Transistores de Óxido de Grafeno reduzido controlados por solução: da manufatura dos dispositivos à aplicação em biossensores
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Os transistores de efeito de campo de grafeno são extremamente sensíveis aos campos elétricos em seus arredores. A configuração denominada transistor de efeito de campo controlado por solução (SG-FET, solution-gated field-effect transistor) é adequada para biossensores porque uma solução aquosa é o ambiente natural de vários analitos (proteínas, espécies químicas, etc.). Além disso, essa configuração permite uma tensão operacional mais baixa do que a configuração tradicional de transistor (back-gated). O óxido de grafeno reduzido (rGO, reduced grahene oxide), em particular, surgiu como uma alternativa ao grafeno prístino para aplicação em sensores e biossensores baseados em SG-FETs devido às suas excelentes propriedades eletrônicas e à presença de grupos funcionais (ausentes no grafeno) combinados com a facilidade de processamento. Especialmente em meio aquoso, o óxido de grafeno (GO, graphene oxide), um material isolante, é facilmente disperso, permitindo a construção de filmes finos em vários tipos de substrato e posteriormente a transformação em filmes condutores de rGO. Esta monografia destaca as vantagens dos SG-FETs de rGO, com ênfase na redução do GO, as várias estratégias de fabricação dos transistores e suas aplicações em biossensores, que são dispositivos essenciais na área de Engenharia Biomédica.
Graphene field-effect transistors are extremely sensitive to electric fields in their vicinity. The so-called solution-gated graphene field-effect transistor (SG-GFET) configuration is suitable for biosensing because the aqueous solution is the natural environment of various analytes (proteins, chemical species, etc.). In addition, the use of a liquid gate allows a lower operational voltage than the traditional back-gated configuration. Reduced graphene oxide (rGO), in particular, has emerged as an alternative to pristine graphene for application in SG-FETs-based sensors and biosensors due to their excellent electronic properties and the presence of functional groups (absent in graphene) combined with the ease of processing. Especially in aqueous media, graphene oxide (GO), an insulation material, is easily dispersed allowing the construction of thin films on various types of substrate and further transformation in rGO conductive films. In this Chapter, we highlight the advantages of rGO SG-FETs, with an emphasis on GO reduction, the various device fabrication strategies, and their applications in biosensors.
Graphene field-effect transistors are extremely sensitive to electric fields in their vicinity. The so-called solution-gated graphene field-effect transistor (SG-GFET) configuration is suitable for biosensing because the aqueous solution is the natural environment of various analytes (proteins, chemical species, etc.). In addition, the use of a liquid gate allows a lower operational voltage than the traditional back-gated configuration. Reduced graphene oxide (rGO), in particular, has emerged as an alternative to pristine graphene for application in SG-FETs-based sensors and biosensors due to their excellent electronic properties and the presence of functional groups (absent in graphene) combined with the ease of processing. Especially in aqueous media, graphene oxide (GO), an insulation material, is easily dispersed allowing the construction of thin films on various types of substrate and further transformation in rGO conductive films. In this Chapter, we highlight the advantages of rGO SG-FETs, with an emphasis on GO reduction, the various device fabrication strategies, and their applications in biosensors.