O Gênero no espectro da saúde mental feminina: uma pesquisa exploratória com psicólogas clínicas
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A organização social normaliza uma imagem de gênero feminino como sendo aquele que ocupa certos papéis nas relações sociais que geralmente são considerados subalternos, e acredita-se que estes papéis e relações tenham impactos psíquicos para os sujeitos envolvidos. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de caráter exploratório que objetiva investigar como esta estruturação social impacta o psiquismo de mulheres, observando a opinião de psicólogas clínicas sobre o tema. A metodologia utilizada partiu de entrevistas semi estruturadas. A análise de dados foi realizada por meio de análise compreensiva com extração de categorias a partir da leitura sistemática das respostas. A maternidade foi um tema central na fala das entrevistadas, assim como a percepção de transformações sociais que influem no que as pacientes trazem para a terapia. Considera-se que as imposições sobre o gênero feminino enquadram e engendram desde o comportamento mais habitual até o adoecimento mental das mulheres. Espera-se que a pesquisa venha a contribuir para o bem-estar psíquico das mulheres e ao aprimoramento profissional das psicólogas clínicas.
Social organization normalizes the female gender image as being one that occupies certain roles in social relationships that are generally considered subordinates, and it is believed that these roles and relationships have psychic impacts for the subjects involved. This is an exploratory research that aims to investigate how this social structure impacts the psyche of women, seeing the opinion of clinical psychologists on the subject. The methodology used was based on semi-structured interviews. Data analysis was performed through comprehensive analysis, extracting categories by the systematic reading of the answers. Motherhood was a central theme in the interviewees' speech, as well as the perception of social transformations that influence what patients bring up to therapy. It is considered that the impositions on the female gender fit and engender from the most habitual behavior to the mental illness of women. It is expected that the research contributes to the psychic well-being of women and to the professional improvement of clinical psychologists.
Social organization normalizes the female gender image as being one that occupies certain roles in social relationships that are generally considered subordinates, and it is believed that these roles and relationships have psychic impacts for the subjects involved. This is an exploratory research that aims to investigate how this social structure impacts the psyche of women, seeing the opinion of clinical psychologists on the subject. The methodology used was based on semi-structured interviews. Data analysis was performed through comprehensive analysis, extracting categories by the systematic reading of the answers. Motherhood was a central theme in the interviewees' speech, as well as the perception of social transformations that influence what patients bring up to therapy. It is considered that the impositions on the female gender fit and engender from the most habitual behavior to the mental illness of women. It is expected that the research contributes to the psychic well-being of women and to the professional improvement of clinical psychologists.
SURITA, Marina Segantin. O Gênero no espectro da saúde mental feminina: uma pesquisa exploratória com psicólogas clínicas. 2023. 29 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Psicologia) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2023.