middle to high school. Emerging actions to increase this prevalence are needed, as government proposals guided by the Law of Guidelines and Bases (LDB) and inserted in the form of public policies aimed at integration and ongoing articulation the education and health sectors.
PEREIRA, Ana Paula Dias. Levantamento sobre os programas de prevenção ao uso de drogas nas escolas ensino fundamental e médio das redes pública e privada de ensino do município de São Paulo. 2014. 105 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências) - Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2014.