Óleo de prímula como alternativa natural para sintomas da menopausa
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O envelhecimento populacional brasileiro tem apresentado uma tendência crescente, especialmente entre as mulheres, com a perspectiva nos próximos 20 anos, aproximadamente 12% das mulheres estarão na fase do climatério, marcada pela redução da atividade ovariana e alterações hormonais. Os sintomas dessa fase incluem ondas de calor, alterações no ciclo menstrual, alterações psicológicas e cognitivas, além de condições como osteoporose e doenças cardiovasculares. Para lidar com esses sintomas, muitas mulheres buscam alternativas de tratamento, incluindo a Terapia de Reposição Hormonal (TRH) e terapias não hormonais, além de mudanças no estilo de vida. Nos últimos anos, tem ocorrido um aumento no interesse por produtos naturais, com destaque para o óleo de prímula, extraído da planta Oenothera biennis L., que tem se mostrado eficaz no alívio de sintomas como ondas de calor e alterações de humor, devido às suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias e moduladoras hormonais. Contudo, o mercado brasileiro enfrenta desafios relacionados à regulamentação e fiscalização rigorosa de suplementos naturais, o que pode levar à adulteração dos produtos e à insatisfação dos consumidores. A crescente demanda por alternativas naturais reflete uma mudança no comportamento do consumidor em busca de opções mais saudáveis e sustentáveis, embora o mercado ainda precise superar dificuldades de fiscalização e qualidade.
Brazil's ageing population has shown a growing trend, especially among women, with the prospect that in the next 20 years, approximately 12% of women will be in the climacteric phase, marked by a reduction in ovarian activity and hormonal changes. Symptoms of this phase include hot flushes, changes in the menstrual cycle, psychological and cognitive changes, as well as conditions such as osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. To deal with these symptoms, many women seek alternative treatments, including Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and nonhormonal therapies, as well as lifestyle changes. In recent years, there has been an increase in interest in natural products, especially evening primrose oil, extracted from the plant Oenothera biennis L., which has been shown to be effective in relieving symptoms such as hot flushes and mood swings, due to its antiinflammatory and hormonemodulating properties. However, the Brazilian market faces challenges related to the strict regulation and supervision of natural supplements, which can lead to product adulteration and consumer dissatisfaction. The growing demand for natural alternatives reflects a change in consumer behavior in search of healthier and more sustainable options, although the market still needs to overcome inspection and quality difficulties.
Brazil's ageing population has shown a growing trend, especially among women, with the prospect that in the next 20 years, approximately 12% of women will be in the climacteric phase, marked by a reduction in ovarian activity and hormonal changes. Symptoms of this phase include hot flushes, changes in the menstrual cycle, psychological and cognitive changes, as well as conditions such as osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. To deal with these symptoms, many women seek alternative treatments, including Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and nonhormonal therapies, as well as lifestyle changes. In recent years, there has been an increase in interest in natural products, especially evening primrose oil, extracted from the plant Oenothera biennis L., which has been shown to be effective in relieving symptoms such as hot flushes and mood swings, due to its antiinflammatory and hormonemodulating properties. However, the Brazilian market faces challenges related to the strict regulation and supervision of natural supplements, which can lead to product adulteration and consumer dissatisfaction. The growing demand for natural alternatives reflects a change in consumer behavior in search of healthier and more sustainable options, although the market still needs to overcome inspection and quality difficulties.
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