A participação em pesquisas de saúde mental no Brasil
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O presente estudo tem como principal objetivo analisar os modos de participação
utilizados nas pesquisas de saúde mental no Brasil e os diferentes níveis de
colaboração implementados. Considerando a necessidade de identificar o
estado atual da literatura, será realizada uma revisão de escopo, permitindo
contribuir para as práticas, as políticas e a pesquisa científica, além de evidenciar
lacunas na literatura sobre o assunto em questão. Os artigos foram identificados
através da base de dados Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) no banco de dados
Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), e o
período considerado foi o de 2017 a 2021. Para a busca, foram utilizadas
palavras-chave relacionadas a saúde mental e participação, e os artigos foram
selecionados através do cruzamento do título, do resumo, das palavras-chave e
dos filtros utilizados (anos, país e idiomas). Encontramos 16 artigos que foram
analisados a partir de cinco categorias propostas por Cousins e Whitmore:
controle de decisões técnicas; abrangência dos grupos de interesse
participantes; relações de poder entre os grupos de interesse ao longo do
processo; plasticidade e permeabilidade do processo de gestão da pesquisa ao
contexto; e níveis de profundidade da participação de não especialistas no
processo. Os resultados demonstraram que as investigações foram compostas
por discussões, aprendizados e análises em que os participantes se tornaram
parte do processo, aproximando-se dos investigadores numa atuação de
horizontalidade durante a condução e poder de decisão em pesquisa,
qualificando, assim, a participação, tornando secundários os próprios objetivos
das pesquisas. Concluímos que pesquisas participativas podem fortalecer a
democratização do conhecimento, aprimorar a assistência a partir de experiências locais, enriquecendo os modos de abordar os problemas e contribuindo para pesquisas pluriepistêmicas.
The main objective of the present study is to analyze the different ways respondents participate in mental health researches in Brazil and the different possible levels of participation implemented. Considering the need to identify the current state of the literature, a scoping review will be carried out, allowing to contribute to practices, policies and scientific researches, besides highlighting gaps in the literature on the subject hereby. Articles were searched through the Virtual Health Library (VHL) database on the Latin American and Caribbean Literature Sciences Health (LILACS) database, and the period considered was from 2017 to 2021. For the research, key words related to mental health and participation were used, and articles selected by crossing the title, abstract, key words and filters chosen (years, countries and languages). Sixteen has been identified and analyzed according to the five categories proposed by Cousins and Whitmore: control of technical decisions; range of participating stakeholders; power relations among stakeholders throughout the process; plasticity and permeability of the research management process to the context; depth levels of participation of non-specialists in the process. The results showed that the investigations were composed of discussions, learning and analysis in which the participants became part of the process, approaching the researchers in a performance of horizontality during the conduct and power of decision in research, thus qualifying the participation, making secondary the very objectives of the research. It was concluded that participatory research can strengthen the democratization of knowledge, improve assistance from local experiences, enrich the ways of approaching problems and contribute to pluri-epistemic research.
The main objective of the present study is to analyze the different ways respondents participate in mental health researches in Brazil and the different possible levels of participation implemented. Considering the need to identify the current state of the literature, a scoping review will be carried out, allowing to contribute to practices, policies and scientific researches, besides highlighting gaps in the literature on the subject hereby. Articles were searched through the Virtual Health Library (VHL) database on the Latin American and Caribbean Literature Sciences Health (LILACS) database, and the period considered was from 2017 to 2021. For the research, key words related to mental health and participation were used, and articles selected by crossing the title, abstract, key words and filters chosen (years, countries and languages). Sixteen has been identified and analyzed according to the five categories proposed by Cousins and Whitmore: control of technical decisions; range of participating stakeholders; power relations among stakeholders throughout the process; plasticity and permeability of the research management process to the context; depth levels of participation of non-specialists in the process. The results showed that the investigations were composed of discussions, learning and analysis in which the participants became part of the process, approaching the researchers in a performance of horizontality during the conduct and power of decision in research, thus qualifying the participation, making secondary the very objectives of the research. It was concluded that participatory research can strengthen the democratization of knowledge, improve assistance from local experiences, enrich the ways of approaching problems and contribute to pluri-epistemic research.
RODRIGUES, Jussara Soares. A participação em pesquisas de saúde mental no Brasil. 2022. 75 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Interdisciplinar em Ciências da Saúde) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2022.