Provar sem palavras: uma abordagem teórica para o ensino de Geometria
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Este trabalho tem o objetivo de desenvolver um estudo das provas sem palavras. A
abordagem teórica irá mostrar o conceito e o surgimento das provas sem palavras e
como elas se popularizaram em meados da década de 80 através de publicações de
uma coletânea de enunciados figurativos, desenvolvidos ou encontrados na literatura
mundial por diversos matemáticos e leitores da revista American Associate Magazine.
Pretende-se discutir, através de artigos acadêmicos, o que é e como a visualização
no ensino foi pouco discutida ao longo da história, e como ela é aplicada ao ensino
de Geometria, e propor provas sem palavras que podem ser abordadas ao longo do
currículo básico definido pela Base Nacional Comum Curricular. Para tal, serão
apresentados os enunciados figurativos em planos de aula, com seus respectivos
objetivos a serem trabalhados, bem como as habilidades e competências que serão
exploradas. Em seguida, será proposta a sua resolução com o auxílio do software
Geogebra, e um planejamento de aula, utilizando o dado enunciado, com dicas e
sugestões ao professor
This work aims to develop a study of proofs without words. The theoretical approach will show the concept and emergence of wordless proofs and how they became popular in the mid 80’s through publications of a collection of figurative utterances, developed or found in the world literature by several mathematicians and readers of magazine American Associate Magazine. It is intended to discuss, through academic articles, what is and how visualization in teaching has been little discussed throughout history, and how it is applied to the teaching of Geometry, and propose proofs without words that can be addressed throughout the basic curriculum defined by the Common National Curriculum Base. To this end, figurative statements will be presented in lesson plans, with their respective objectives to be worked on, as well as the skills and competences that will be explored. Then, it will be proposed its resolution with the help of Geogebra software, and a lesson plan, using the given data, with tips and suggestions to the teacher.
This work aims to develop a study of proofs without words. The theoretical approach will show the concept and emergence of wordless proofs and how they became popular in the mid 80’s through publications of a collection of figurative utterances, developed or found in the world literature by several mathematicians and readers of magazine American Associate Magazine. It is intended to discuss, through academic articles, what is and how visualization in teaching has been little discussed throughout history, and how it is applied to the teaching of Geometry, and propose proofs without words that can be addressed throughout the basic curriculum defined by the Common National Curriculum Base. To this end, figurative statements will be presented in lesson plans, with their respective objectives to be worked on, as well as the skills and competences that will be explored. Then, it will be proposed its resolution with the help of Geogebra software, and a lesson plan, using the given data, with tips and suggestions to the teacher.