Competências genéricas autopercebidas e requeridas de trabalhadores portuários do Porto de Santos
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A organização do trabalho portuário brasileiro vem passando por modificações desde o fim do século XX e início do século XXI, como resposta ao processo de globalização na economia e às inovações tecnológicas nos processos produtivos do setor portuário. A Organização Internacional do Trabalho publicou a Convenção n° 137 em 1973 citando como principais motivos para as mudanças no trabalho portuário no mundo a adoção de unidades de carga, com grande destaque ao contêiner, a introdução de técnicas de transbordo horizontal (roll on e roll off) e, consequentemente, o aumento da mecanização e automatização nas operações de carga e descarga. Diante dessas constantes mudanças que ocorreram no mundo desde o início do século XXI, há muitas publicações científicas que mencionam o surgimento da Quarta Revolução Industrial. Essas transformações passam a exigir novas competências profissionais para o mundo do trabalho e para o trabalho portuário. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar competências genéricas: a) autopercebidas por trabalhadores portuários; b) requeridas por representantes de empresas portuárias e de instituições partícipes da formação e ensino dos trabalhadores portuários da operação de carga e descarga do Porto de Santos; e c) representantes de sindicatos ligados ao referido porto. Diferentemente das competências profissionais específicas às atividades do trabalho, as competências genéricas são transversais e estão relacionadas à empregabilidade das pessoas, referindo-se a habilidades instrumentais, interpessoais e sistêmicas. A pesquisa segue a metodologia quantitativa e usa a Escala de Competências Genéricas, um instrumento derivado do Projeto Tuning. A coleta de dados foi realizada no período de abril de 2020 a julho de 2021, buscando o maior número possível de participantes dentre os segmentos investigados. A amostra foi constituída por 217 trabalhadores portuários, 24 representantes de empresas e de instituições de capacitação e de 14 representantes de sindicatos. A análise estatística descritiva dos resultados indicou que a competência “responsabilidade no trabalho” recebeu maior autovaloração por trabalhadores e por dirigentes sindicais. Os profissionais de empresas portuárias valoraram “compromisso ético” como a competência mais importante. A competência “capacidade de comunicar-se em outro idioma” foi a que obteve menor valoração por todos os segmentos de participantes. A análise de correspondência indicou que trabalhadores da operação portuária, empresas portuárias e instituições participes do ensino portuário e sindicatos compreendem diferentemente a importância das competências profissionais genéricas para o grupo de trabalhadores operacionais.
The organization of Brazilian port work has been going through changes since the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. It’s response to the process of globalization in the economy and technological innovations in the productive processes of the port sector. The International Labor Organization published Convention n°. 137 in 1973 citing as the main reasons for changes in port work in the world the adoption of cargo units with great emphasis on the container, the introduction of horizontal transshipment techniques (roll on and roll off) and, consequently, the increase in mechanization and automation in loading and unloading operations. Given these constant changes that have taken place in the world since the beginning of the 21st century, there are many scientific publications that mention the emergence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. These transformations demand new professional skills for the world of work and for port work. The aim of this study was to investigate generic competences: a) self-perceived by dock workers; b) required by representatives of port companies and institutions participating in the training and education of port workers in the loading and unloading operation of the Port of Santos; and c) representatives of unions linked to that port. Unlike professional skills specific to work activities, generic skills are transversal and are related to people's employability, referring to instrumental, interpersonal and systemic skills. The survey follows a quantitative methodology and uses the Generic Competence Scale, an instrument derived from the Tuning Project. Data collection was carried out from april 2020 to july 2021, seeking the largest possible number of participants among the investigated segments. The sample consisted of 217 port workers, 24 representatives of companies and training institutions and 14 representatives of unions. The descriptive statistical analysis of the results indicated that the competence “responsibility at work” received greater selfevaluation by workers and union leaders. Port company professionals valued “ethical commitment” as the most important competence. The competency “ability to communicate in another language” was the one that got the lowest rating by all segments of participants. Correspondence analysis indicated that port operation workers, port companies and institutions participating in port education and unions understand differently the importance of generic professional skills for the group of operational workers.
The organization of Brazilian port work has been going through changes since the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. It’s response to the process of globalization in the economy and technological innovations in the productive processes of the port sector. The International Labor Organization published Convention n°. 137 in 1973 citing as the main reasons for changes in port work in the world the adoption of cargo units with great emphasis on the container, the introduction of horizontal transshipment techniques (roll on and roll off) and, consequently, the increase in mechanization and automation in loading and unloading operations. Given these constant changes that have taken place in the world since the beginning of the 21st century, there are many scientific publications that mention the emergence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. These transformations demand new professional skills for the world of work and for port work. The aim of this study was to investigate generic competences: a) self-perceived by dock workers; b) required by representatives of port companies and institutions participating in the training and education of port workers in the loading and unloading operation of the Port of Santos; and c) representatives of unions linked to that port. Unlike professional skills specific to work activities, generic skills are transversal and are related to people's employability, referring to instrumental, interpersonal and systemic skills. The survey follows a quantitative methodology and uses the Generic Competence Scale, an instrument derived from the Tuning Project. Data collection was carried out from april 2020 to july 2021, seeking the largest possible number of participants among the investigated segments. The sample consisted of 217 port workers, 24 representatives of companies and training institutions and 14 representatives of unions. The descriptive statistical analysis of the results indicated that the competence “responsibility at work” received greater selfevaluation by workers and union leaders. Port company professionals valued “ethical commitment” as the most important competence. The competency “ability to communicate in another language” was the one that got the lowest rating by all segments of participants. Correspondence analysis indicated that port operation workers, port companies and institutions participating in port education and unions understand differently the importance of generic professional skills for the group of operational workers.
SILVA, Caio Teissiere Moretti. Competências genéricas autopercebidas e requeridas de trabalhadores portuários do Porto de Santos. 2021. 76 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Interdisciplinar em Ciência e Tecnologia do Mar) - Instituto do Mar, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2021.