As potencialidades e desafios das olimpíadas de ciências e matemática da educação básica.
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Este trabalho de conclusão do Curso de Ciências- Licenciatura tem como tema central as Olimpíadas Científicas. O trabalho é constituído pela análise de 18 olimpíadas, escolhidas através da criação de filtros/critérios: gratuitas, área de Ciências e Matemática, âmbito nacional, editais de 2022 e ensino fundamental I, II e médio. O objetivo foi descrever as potencialidades e desafios das olimpíadas escolares na educação básica. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa bibliográfica com dados públicos divulgados pelas próprias olimpíadas em seus sites. Destacam-se alguns resultados da análise comparativa e descritiva: (i) nível de escolaridade – apenas 16,6% aceitam o fundamental I; (ii) edições – grande quantidade de olímpiadas surgindo (38,8%); (iii) modelo de prova – maioria 61,1% provas teóricas contrastando com a natureza prática experimental da área de Ciências; (iv) medalhas e certificados para ações afirmativas - 22,2% para as participantes femininas, 33,3% para alunos e alunas de escolas públicas e 5,5% para alunos de baixa renda, vinculado ao programa Bolsa Família; (v) cotas – apenas 1 olímpiada, o que acaba por favorecer os alunos das escolas particulares.; (vi) participação nas vagas do ensino superior - maioria 61,1% reserva vagas para medalhistas e (vii) reconhecimento do trabalho do professor na olimpíada – maioria 61,1% reserva vagas para medalhistas. Um fator motivacional é que as olimpíadas se tornaram uma porta de entrada para universidades públicas do Brasil e do exterior, por meio das chamadas “vagas olímpicas”. Foi observado a relevância das olimpíadas como um meio de extensão da aprendizagem e aprimoramento do currículo pessoal do aluno, a necessidade das cotas para alunos das escolas públicas e a importância do papel do professor nessa atividade. As implicações do trabalho são promover melhorias nas aprendizagens dos alunos das escolas básicas através do incentivo à participação em olimpíadas, envio de sugestões aos organizadores das olimpíadas e instituições parceiras e, futuramente, seguir com outras pesquisas sobre o tema.
This conclusion work of the Degree in Sciences Course has as its central theme the Scientific Olympics. The work consists of the analysis of 18 Olympics, chosen through the creation of filters/criteria: free, Science and Mathematics area, national scope, 2022 public notices and elementary, II and secondary education. The objective was to describe the potentialities and challenges of school Olympics in basic education. The methodology used was bibliographical research with public data released by the Olympics themselves on their websites. Some results of the comparative and descriptive analysis stand out: (i) education level – only 16.6% accept fundamental I; (ii) editions – large number of olympics appearing (38.8%); (iii) test model – majority 61.1% theoretical tests contrasting with the experimental practical nature of the Science area; (iv) medals and certificates for affirmative actions - 22.2% for female participants, 33.3% for male and female students from public schools and 5.5% for low-income students, linked to the Bolsa Família program; (v) quotas – only 1 Olympiad, which ends up favoring private school students; (vi) participation in higher education vacancies - majority 61.1% reserves vacancies for medalists and (vii) recognition of teacher's work in the Olympics – majority 61.1% reserves vacancies for medalists. A motivational factor is that the Olympics have become a gateway to public universities in Brazil and abroad, through the so-called “Olympic vacancies”. The relevance of the Olympics as a means of extending learning and improving the student's personal curriculum was observed, the need for quotas for public school students and the importance of the teacher's role in this activity. The implications of the work are to promote improvements in the learning of basic school students by encouraging participation in the Olympics, sending suggestions to the organizers of the Olympics and partner institutions and, in the future, continuing with other research on the subject.
This conclusion work of the Degree in Sciences Course has as its central theme the Scientific Olympics. The work consists of the analysis of 18 Olympics, chosen through the creation of filters/criteria: free, Science and Mathematics area, national scope, 2022 public notices and elementary, II and secondary education. The objective was to describe the potentialities and challenges of school Olympics in basic education. The methodology used was bibliographical research with public data released by the Olympics themselves on their websites. Some results of the comparative and descriptive analysis stand out: (i) education level – only 16.6% accept fundamental I; (ii) editions – large number of olympics appearing (38.8%); (iii) test model – majority 61.1% theoretical tests contrasting with the experimental practical nature of the Science area; (iv) medals and certificates for affirmative actions - 22.2% for female participants, 33.3% for male and female students from public schools and 5.5% for low-income students, linked to the Bolsa Família program; (v) quotas – only 1 Olympiad, which ends up favoring private school students; (vi) participation in higher education vacancies - majority 61.1% reserves vacancies for medalists and (vii) recognition of teacher's work in the Olympics – majority 61.1% reserves vacancies for medalists. A motivational factor is that the Olympics have become a gateway to public universities in Brazil and abroad, through the so-called “Olympic vacancies”. The relevance of the Olympics as a means of extending learning and improving the student's personal curriculum was observed, the need for quotas for public school students and the importance of the teacher's role in this activity. The implications of the work are to promote improvements in the learning of basic school students by encouraging participation in the Olympics, sending suggestions to the organizers of the Olympics and partner institutions and, in the future, continuing with other research on the subject.