Defeitos congênitos: prevalência no estado do Acre - 2001 a 2010
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Defeitos Congênitos (DCs) são anomalias funcionais ou estruturais de órgãos, células ou componentes celulares que se instalam durante o desenvolvimento do feto devido a fatores genéticos, ambientais ou desconhecidos. Objetivos: Calcular a prevalência de nascidos vivos portadores de anomalias congênitas no Estado do Acre? identificar os defeitos congênitos, de acordo com os sistemas orgânicos acometidos, aplicando a padronização do capítulo XVII da CID10? caracterizar o perfil epidemiológico materno, segundo aspectos sociodemográficos e obstétricos? caracterizar o perfil epidemiológico dos recémnascidos, segundo características neonatais e tipo de parto. Material e Método: Estudo transversal, descritivo de abordagem quantitativa, utilizando dados secundários, obtidos por meio das informações armazenadas no banco de dados do Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos (SINASC) da base de dados do Ministério da Saúde da República Federativa do Brasil (MSBRASIL). A população de estudo referese aos nascidos vivos portadores de Defeitos Congênitos, de partos ocorridos no Estado do Acre, no período de janeiro de 2001 a dezembro de 2010. O projeto de pesquisa foi aprovado pelo comitê de ética e pesquisa da Universidade Federal de São Paulo/Escola Paulista de Enfermagem. Adotouse a resolução 466/12. Resultado: No período foram notificados 164.804 nascidos vivos (NV) dentre os quais 316 (0,2%) foram identificados como portador de algum tipo de defeito congênito, uma prevalência de 19,2/10.000NV. Na década estudada a prevalência anual oscilou entre 1,2 a 2,9/1.000NV. A região onde se verificou uma maior prevalência correspondeu ao Alto Acre (27,6/10.000NV). Entre os notificados constatouse um alto índice de DCs acometendo o sistema osteomuscular e o sistema nervoso. Dentre as características maternas chamou a atenção os extremos das idades maternas. Verificouse entre os nascidos vivos portadores de DCs uma maior prevalência de prematuridade, baixo peso ao nascimento, apgar de 1º minuto menor que 7, e maior índice de parto cesáreo. Conclusão: Os resultados deste estudo são relevantes uma vez que não existia até o momento dados informativos relacionados aos DCs no Estado do Acre, o que abrirá um leque de reflexão aos leitores e aos gestores municipais e estaduais.
Congenital Defects (DCs) are anomalies functional or structural organs, cells or cellular components that are installed during the development of the fetus due to genetic factors, environmental or unknown. Objectives: To Calculate the prevalence of live births with congenital anomalies in the Estado do Acre? To identify birth defects, according to the organic systems affected, by applying the standardization of Chapter XVII of ICD10? To characterize the epidemiological profile maternal, second sociodemographic aspects and obstetrics? To characterizing the epidemiological profile of newborns, second neonatal characteristics and type of delivery. Material and Method: A crosssectional descriptive study of quantitative approach, using secondary data, obtained by means of the information stored in the System's database of Information on Live Births from the database of the Ministry of Health of the Federative Republic of Brazil. The population of the study refers to live births defects, of Congenital Defects that occurred in the Estado do Acre, in the period January 2001 to December 2010. The research project was approved by the ethics and research committee of the Federal University of Sao Paulo/Paulista School of Nursing. Adopted resolution 466/12. Results: During the study period were reported 164,804 live births (NV) among which 316, 0. 2 per cent were identified as suffering from some type of congenital defect and prevalence of 19.2/10.000NV. In the period studied the annual prevalence ranged from 1.2 to 2.9/1.000NV. The region where there was a prevalence corresponded to Alto Acre (27.6/10.000NV). Among the reported there was a high rate of DCs affecting the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system. Among the maternal characteristics drew attention the extremes of maternal ages. It was found among the live births with DCs a greater prevalence of prematurity, low birth weight, apgar score at 1 minute lower than 7, and higher rate of caesarians delivery. Conclusion: The results of this study are relevant since it does not exist to date information related to DCs in the Estado do Acre, which will open up a range of reflection to the readers and managers municipal and state.
Congenital Defects (DCs) are anomalies functional or structural organs, cells or cellular components that are installed during the development of the fetus due to genetic factors, environmental or unknown. Objectives: To Calculate the prevalence of live births with congenital anomalies in the Estado do Acre? To identify birth defects, according to the organic systems affected, by applying the standardization of Chapter XVII of ICD10? To characterize the epidemiological profile maternal, second sociodemographic aspects and obstetrics? To characterizing the epidemiological profile of newborns, second neonatal characteristics and type of delivery. Material and Method: A crosssectional descriptive study of quantitative approach, using secondary data, obtained by means of the information stored in the System's database of Information on Live Births from the database of the Ministry of Health of the Federative Republic of Brazil. The population of the study refers to live births defects, of Congenital Defects that occurred in the Estado do Acre, in the period January 2001 to December 2010. The research project was approved by the ethics and research committee of the Federal University of Sao Paulo/Paulista School of Nursing. Adopted resolution 466/12. Results: During the study period were reported 164,804 live births (NV) among which 316, 0. 2 per cent were identified as suffering from some type of congenital defect and prevalence of 19.2/10.000NV. In the period studied the annual prevalence ranged from 1.2 to 2.9/1.000NV. The region where there was a prevalence corresponded to Alto Acre (27.6/10.000NV). Among the reported there was a high rate of DCs affecting the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system. Among the maternal characteristics drew attention the extremes of maternal ages. It was found among the live births with DCs a greater prevalence of prematurity, low birth weight, apgar score at 1 minute lower than 7, and higher rate of caesarians delivery. Conclusion: The results of this study are relevant since it does not exist to date information related to DCs in the Estado do Acre, which will open up a range of reflection to the readers and managers municipal and state.
ROCHA, Cicero Francalino da. Defeitos congênitos: prevalência no estado do Acre - 2001 a 2010. 2015. 78 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, 2015.