O cuidado de si de profissionais da atenção básica que atuam com as práticas integrativas e complementares em uma região do município de São Paulo
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O cuidado em saúde, em especial na Atenção Básica, requer dos profissionais de
saúde o manejo de diversas tecnologias. No campo da biomedicina, o cuidado à
saúde, nesse nível de atenção, encontra alguns desafios para driblar o processo de
medicalização à vida, que diminui a autonomia dos usuários e normaliza qualquer
experiência ou comportamento humano como um problema médico. No interior da
biomedicina, encontramos as Práticas Integrativas e Complementares, que operam
de modo a favorecer a autonomia e o autocuidado dos usuários de saúde.
Entendendo que a relação com o usuário de saúde sofre influência do cuidado que
o profissional dispensa a si mesmo, o objetivo do estudo é investigar o cuidado de
si do profissional que atua com Práticas Integrativas e Complementares na Atenção
Básica. Para o método, optou-se pela abordagem qualitativa, a partir da História
Oral de Vida. A rede de estudo foi composta por oito colaboradores que atuam com
PICS em uma região do município de São Paulo. Os colaboradores foram
entrevistados no período de abril a novembro de 2019, e a partir dessas entrevistas,
foram construídas oito narrativas que nos permitiram refletir, à luz dos estudos de
Michel Foucault, sobre a concepção e práticas de cuidado de si desses
colaboradores e os benefícios adquiridos com as Práticas Integrativas e
Complementares. A concepção de cuidado de si desses profissionais alcança vários
níveis, indo desde a dimensão física do sujeito, até a noção de interdependência
com os outros e o universo. Esse cuidado de si é praticado de diferentes maneiras:
através do cuidado com a alimentação, na prática de atividades corporais, na
reflexão sobre si e seus atos, no relacionar-se com familiares, amigos, colegas de
trabalho e usuários de saúde. As Práticas Integrativas e Complementares exercem
função transformadora nos encontros entre profissional-PICS, usuário de saúde-
PICS e profissional-usuário de saúde. Elas manifestam-se não como o único, mas
como um dos possíveis caminhos no desenvolvimento de um cuidado de si
resistente às formas de sujeição que operam no campo da saúde.
Health care, especially in Primary Care, requires health professionals to handle several technologies. In the field of biomedicine, health care, at this level of attention, finds some challenges to circumvent the process of medicalization of life, which reduces the autonomy of users and normalizes any human experience or behavior as a medical problem. Within biomedicine, we find Complementary Therapies, which operate in a way that favors the autonomy and self-care of health users. Understanding that the relationship with the health user is influenced by the care that the professional provides himself, the aim of the study is to investigate the self-care of the professional who works with Complementary Therapies in Primary Health Care. For the method, the qualitative approach was chosen, based on the Oral Life History. The study was composed of eight health professionals who work with Complementary Therapies in a region of the city of São Paulo. Professionals were interviewed from April to November 2019, and from these interviews, eight narratives were constructed that allowed us to reflect, in the light of Michel Foucault's studies, on the conception and self-care practices of these professionals and the benefits acquired with the Complementary Therapies. The conception of self-care of these professionals reaches several levels, ranging from the physical dimension of the subject, to the notion of interdependence with others and the universe. This self-care is practiced in different ways: through the care with food, in the practice of bodily activities, in the reflection about oneself and their acts, in the relationship with family, friends, co-workers and health users. Complementary Therapies (PICS) play a transforming role in the meetings between professional-PICS, health user-PICS and health professional-user. They are manifested not as the only one, but as one of the possible paths in the development of self-care resistant to the forms of subjection that operate in the health field.
Health care, especially in Primary Care, requires health professionals to handle several technologies. In the field of biomedicine, health care, at this level of attention, finds some challenges to circumvent the process of medicalization of life, which reduces the autonomy of users and normalizes any human experience or behavior as a medical problem. Within biomedicine, we find Complementary Therapies, which operate in a way that favors the autonomy and self-care of health users. Understanding that the relationship with the health user is influenced by the care that the professional provides himself, the aim of the study is to investigate the self-care of the professional who works with Complementary Therapies in Primary Health Care. For the method, the qualitative approach was chosen, based on the Oral Life History. The study was composed of eight health professionals who work with Complementary Therapies in a region of the city of São Paulo. Professionals were interviewed from April to November 2019, and from these interviews, eight narratives were constructed that allowed us to reflect, in the light of Michel Foucault's studies, on the conception and self-care practices of these professionals and the benefits acquired with the Complementary Therapies. The conception of self-care of these professionals reaches several levels, ranging from the physical dimension of the subject, to the notion of interdependence with others and the universe. This self-care is practiced in different ways: through the care with food, in the practice of bodily activities, in the reflection about oneself and their acts, in the relationship with family, friends, co-workers and health users. Complementary Therapies (PICS) play a transforming role in the meetings between professional-PICS, health user-PICS and health professional-user. They are manifested not as the only one, but as one of the possible paths in the development of self-care resistant to the forms of subjection that operate in the health field.
PEREIRA, E.C. O cuidado de si de profissionais da atenção básica que atuam com as práticas integrativas e complementares em uma região do município de São Paulo. São Paulo, 2020. 103 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Saúde Coletiva) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo - UNIFESP, São Paulo, 2020.