Consequências das lesões térmicas extensas no músculo esquelético de crianças: uma revisão sistemática da literatura.
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As lesões térmicas que ocorrem por derramamento de líquidos quentes estão entre os acidentes mais comuns. Quando superiores a 40% da extensão corporal são consideradas extensas e, além de respostas locais, levam a repercussões sistêmicas. Dentre tais repercussões estão o hipermetabolismo, o catabolismo proteico, e como consequência ocorre a perda de massa muscular e o atraso no crescimento, dentre outras sequelas. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho é fazer uma revisão sistemática da literatura de pesquisas que envolvam seres humanos e animais sobre as consequências das lesões térmicas extensas no músculo esquelético, como comprometimento sistêmico, em crianças. Além disso, discutir a importância desses dados para a reabilitação fisioterapêutica de pacientes queimados. Para isso, foram selecionados e avaliados artigos em inglês indexados nas bases de dados PubMed (National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health). Foram utilizadas como palavras-chave, no idioma já mencionado: “burn injury” or “thermal injury” and children and “skeletal muscle”. Foram selecionados 34 artigos originais, sendo 21 estudos com experimentação animal e 13 estudos clínicos com seres humanos. Com isso, este trabalho conclui que a reabilitação de crianças queimadas através da fisioterapia imediata em hospitais promove sua melhora funcional e sistemática, além de aumentar a qualidade de vida através de programas de exercícios que promovam fortalecimento muscular e ganho de massa magra.
Thermal injuries that occur in children and spills from hot liquids are among the most common accidents. When greater than 40% of the body extension, they are considered extensive and, in addition to local responses, lead to systemic repercussions. Among such repercussions are hypermetabolism, protein catabolism, and as a consequence it occurs loss of muscle mass and growth retardation, among other sequels. Thus, the objective of this work is to make a systematic review of the research literature involving humans and animals on the consequences of extensive thermal injuries on skeletal muscle, such as systemic impairment, in children. In addition, to discuss the importance of these data for the physiotherapeutic rehabilitation of burn patients. For that, articles in English indexed in the PubMed (National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health) databases were selected and evaluated. They were used as keywords, in the language already mentioned: “burn injury” or “thermal injury” and children and “skeletal muscle”. 34 original articles were selected, being 21 studies with animal experimentation and 13 clinical studies with humans. Thus, this work concludes that the rehabilitation of burned children through immediate physiotherapy in hospitals promotes their functional and systematic improvement, in addition to increasing the quality of life through exercise programs that promote muscle strengthening and gain lean mass
Thermal injuries that occur in children and spills from hot liquids are among the most common accidents. When greater than 40% of the body extension, they are considered extensive and, in addition to local responses, lead to systemic repercussions. Among such repercussions are hypermetabolism, protein catabolism, and as a consequence it occurs loss of muscle mass and growth retardation, among other sequels. Thus, the objective of this work is to make a systematic review of the research literature involving humans and animals on the consequences of extensive thermal injuries on skeletal muscle, such as systemic impairment, in children. In addition, to discuss the importance of these data for the physiotherapeutic rehabilitation of burn patients. For that, articles in English indexed in the PubMed (National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health) databases were selected and evaluated. They were used as keywords, in the language already mentioned: “burn injury” or “thermal injury” and children and “skeletal muscle”. 34 original articles were selected, being 21 studies with animal experimentation and 13 clinical studies with humans. Thus, this work concludes that the rehabilitation of burned children through immediate physiotherapy in hospitals promotes their functional and systematic improvement, in addition to increasing the quality of life through exercise programs that promote muscle strengthening and gain lean mass
HORTA, Célia Cristina. Consequências das lesões térmicas extensas no músculo esquelético de crianças: uma revisão sistemática da literatura. 2021. 52f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso de graduação (Fisioterapia) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2021.