Avaliação educacional “em nível hard”: uma análise do SARESP e dos dados sobre o uso da internet e o rendimento escolar durante a pandemia de COVID-19
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No início do ano de 2020 a humanidade se viu afetada pela pandemia de Covid-19, que
causou milhares de mortes ao redor do globo. Em meio ao choque e a necessidade de repensar
as dinâmicas sociais existentes, os sistemas de ensino precisaram avaliar as alternativas para
lidar com a situação vigente. Posto isso, durante os anos de 2020 e 2021 os estudantes do Estado
de São Paulo tiveram aulas de maneira remota. Em um país tão diverso quanto o Brasil,
existiram realidades de alunos que se adaptaram bem a forma de estudo remota e alunos que
encontraram grandes dificuldades em conseguir acompanhar as aulas e, apesar disso, a
Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo decidiu realizar a Avaliação de Rendimento
Escolar do Estado de São Paulo no ano de 2021. O presente trabalho tem o intuito de
compreender se o uso da internet para fins escolares, em um contexto pandêmico, influenciou
os resultados do SARESP de 2021.
Por meio da elucidação da trajetória de avaliações em larga escala no Brasil busca-se
ter referência documentada para estudar o contexto atual da educação no Brasil e, enriquecer a
discussão a respeito das políticas educacionais baseadas nos modelos de accountability.
At the beginning of 2020, humanity found itself affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, which caused thousands of deaths around the globe. Amid the shock and the need to rethink existing social dynamics, education systems needed to evaluate alternatives to deal with the current situation. That said, during 2020 and 2021, students in the State of São Paulo took classes remotely. In a country as diverse as Brazil, there were realities of students who adapted well to the remote form of study and students who encountered great difficulties in being able to follow classes and, despite this, the Department of Education of the State of São Paulo decided to carry out the Assessment of School Performance in the State of São Paulo in 2021. The present work aims to understand whether the use of the internet for school purposes, in a pandemic context, influenced the 2021 SARESP results. By elucidating the trajectory of large-scale evaluations in Brazil, we seek to have documented references to study the current context of education in Brazil and enrich the discussion regarding educational policies based on accountability models.
At the beginning of 2020, humanity found itself affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, which caused thousands of deaths around the globe. Amid the shock and the need to rethink existing social dynamics, education systems needed to evaluate alternatives to deal with the current situation. That said, during 2020 and 2021, students in the State of São Paulo took classes remotely. In a country as diverse as Brazil, there were realities of students who adapted well to the remote form of study and students who encountered great difficulties in being able to follow classes and, despite this, the Department of Education of the State of São Paulo decided to carry out the Assessment of School Performance in the State of São Paulo in 2021. The present work aims to understand whether the use of the internet for school purposes, in a pandemic context, influenced the 2021 SARESP results. By elucidating the trajectory of large-scale evaluations in Brazil, we seek to have documented references to study the current context of education in Brazil and enrich the discussion regarding educational policies based on accountability models.
PEREIRA, Beatriz do Prado. Avaliação educacional “em nível hard”: uma análise do SARESP e dos dados sobre o uso da internet e o rendimento escolar durante a pandemia de COVID-19. 2023. 46 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Bacharelado em Ciências Sociais) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, 2023