#Temciêncianarede: o uso das redes sociais como complemento para o ensino da biologia, uma revisão sistemática da literatura
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A ascensão das redes sociais transformou de maneira vertiginosa o nosso cotidiano, trazendo consigo mudanças significativas e incontestáveis, como a quebra de barreiras e limites para a comunicação, e a facilidade de conexão com informações e oportunidades. Esse mesmo impacto é observado na esfera educacional, onde as redes sociais se tornaram valiosas ferramentas para compartilhar informações e conhecimentos, difundir descobertas, questionar e explorar temas e conceitos, transformando-se em espaços dinâmicos de ensino-aprendizagem. Neste contexto, o presente estudo se dedicou à compilação de um conjunto de referências bibliográficas relevantes na literatura acadêmica sobre a utilização das redes sociais como recurso complementar ao ensino de Biologia em contextos de sala de aula, tendo como objetivo final caracterizar o estado do conhecimento sobre esse tema no meio acadêmico e identificar lacunas e oportunidades para aprofundamento ou desenvolvimento de novas pesquisas e estudos que possam levar à inovação e ao aprimoramento das práticas pedagógicas.
The rise of social media has rapidly transformed our daily lives, bringing with it significant and undeniable changes such as breaking barriers and limits to communication, and the ease of connecting with information and opportunities. This impact is also observed in the educational sphere, where social media has become valuable tools for sharing information and knowledge, disseminating discoveries, questioning, and exploring themes and concepts, evolving into dynamic spaces for teaching and learning. In this context, the present study focused on compiling a set of relevant bibliographic references in academic literature regarding the use of social media as a supplementary resource in Biology education within classroom settings. The ultimate goal was to characterize the state of knowledge on this topic in academic circles and identify gaps and opportunities for further exploration or the development of new research and studies that could lead to innovation and improvement of pedagogical practices.
The rise of social media has rapidly transformed our daily lives, bringing with it significant and undeniable changes such as breaking barriers and limits to communication, and the ease of connecting with information and opportunities. This impact is also observed in the educational sphere, where social media has become valuable tools for sharing information and knowledge, disseminating discoveries, questioning, and exploring themes and concepts, evolving into dynamic spaces for teaching and learning. In this context, the present study focused on compiling a set of relevant bibliographic references in academic literature regarding the use of social media as a supplementary resource in Biology education within classroom settings. The ultimate goal was to characterize the state of knowledge on this topic in academic circles and identify gaps and opportunities for further exploration or the development of new research and studies that could lead to innovation and improvement of pedagogical practices.