A escolarização de crianças crônicas ou gravemente enfermas: (in)visibilidades
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Este artigo apresenta reflexão resultante da pesquisa sobre grupos de pesquisa dedicados ao tema da escolarização de crianças crônica ou gravemente enfermas. Mais do que um levantamento de base quantitativa, o objetivo central foi o de apresentar um questionamento à estrutura universit ária brasileira quanto ao lugar da questão no âmbito do tripé ensino, pesquisa e extensão. Foram considerados aspectos históricos para possibilitar compreender a presença do tema na tradição da educação especial brasileira. Foram abordados autores, obras e categorias analíticas que têm configurado as redes e repert órios acadêmicos desse campo. O quadriênio de avalia ção da CAPES foi utilizado como critério para levantar grupos de pesquisa no CNPQ e a abrangência foi nacional, uma vez que as plataformas de busca das agências de fomento à pesquisa serviram de base para obtenção de dados. As referências ao ensino de graduação e a projetos de extensão se restringiram ao Estado de São Paulo, considerando a inviabilidade de obter dados nacionais a respeito, nos limites de um único artigo. A análise demonstrou onde, o quê e quem produziu a respeito entre 2013 e 2016. Nas considerações finais a fragmentação universitária sobre o objeto foi abordada e a predominância de dados de pesquisa sobre dados relacionados à presença do tema nos universos da formação de professores e dos projetos de extensão foi analisada.
This article presents reflection resulting from research on groups dedicated to the theme of schooling of chronically or severely ill children. More than a quantitative basis survey, the main objective was to present a question to the Brazilian university structure as to the place of the issue within the tripod teaching, research and extension. Historical aspects were considered to make it possible to understand the presence of the theme in the tradition of Brazilian special education. Authors, works and analytical categories that have shaped the networks and academic repertoires of this field were approached. The CAPES evaluation quadrennium was used as a criterion to raise research groups at CNPq and the scope was national, since the search platforms of the research funding agencies were the basis for data collection. References to undergraduate education and extension projects were restricted to the State of São Paulo, considering the impossibility of obtaining national data on the subject, within the limits of a single article. The analysis showed where, what and who produced about it between 2013 and 2016. In the final considerations the university fragmentation about the object was addressed and the predominance of research data on data related to the presence of the theme in the universes of teacher education and extension projects was analyzed.
This article presents reflection resulting from research on groups dedicated to the theme of schooling of chronically or severely ill children. More than a quantitative basis survey, the main objective was to present a question to the Brazilian university structure as to the place of the issue within the tripod teaching, research and extension. Historical aspects were considered to make it possible to understand the presence of the theme in the tradition of Brazilian special education. Authors, works and analytical categories that have shaped the networks and academic repertoires of this field were approached. The CAPES evaluation quadrennium was used as a criterion to raise research groups at CNPq and the scope was national, since the search platforms of the research funding agencies were the basis for data collection. References to undergraduate education and extension projects were restricted to the State of São Paulo, considering the impossibility of obtaining national data on the subject, within the limits of a single article. The analysis showed where, what and who produced about it between 2013 and 2016. In the final considerations the university fragmentation about the object was addressed and the predominance of research data on data related to the presence of the theme in the universes of teacher education and extension projects was analyzed.
FREITAS, Marcos Cezar de; SANTOS, Cristiane Flores dos. A escolarização de crianças crônicas ou gravemente enfermas: (in)visibilidades. Cadernos de Pesquisa, São Luís, v. 28, n. 2. p. 1-28, abr./jun. 2021. Disponível em: http://www.periodicoseletronicos.ufma.br/index.php/cadernosdepesquisa/article/view/12612. Acesso em: 30 nov. 2021.