Limiares de lactato e glicose como preditores do limiar metabólico em nadadores: série de estudos de caso
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Introdução: Na natação, a concentração de lactato sanguíneo [La-] e a velocidade dos nadadores são úteis para a avaliações de desempenho e consequente prescrição de treinamentos. Por meio do limiar de lactato (LL) é possível identificar o limiar metabólico (LM). Também tem sido observada a identificação do LM através da concentração de glicose no sangue [Glic], conhecido como Limiar Glicêmico (LG), em pesquisas com atletismo e exercício resistido. No entanto, ainda não está claro se a intensidade de natação no LL e LG é similar, já que apenas dois estudos propuseram o LG para a identificação do LM em nadadores. Objetivo: Comparar, verificar a correlação e a concordância entre a velocidade de nado determinada pelo LL e LG em nadadores. Métodos: A amostra foi composta por 5 nadadores de alto rendimento, com mínimo de cinco sessões de treinos por semana e três anos de programa de treinamento de natação. Foram utilizados os seguintes procedimentos de avaliação: anamnese, antropometria, relatório alimentar e de sono, teste incremental (5 x 200m crawl a 80, 84, 88, 92 e 96% da performance individual de cada nadador nos 200m crawl, para ambos testes) e o teste do lactato mínimo (2 x 50 m máximos crawl, com 1 min de intervalo, seguido por 5 x 200 m a 80, 84, 88, 92 e 96% da performance individual de cada nadador nos 200m crawl, para ambos testes). As amostras das [La-] e [Glic] foram coletadas no repouso, durante os intervalos e ao final do exercício através de uma punção dedo da mão. Foi utilizado o lactímetro Lactate Plus da Nova Biomedical e o glicosímetro One Call Plus II. Análise estatística: Foi realizada no software R Core Team (2024), utilizando o teste de Wilcoxon para amostras pareadas devido ao tamanho reduzido da amostra e à ausência de normalidade nas variáveis. Resultados: Não houve diferenças estatísticas significativas entre as velocidades associadas aos limiares de lactato (vLL) e glicêmico (vLG) nos testes incremental (p=1,0) e mínimo (p=0,18). Considerações finais: Os achados sugerem que vLL e vLG representam fenômenos fisiológicos semelhantes, sendo úteis na avaliação de nadadores, sugerindo o uso do LG como alternativa ao LL. Estudos futuros com maior número amostral são recomendados para validar essa equivalência.
Introduction: In swimming, blood lactate concentration [La-] and swimmers' speed are useful for performance assessments and consequent training prescriptions. Using the lactate threshold (LL) it is possible to identify the metabolic threshold (LM). The identification of LM through the concentration of glucose in the blood [Glyc], known as Glycemic Threshold (GL), has also been observed in research on athletics and resistance exercise. However, it is still unclear whether swimming intensity in LL and LG is similar, as only two studies have proposed LG for identifying LM in swimmers. Objective: To compare, verify the correlation and agreement between swimming speed determined by LL and LG in swimmers. Methods: The sample consisted of 4 high-performance swimmers, with a minimum of five training sessions per week and a three-year swimming training program. The following evaluation procedures were used: anamnesis, anthropometry, food and sleep report, incremental test (5 x 200m crawl at 80, 84, 88, 92 and 96% of each swimmer's individual performance in the 200m crawl, for both tests) and the minimum lactate test (2 x 50 m maximum crawl, with 1 min interval, followed by 5 x 200 m at 80, 84, 88, 92 and 96% of each swimmer's individual performance in the 200 m crawl, for both tests) . [La-] and [Glyc] samples were collected at rest, during breaks and at the end of exercise through a finger stick. The Nova Biomedical Lactate Plus analyzer and the One Call Plus II glucometer were used. Statistical analysis: It was carried out in the R Core Team software (2024), using the Wilcoxon test for paired samples due to the small sample size and the lack of normality in the variables. Results: There were no statistically significant differences between the speeds associated with lactate (vLL) and glycemic (vLG) thresholds in the incremental (p=1.0) and minimum (p=0.18) tests. Final considerations: The findings suggest that vLL and vLG represent similar physiological phenomena, being useful in the assessment of swimmers, suggesting the use of LG as an alternative to LL. Future studies with a larger sample size are recommended to validate this equivalence.
Introduction: In swimming, blood lactate concentration [La-] and swimmers' speed are useful for performance assessments and consequent training prescriptions. Using the lactate threshold (LL) it is possible to identify the metabolic threshold (LM). The identification of LM through the concentration of glucose in the blood [Glyc], known as Glycemic Threshold (GL), has also been observed in research on athletics and resistance exercise. However, it is still unclear whether swimming intensity in LL and LG is similar, as only two studies have proposed LG for identifying LM in swimmers. Objective: To compare, verify the correlation and agreement between swimming speed determined by LL and LG in swimmers. Methods: The sample consisted of 4 high-performance swimmers, with a minimum of five training sessions per week and a three-year swimming training program. The following evaluation procedures were used: anamnesis, anthropometry, food and sleep report, incremental test (5 x 200m crawl at 80, 84, 88, 92 and 96% of each swimmer's individual performance in the 200m crawl, for both tests) and the minimum lactate test (2 x 50 m maximum crawl, with 1 min interval, followed by 5 x 200 m at 80, 84, 88, 92 and 96% of each swimmer's individual performance in the 200 m crawl, for both tests) . [La-] and [Glyc] samples were collected at rest, during breaks and at the end of exercise through a finger stick. The Nova Biomedical Lactate Plus analyzer and the One Call Plus II glucometer were used. Statistical analysis: It was carried out in the R Core Team software (2024), using the Wilcoxon test for paired samples due to the small sample size and the lack of normality in the variables. Results: There were no statistically significant differences between the speeds associated with lactate (vLL) and glycemic (vLG) thresholds in the incremental (p=1.0) and minimum (p=0.18) tests. Final considerations: The findings suggest that vLL and vLG represent similar physiological phenomena, being useful in the assessment of swimmers, suggesting the use of LG as an alternative to LL. Future studies with a larger sample size are recommended to validate this equivalence.
GENUINO, Lucas Martins. Limiares de lactato e glicose como preditores do limiar metabólico em nadadores: série de estudos de caso. 2024. 72 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências do Movimento Humano e Reabilitação) – Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Santos, 2024