Avaliação do biochar de borra de café com microrganismos imobilizados e seu efeito na promoção de crescimento vegetal
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Em virtude das práticas agrícolas modernas, como a utilização massiva de insumos
químicos, e do crescente nível de emissão de gases de efeito estufa, está cada vez
mais latente a necessidade de encontrar tecnologias que ajudem na mitigação dos
impactos causados ao ecossistema. Nesse contexto, destaca-se o uso do biochar, um
material produzido pela pirólise de resíduos de biomassa. O biochar possui a
capacidade de melhorar propriedades físicas e químicas do solo, além de contribuir
para a retenção de carbono e aumento da biodiversidade microbiana. Sendo assim, o
presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a produção do biochar a partir de
resíduos de borra de café utilizando diferentes temperaturas, testar a imobilização de
microrganismos em sua superfície e investigar seu papel na promoção de crescimento
da hortaliça Eruca vesicaria subsp. sativa. O biochar produzido teve suas
propriedades físico-químicas caracterizadas por meio de titulação ácido-base e
análise de pH. Já a estrutura porosa do biochar, assim como a eficiência na formação
do complexo biochar-microrganismo, foi avaliada por Microscopia Eletrônica de
Varredura. As hortaliças cultivadas, na presença e ausência do biochar e do complexo
biochar-microrganismo, foram avaliadas pela determinação do número de folhas,
comprimento da parte aérea, massa da parte área fresca e massa da parte aérea
seca. O biochar produzido apresentou uma estrutura porosa com resultados positivos
para a imobilização de microrganismos. Quanto ao cultivo da hortaliça, a aplicação
apenas do biochar no solo não resultou em diferenças significativas na qualidade das
mudas de rúcula quando comparadas com o controle. No entanto, o uso do biochar
de borra de café inoculado com a cianobactéria A. platensis se mostrou capaz de
promover o desenvolvimento vegetal, tendo proporcionado os melhores resultados
para todas as variáveis avaliadas. Os resultados encontrados sugerem o uso do
biochar de borra de café como carreador de microrganismos e expõem o potencial da
A. platensis na promoção de crescimento vegetal.
Due to modern agriculture practices, such as the massive use of chemical inputs, and the growing level of greenhouse gas emissions, it is increasingly latent the need to find technologies that help to mitigate the impacts caused in the ecosystem. In this context, the use of biochar stands out, a material produced from the pyrolysis of biomass waste. Biochar has the ability to improve soil physical and chemical properties, besides contributing to carbon stock and increase of microbial biodiversity. Therefore, the present work aimed to evaluate the production of biochar from spent coffee grounds waste at different temperatures, test the immobilization of microorganisms on its surface and investigate its role in promoting the growth of the vegetable Eruca vesicaria subsp. sativa. The produced biochar had its physicochemical properties characterized by acid base titration and pH analysis. The porous structure of biochar, as well as the efficiency of the biochar-microorganism complex, was evaluated by Scanning Electron Microscopy. The cultivated crops, in the presence and absence of biochar and biochar-microorganism complex, were evaluated by determining the number of leaves, the length of aerial parts, the weight of fresh aerial parts and the weight of dry aerial parts. The produced biochar showed a porous structure with positive results for the immobilization of microorganisms. In terms of the vegetable cultivation, the application of biochar on the soil did not produce significant differences in the quality of the seedlings, when compared with the control. However, the use of spent coffee grounds biochar inoculated with A. platensis cyanobacterium was able to promote plant development, having provided the best results for all variables.The found results suggest the use of spent coffee grounds biochar as a carrier of microorganisms and put in evidence the potential of A. platensis in the promotion of plant growth.
Due to modern agriculture practices, such as the massive use of chemical inputs, and the growing level of greenhouse gas emissions, it is increasingly latent the need to find technologies that help to mitigate the impacts caused in the ecosystem. In this context, the use of biochar stands out, a material produced from the pyrolysis of biomass waste. Biochar has the ability to improve soil physical and chemical properties, besides contributing to carbon stock and increase of microbial biodiversity. Therefore, the present work aimed to evaluate the production of biochar from spent coffee grounds waste at different temperatures, test the immobilization of microorganisms on its surface and investigate its role in promoting the growth of the vegetable Eruca vesicaria subsp. sativa. The produced biochar had its physicochemical properties characterized by acid base titration and pH analysis. The porous structure of biochar, as well as the efficiency of the biochar-microorganism complex, was evaluated by Scanning Electron Microscopy. The cultivated crops, in the presence and absence of biochar and biochar-microorganism complex, were evaluated by determining the number of leaves, the length of aerial parts, the weight of fresh aerial parts and the weight of dry aerial parts. The produced biochar showed a porous structure with positive results for the immobilization of microorganisms. In terms of the vegetable cultivation, the application of biochar on the soil did not produce significant differences in the quality of the seedlings, when compared with the control. However, the use of spent coffee grounds biochar inoculated with A. platensis cyanobacterium was able to promote plant development, having provided the best results for all variables.The found results suggest the use of spent coffee grounds biochar as a carrier of microorganisms and put in evidence the potential of A. platensis in the promotion of plant growth.