Microplásticos: Uma análise utilizando o modelo DPSIR (Drivers, Pressures, State, Impacts, Responses) sobre a situação do Brasil
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Os microplásticos (MP) são partículas de até 5mm que tem se acumulado nos mais diversos ambientes e gerado grandes preocupações referentes aos seus possíveis impactos nos seres vivos. Diversos pesquisadores, no entanto, têm levantado perguntas a respeito da mobilidade do microplástico e como isso pode afetar as comunidades, porém, pouco se tem sobre as soluções para resolver o problema em larga escala. Objetivo: Este trabalho busca fazer uma análise a respeito dos microplásticos no Brasil, a partir do DPSIR (Drivers, Pressures, State, Impacts e Responses) como um indicador, em busca de fornecer informações estruturadas a respeito do tema no país e evidenciar as potenciais soluções e aplicações existentes na literatura. Métodos: O DPSIR é um indicador que busca categorizar um determinado tema para que se possa enxergar com maior clareza, para isso, cada letra trás uma informação que deve ser levantada, os drivers (D) são as forças motrizes, no caso, as atividades humanas que envolvem o MP e surgem para suprir uma necessidade básica da população, as pressures (P) são pressões que são exercidas no ambiente a partir dos drivers, o state (S) é a seção onde se elenca quais são as modificações de estado que vem ocorrendo em determinado ambiente por conta das pressões exercidas, os impacts (I), ou impactos, ocorrem quando há uma modificação de estado, e aqui os impactos são relacionado à presença do MP no ambiente, por fim, as responses (R) são as respostas existentes ou a serem desevolvidas para o problema, parte esta que recebeu um foco maior neste trabalho, para levantar e enfatizar as soluções potenciais. Resultados: A partir deste, foi possível observar, no entanto, que embora os pesquisadores produzam informações de bastante qualidade e já nos alertem sobre os perigos do microplástico, pouco se trabalham as soluções para este problema aqui, levando em consideração a geração de resíduos, a partir da análise foi possível elencar aqui como principais drivers: o aumento da população, benefícios e as facilidades que o plástico proporciona e a desigualdade social levando ao maior consumo de produtos plásticos, assim como, a diferença de mercado entre polímeros sintéticos e biodegradáveis, a agricultura, turismo, saneamento e a urbanização, levando a pressures: exploração de recursos naturais, o descarte incorreto de resíduos, a valorização e precificação dos bioplásticos, consumo, a ocupação irregular e a liberação de microplástico no oceano, levando assim ao levantamento sobre o state do ambiente que se encontra o solo, a água e o ar com pouquíssimas informações, foram demonstrados de acordo com o que se tinha disponível na literatura, os impacts, por outro lado já estão bastante avançados, os microplásticos em diversos aspectos foram apontados como prejudicial ao ambiente e ser o humano, levando a biomagnificação, comprometimento ao turismo, à economia, os prejuízos à saúde dos solos e interagindo com outros poluentes. Para o levantamento das responses aqui, foram elencadas as respostas que já existem na legislação como as políticas nacionais, alternativas aos plásticos sintéticos, atitudes socioambientais, reciclagem, o gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos, o tratamento de efluentes, iniciativas internacionais e ações ambientais ou educacionais também foram expressas, de modo a elucidar as potenciais soluções e gerar novos debates para que os cientistas, a população e os tomadores de decisão possam ter informações mais palpáveis na discussão de soluções para a problemática do microplástico no país e para as soluções apontadas e investigadas por outros pesquisadores, foi realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura onde foram trabalhados 116 artigos sob a temática. Conclusão: É evidente a necessidade de esforços de todos os setores da sociedade para combater a problemática no nosso país, até o momento não possuímos nenhuma legislação federal que aponte restrições ao MP nem forneça soluções direcionadas a eles, além disso, a falta de educação ambiental, a desigualdade social e a carência no tratamento de efluentes são os maiores contribuintes para o aumento do microplástico no ambiente, trazendo não só prejuízos a fauna e a flora mas problemas que já vem sendo observados no ser humano.
Microplastics (MP) are particles of up to 5 mm that have accumulated in the most diverse environments and have generated great concerns regarding their possible impacts on living beings. Several researchers, have raised questions about microplastic mobility and how it can affect communities, however, little is known about solutions to solve the problem on a large scale. Objective: This work seeks to make an analysis of the MP in Brazil, using the DPSIR (Drivers, Pressures, State, Impacts and Responses) as an indicator, in order to provide structured information on the subject in the country and highlight the potential solutions and applications in the literature. Methods: The DPSIR is an indicator that seeks to categorize a particular topic so that it can be seen more clearly, for that, each letter brings information that must be collected, the drivers (D) are the activities that involve the MP and arise to supply a basic need of the population, the pressures (P) are exerted in the environment from the drivers, the state (S) is the section where the state changes that have been occurring in a given environment are listed due to the pressures exerted, the, impacts (I), occur when there is a change in state, and here the impacts are related to the presence of MP in the environment, finally, the responses (R) are the existing or to be developed answers to the problem, this part that received a greater focus in this work, to raise and emphasize the potential solutions. Results: From this, it was possible to observe, however, that although the researchers produce information of high quality and already warn us about the dangers of microplastic, there is little work on the solutions to this problem here, taking into account the generation of waste, and from the analysis, it was possible to list here as the main drivers: the increase of the population, benefits and facilities that plastic provides and social inequality leading to greater consumption of plastic products, as well as the market difference between synthetic and biodegradable polymers, agriculture, tourism, sanitation and urbanization, leading to pressures: exploitation of natural resources, incorrect disposal of waste, the valorization and pricing of bioplastics, consumption, irregular occupation and the release of microplastics into the ocean, thus leading to the survey on the state of the environment found in the soil, water and air with very little information, were demonstrated accordingly based on what was available in the literature, the impacts, on the other hand, are already quite advanced, microplastics in several aspects have been identified as harmful to the environment and to human beings, leading to biomagnification, compromising tourism, the economy, damages to soil health and interacting with other pollutants. For the survey of responses here, the answers that already exist in the legislation were listed, such as national policies, alternatives to synthetic plastics, socio-environmental attitudes, recycling, solid waste management, effluent treatment, international initiatives and environmental or educational actions as well were expressed, in order to elucidate potential solutions and generate new debates so that scientists, the population and decision-makers can have more tangible information in the discussion of solutions to the problem of microplastic in the country. For the solutions pointed out and investigated by other researchers, a systematic literature review was carried out in which 116 articles were worked on under the theme. Conclusion: It is evident the need for efforts from all sectors of society to combat the problem in our country, so far we do not have any federal legislation that points out restrictions on the MP or provides solutions aimed at them, in addition, the lack of environmental education, the social inequality and the lack of treatment of effluents are the biggest contributors to the increase of microplastic in the environment, bringing not only damages to fauna and flora but problems that have already been observed in human beings.
Microplastics (MP) are particles of up to 5 mm that have accumulated in the most diverse environments and have generated great concerns regarding their possible impacts on living beings. Several researchers, have raised questions about microplastic mobility and how it can affect communities, however, little is known about solutions to solve the problem on a large scale. Objective: This work seeks to make an analysis of the MP in Brazil, using the DPSIR (Drivers, Pressures, State, Impacts and Responses) as an indicator, in order to provide structured information on the subject in the country and highlight the potential solutions and applications in the literature. Methods: The DPSIR is an indicator that seeks to categorize a particular topic so that it can be seen more clearly, for that, each letter brings information that must be collected, the drivers (D) are the activities that involve the MP and arise to supply a basic need of the population, the pressures (P) are exerted in the environment from the drivers, the state (S) is the section where the state changes that have been occurring in a given environment are listed due to the pressures exerted, the, impacts (I), occur when there is a change in state, and here the impacts are related to the presence of MP in the environment, finally, the responses (R) are the existing or to be developed answers to the problem, this part that received a greater focus in this work, to raise and emphasize the potential solutions. Results: From this, it was possible to observe, however, that although the researchers produce information of high quality and already warn us about the dangers of microplastic, there is little work on the solutions to this problem here, taking into account the generation of waste, and from the analysis, it was possible to list here as the main drivers: the increase of the population, benefits and facilities that plastic provides and social inequality leading to greater consumption of plastic products, as well as the market difference between synthetic and biodegradable polymers, agriculture, tourism, sanitation and urbanization, leading to pressures: exploitation of natural resources, incorrect disposal of waste, the valorization and pricing of bioplastics, consumption, irregular occupation and the release of microplastics into the ocean, thus leading to the survey on the state of the environment found in the soil, water and air with very little information, were demonstrated accordingly based on what was available in the literature, the impacts, on the other hand, are already quite advanced, microplastics in several aspects have been identified as harmful to the environment and to human beings, leading to biomagnification, compromising tourism, the economy, damages to soil health and interacting with other pollutants. For the survey of responses here, the answers that already exist in the legislation were listed, such as national policies, alternatives to synthetic plastics, socio-environmental attitudes, recycling, solid waste management, effluent treatment, international initiatives and environmental or educational actions as well were expressed, in order to elucidate potential solutions and generate new debates so that scientists, the population and decision-makers can have more tangible information in the discussion of solutions to the problem of microplastic in the country. For the solutions pointed out and investigated by other researchers, a systematic literature review was carried out in which 116 articles were worked on under the theme. Conclusion: It is evident the need for efforts from all sectors of society to combat the problem in our country, so far we do not have any federal legislation that points out restrictions on the MP or provides solutions aimed at them, in addition, the lack of environmental education, the social inequality and the lack of treatment of effluents are the biggest contributors to the increase of microplastic in the environment, bringing not only damages to fauna and flora but problems that have already been observed in human beings.
HERRERA, Nathany Roberta. Microplásticos: Uma análise utilizando o modelo DPSIR (Drivers, Pressures, State, Impacts, Responses) sobre a situação do Brasil. 2022. 173 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Interdisciplinar em Ciência e Tecnologia do Mar) - Instituto do Mar, Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Santos, 2022.