Formação inicial de professores de educação física, mídia televisiva e outros estruturantes tecnológicos: um estudo de caso educacional amparado pela Teoria Crítica
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O presente estudo assume a abordagem metodológica qualitativa de caráter descritivo e é
delineado através de um estudo de caso educacional, amparado pela Teoria Crítica. O objetivo
geral desta pesquisa é investigar e discutir de que modo a mídia televisiva e outros
estruturantes tecnológicos estão sendo tematizados nos cursos de formação inicial de
professores de Educação Física. De forma específica, esta pesquisa objetiva investigar e
discutir sobre: i) a importância da formação e atuação de professores de educação física, na
perspectiva crítica; ii) a forma com que a indústria cultural se apropria e ressignifica os
elementos da cultura corporal de movimento; iii) a necessidade da existência de debates
durante os cursos de formação inicial de professores de educação física sobre as influências
da mídia televisiva e de outros estruturantes tecnológicos na sociedade; iv) o papel do uso da
mídia televisiva e de outros estruturantes tecnológicos nas aulas de educação física na
educação básica. O marco teórico ergue-se em meio aos seguintes campos: Teoria Crítica,
profissionalização docente, formação de professores de educação física, mídia televisiva e
outros estruturantes tecnológicos. No delineamento do estudo de caso foram realizadas
entrevistas semiestruturadas junto a 7 professores de educação física em atuação no ciclo II do
Ensino Fundamental, na Secretaria Municipal de Educação da cidade de Barueri, escolhidos
sob determinado critério de seleção. No decorrer do processo investigativo, também foi
realizada a análise dos Projetos Políticos Pedagógicos das escolas em que os sujeitos de
pesquisa lecionam, da Proposta Curricular empreendida pelo município em questão e das
diretrizes da área de educação física para a formação de professores. A análise destes dados,
organizada pelo estabelecimento de categorias de análise, permitiu compreender que a
formação inicial do professor de Educação Física não contempla, com a devida propriedade, a
temática abordada neste estudo: a integração e a reflexão crítica sobre a mídia televisiva e
outros estruturantes tecnológicos, no contexto da prática docente. Em convergência com tal
cenário, os achados da pesquisa também sinalizam – no âmbito da rede municipal de
educação em tela –, a fragilidade de políticas públicas de formação continuada de professores
de Educação Física voltadas a tal temática, traduzida na ausência da oferta de cursos e/ou
programas de formação voltados ao uso pedagógico dos estruturantes tecnológicos.
This study has qualitative methodological approach descriptive and is designed by a study of educational case, supported by the Critical Theory. The overall objective of this research is to investigate and discuss how the television media and other technological structuring are being contemplated in initial training courses for teachers of Physical Education. Specifically, this research aims to investigate and discuss: i) the importance of education and performance of physical education teachers in the critical perspective; ii) the way the culture industry appropriates and reframes the culture of body movement elements; iii) the need for the existence of debates during the initial training courses of physical education teachers on the influence of television media and other technological structuring in society; iv) the role of the use of television media and other technological structuring in physical education classes in basic education. The theoretical framework is supported by the following fields: Critical Theory, teacher professionalization, training of physical education teachers, television media and other technological structuring. In the case of study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 7 physical education teacher’s at work in the elementary school cycle II in the Municipal Department of Education of the city of Barueri, chosen under selection criteria. During the investigative process, was also performed the analysis of the Pedagogical Political Projects of the schools where the research subjects teach, the Curriculum Proposal undertaken by the municipality concerned and the guidelines of the physical education area for teacher education. Analysis of these data, organized according to categories of analysis, shows that the initial formation of Physical Education teacher does not provide, with due property, the issue addressed in this study: integration and critical reflection on the television media and other technological structuring, in the context of teaching. In convergence with such a scenario, the survey findings also indicate - within the municipal screen in education - the fragility of public policies for continuous training of physical education teachers focused on this theme, reflected in the absence of the provision of courses and / or training programs aimed at educational use of technological structuring.
This study has qualitative methodological approach descriptive and is designed by a study of educational case, supported by the Critical Theory. The overall objective of this research is to investigate and discuss how the television media and other technological structuring are being contemplated in initial training courses for teachers of Physical Education. Specifically, this research aims to investigate and discuss: i) the importance of education and performance of physical education teachers in the critical perspective; ii) the way the culture industry appropriates and reframes the culture of body movement elements; iii) the need for the existence of debates during the initial training courses of physical education teachers on the influence of television media and other technological structuring in society; iv) the role of the use of television media and other technological structuring in physical education classes in basic education. The theoretical framework is supported by the following fields: Critical Theory, teacher professionalization, training of physical education teachers, television media and other technological structuring. In the case of study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 7 physical education teacher’s at work in the elementary school cycle II in the Municipal Department of Education of the city of Barueri, chosen under selection criteria. During the investigative process, was also performed the analysis of the Pedagogical Political Projects of the schools where the research subjects teach, the Curriculum Proposal undertaken by the municipality concerned and the guidelines of the physical education area for teacher education. Analysis of these data, organized according to categories of analysis, shows that the initial formation of Physical Education teacher does not provide, with due property, the issue addressed in this study: integration and critical reflection on the television media and other technological structuring, in the context of teaching. In convergence with such a scenario, the survey findings also indicate - within the municipal screen in education - the fragility of public policies for continuous training of physical education teachers focused on this theme, reflected in the absence of the provision of courses and / or training programs aimed at educational use of technological structuring.
OLIVEIRA, Fernando Dias de. Formação inicial de professores de educação física, mídia televisiva e outros
estruturantes tecnológicos: um estudo de caso educacional amparado pela Teoria
Crítica. 2015. 143f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Escola de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Guarulhos, 2015.