Elaboração de uma sequência didática com foco no tema drogas visando o ensino médio: uma abordagem CTS
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É possível perceber diversas pesquisas, tanto no Brasil quanto em outros
países, que trabalham com CTS (Ciência-Tecnologia-Sociedade), mostrando as
vantagens de se trabalhar com essa orientação, sendo uma delas proporcionar o
desenvolvimento de um cidadão que tenha decisões com responsabilidade social
relativa a ciência e à tecnologia. A partir disso, desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa que tem
por objetivo elaborar um material didático, no caso uma sequência didática CTS com
o tema drogas, para professores do ensino médio. Selecionou-se o tema “drogas”,
pois ele possibilita trabalhar questões controversas, em consequência é possível
trazer discussões acerca de conceitos científicos, além de trazer pontos reflexivos
desse tema para sua vida. É de grande importância salientar que os conceitos
científicos são sempre subordinados ao tema, ou seja, o propósito de CTS é trazer a
ciência para as perspectivas pessoais provenientes dos seus ambientes sociais,
tecnológicos conduzindo ao desenvolvimento das capacidades de pensamento crítico
e a tomada de decisões. O apoio metodológico utilizado são pesquisas referentes a
área CTS, fundamentando a seleção do tema e na proposição da sequência didática.
Como resultado desta pesquisa temos a elaboração da sequência didática, além de
sua aplicação parcial, que pode apoiar outras pesquisas relativas a encaminhamentos
dessa área.
It is possible to perceive several researches, both in Brazil and in other countries, that work with STS (Science-Technology-Society), showing the advantages of working with this orientation, one of them being the development of a citizen who has responsible decisions. relating to science and technology. From this, a research was developed that aims to elaborate a didactic material, in this case a STS didactic sequence with the theme drugs, for high school teachers. The theme “drugs” was selected because it allows working on controversial issues, as a result it is possible to bring discussions about scientific concepts, as well as bring reflective points of this theme to your life. It is of great importance to point out that scientific concepts are always subordinate to the theme, that is, the purpose of STS is to bring science to the personal perspectives coming from their social, technological environments leading to the development of critical thinking skills and decision making. The methodological support used is research related to the STS area, supporting the selection of the theme and the proposition of the didactic sequence. As a result of this research we have the elaboration of the didactic sequence, besides its partial application, which can support other research related to referrals in this area.
It is possible to perceive several researches, both in Brazil and in other countries, that work with STS (Science-Technology-Society), showing the advantages of working with this orientation, one of them being the development of a citizen who has responsible decisions. relating to science and technology. From this, a research was developed that aims to elaborate a didactic material, in this case a STS didactic sequence with the theme drugs, for high school teachers. The theme “drugs” was selected because it allows working on controversial issues, as a result it is possible to bring discussions about scientific concepts, as well as bring reflective points of this theme to your life. It is of great importance to point out that scientific concepts are always subordinate to the theme, that is, the purpose of STS is to bring science to the personal perspectives coming from their social, technological environments leading to the development of critical thinking skills and decision making. The methodological support used is research related to the STS area, supporting the selection of the theme and the proposition of the didactic sequence. As a result of this research we have the elaboration of the didactic sequence, besides its partial application, which can support other research related to referrals in this area.