Análise dos planos de resíduos sólidos dos municípios da Baixada Santista
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A geração de resíduos sólidos urbanos (RSU) e sua gestão têm desafiado os responsáveis pelos serviços de limpeza pública nos municípios. A Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS), Lei Federal n.º 12.305/2010, estabelece os princípios, objetivos e diretrizes para a execução adequada da gestão dos resíduos sólidos. Entre seus instrumentos estão os Planos de Resíduos Sólidos, que devem ser desenvolvidos em vários níveis e são condicionantes para acesso a recursos da União. A qualidade desses planos é um tema que vem sendo pouco explorado na pesquisa científica, e propostas de aprimoramentos podem partir de experiências com a Avaliação Ambiental Estratégica (AAE). Assim, nesta pesquisa é explorado o contexto da Região Metropolitana da Baixada Santista (RMBS), com o objetivo de analisar os planos de resíduos sólidos, municipais e regional, tanto em relação ao atendimento do conteúdo mínimo exigido pela PNRS através de índices e indicadores, quanto em relação às potenciais contribuições de AAE, sobretudo frente à abordagem do Pensamento Estratégico para a Sustentabilidade (ST4S). Como resultado, quanto aos indicadores que foram atendidos por todos os municípios, aqueles que obtiveram melhor avaliação foram os relacionados ao diagnóstico dos resíduos e seus procedimentos de gerenciamento. O indicador relacionado à responsabilidade do poder público foi o próximo mais bem avaliado. Quanto aos indicadores que obtiveram menor atendimento, destacam-se aqueles relacionados à divulgação do plano, participação da sociedade e grupo de sustentação, com apenas dois, quatro e cinco municípios atendendo a cada um deles, respectivamente. Para o plano regional, além da participação da sociedade e do grupo de sustentação, o indicador referente às ações de prevenção e correção também obteve uma das menores notas. Considerando apenas as fragilidades do plano regional, quanto as contribuições da AAE, foi possível ressaltar, sobretudo, a necessidade de processos participativos, monitoramento de metas e indicadores, e avaliação aprofundada de riscos para elaboração de um plano de ação para emergências. As análises diante da PNRS e da AAE contribuíram com a identificação dos principais desafios e com a discussão de possíveis aprimoramentos no gerenciamento de resíduos da Baixada Santista. Destaca-se a necessidade de processos participativos descritos com mais detalhes e a disponibilização de informações atualizadas e de fácil acesso sobre a implementação do plano, desde a geração até a destinação final dos resíduos sólidos e avanços em novas soluções.
The generation of municipal solid waste (MSW) and its management is a challenge for those in charge of public cleaning services. The National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS), Federal Law No. 12.305/2010, establishes the principles, objectives, and guidelines for the proper implementation of solid waste management. Among its instruments are solid waste plans, which must be developed at different levels and are a condition for access to federal funds. The quality of these plans is a topic that has been little explored in scientific research, and proposals for improvements can be based on experiences with Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). Thus, this research explores the context of the Baixada Santista Metropolitan Region (RMBS), with the objective of analyzing municipal and regional solid waste plans, both in terms of meeting the minimum content required by the PNRS through indices and indicators and in terms of the potential contributions of SEA, especially in relation to Strategic Thinking for Sustainability (ST4S) approach. As a result, among the indicators fulfilled by all the municipalities, the ones that received the best evaluation were those related to the diagnosis of waste and its management procedures. The next best indicator was the one associated with the responsibility of public authorities. As for the indicators that received the lowest scores, those related to the publicity of the plan, the public participation and the support group stand out, with only two, four and five municipalities meeting each of them, respectively. For the regional plan, in addition to the public participation and the support group, the indicator relating to preventive and corrective actions also received one of the lowest scores. Considering the weaknesses of the regional plan, we found the lowest scores related to the participatory processes, the monitoring of targets and indicators, and the risk assessment and action plan for emergencies. The analysis of the PNRS demands and the SEA helped to identify the main challenges and to discuss possible improvements in waste management in Baixada Santista. The recommendations are directed to the advance in the registration of the participatory processes, and the provision of an up-to-date, easily accessible information on the implementation of the plan, from the generation to the final disposal of solid waste and on the progress of new solutions.
The generation of municipal solid waste (MSW) and its management is a challenge for those in charge of public cleaning services. The National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS), Federal Law No. 12.305/2010, establishes the principles, objectives, and guidelines for the proper implementation of solid waste management. Among its instruments are solid waste plans, which must be developed at different levels and are a condition for access to federal funds. The quality of these plans is a topic that has been little explored in scientific research, and proposals for improvements can be based on experiences with Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). Thus, this research explores the context of the Baixada Santista Metropolitan Region (RMBS), with the objective of analyzing municipal and regional solid waste plans, both in terms of meeting the minimum content required by the PNRS through indices and indicators and in terms of the potential contributions of SEA, especially in relation to Strategic Thinking for Sustainability (ST4S) approach. As a result, among the indicators fulfilled by all the municipalities, the ones that received the best evaluation were those related to the diagnosis of waste and its management procedures. The next best indicator was the one associated with the responsibility of public authorities. As for the indicators that received the lowest scores, those related to the publicity of the plan, the public participation and the support group stand out, with only two, four and five municipalities meeting each of them, respectively. For the regional plan, in addition to the public participation and the support group, the indicator relating to preventive and corrective actions also received one of the lowest scores. Considering the weaknesses of the regional plan, we found the lowest scores related to the participatory processes, the monitoring of targets and indicators, and the risk assessment and action plan for emergencies. The analysis of the PNRS demands and the SEA helped to identify the main challenges and to discuss possible improvements in waste management in Baixada Santista. The recommendations are directed to the advance in the registration of the participatory processes, and the provision of an up-to-date, easily accessible information on the implementation of the plan, from the generation to the final disposal of solid waste and on the progress of new solutions.